Night jumps without a full moon

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I've seen night jumps at Eloy on New Years with no moon. Brian Burke said he didn't think it was all that good of an idea, but he allowed it because of tradition.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Many years ago your night vision was better. Like all younger people. Of course it is do-able, but the risk level goes up. If you land out with no light it is unlikely you will be able to judge your flare properly. If you are then injured you may not be found till morning. But yes, it can be done.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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I have done a few without the moon, a few more with the moon. NO moon means you don't have the shadow thing going on which is a plus. Landing off would blow but I've found as long as you have stayed in a dark a/c for 20min and no fools with bright lights your eyes adjust fairly well. Add in a decent lighting system on the PLA and I liked no moon jumps in some ways better than full moon jumps. YMMV.

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Just did one recently! It was kind of planned but not really. Did a demo and stayed longer then planned.

Dropped one jumper at his house on the way back, then flew over another airport and me and one other jumper got out, so we had runway lights atleast.

The jumps were planned...at night was not, we were expecting sun setish jumps, but got full night with no moon. So we didn't exactly have night gear. Not exactly smart, but it was fun!

All very experienced PRO rated jumpers.......

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Years ago we did a lunar eclipse load at Cross Keys and it was awesome. Half the plane decided they wanted to pull high and check it out. It was late Oct or Nov so it was pretty cold and no one bothered to tell the high pulling folks that they wouldn't really get to see much :)

Really cool ride to altitude to watch the eclipse and then freefly in the dark!!!

Would do it again without question.

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