Mad maori

170 Safire3 or 170 sabre3 is there much init????

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A licence looking for highest performing canopy im aloud to fly, "recomended wl 1.1ish"  ide buy and jump a petra tomorrow and love every second of it but since I'm jumping from dz plane I have to abide by there rules which is OK. I want my own gear its sort of like would u share ur misses with everyone at the dz mmmmmmmm? Thoughts on flight characteristics between the two is there anything that one does better? Also thoughts on similar size 7 cell canopys for wingsuit rides kraken,omega,epicine pro,pilot7 or are they all much the same???

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9 hours ago, wmw999 said:

Please -- every now and then that troll is actually a student who's only magnifying the troll, and not as knowledgeable.

There are few experienced skydivers to whom NZA will sell a Petra, so I think he'll be all good.

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