
Pressure knot malfunctions

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Anyone here had any issues with line sets causing pressure knot malfunctions? Currently have a 90 Airwolf, 2.7wl. I had my 3rd pressure knot mal on the same side, same lines yesterday.

Canopy was bought new with 60 - 70 jumps total on it now. Lines are in good condition as you would expected with with less than a 100jumps on it. Lines are the 575's from Fluid, and was ordered as my previous DZ was dusty and it was to be my work wing. 

I pack my own gear and take extra care with line stowage. Switched from a semi-stowless back to a regular dbag in an attempt to manage lines better with deployment. 

Any ideas or feedback from the forum? 

Blue skies. 

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I don't think the lines are 575, maybe just the brake lines.  I think the lines are 400, but I could be wrong.  Most important part is to make sure the brake lines are not twisted.  

I have had a tension knot, but it was in brake line.  I will include a link.  If you get a tension knot make sure you release the opposite toggle, then the knot side.  Most times this will release the knot.  


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