
Just curious: how many jumps, how many cut-aways?

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Around a 1000 with zero chops. I pick up the repack on Saturday so the risk will be higher this weekend, of course.


1800+ jumps
3 cutaways
First cutaway: Student status - Jump 13 (my second pack job)
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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23 jumps, 1 cutaway. Believe it was jump 18. But, I'm had it happened early, because I know what it feels like, and I don't feel nearly as anxious when jumping now. But, like others have said, cutting away is so that you land safe...it doesn't really measure how many good, safe landings...maybe the injury/death rate per number of jumps would give a clear pic of the risks of skydiving. That being said, I have never been seriously injured. I had a careless, don't know what I was thinking, roughish landing on pavement. I felt lucky to only have a few scrapes, bruises and body aches for a few days. As for mom, hopefully she will get used to the idea and come to accept it. When my mom found out I was going to do a tandem jump, I told her "mom, I'm jumping with a pro! Don't worry worry, I'm not stupid enough to want to jump myself!" Well....here we are lol. And I do NOT find skydivers stupid whatsoever! But, once I took the time to start learning about the risks, and realizing that skydivers REALLY do want to live to jump again, it put things in perspective. Let your mom know how much learning as much as you can about the sport means to you and that you are going to be learning from highly qualified instructors, who won't let you advance unless they feel you are ready. I know I had to repeat some AFF jumps! My mom is coming around to the idea finally. She doesn't LOVE it, but she's glad I found a hobby I enjoy. She even asks me sometimes "so, did you jump this week? How was it?" And I really think she's being sincere.

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246 jumps

2 cutaways in the first 125 or so jumps.

Some people hit 2000 jumps without a cutaway, others have a cutaway while in AFF. Be ready on every jump.
I was put on this earth to do one thing. Luckily I forgot what it was so I do whatever I want.

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