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Parler, Rumble, will intensify right wing extremism

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On Parler, trump's conspiracy theories uninhibited by Facebook and Twitter constraints are spreading like covid at a trump superspreader event. Antifa, election stealing, crooked Dems., are discussed like the latest guns at a NRA convention. #Dominion, #Sharpiegate, #QAnon trade back and forth with One America News Network, NewsMax and the latest topics FOX bashing. FOX the target because Tucker Carlson made a foolish mistake of evidentially telling the truth that trump lost the election. Alex Jones, his home is Parler and Rumble(a Youtube alternative).

GOP politicians and top conservatives are now bolting to the Parler bunker, as they increasingly see their tweets get labeled — and invalidated — as misinformation on Twitter.

Parler, Gab, MeWe, and Rumble Are Creating a Massive Right-Wing Echo Chamber  

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes was parrying questions from Lou Dobbs, a nominally Trump-friendly anchor, who asked him bluntly if the GOP had a legal plan to save Trump.

“In order to win these battles,” Nunes said, “we have to have a place to communicate. When you ask, what are we doing now, that’s why millions of Americans are flooding over to Parler. They’re flooding over to Rumble.”  "Over the weekend, Parler shot to the top of Apple’s App Store in downloads. As of Monday, it had eight million members, nearly double the 4.5 million it had last week. Rumble said it projected 75 million to 90 million people will watch a video on its site this month, up from 60.5 million last month. And Newsmax said more than 3 million people watched its election night coverage and that its app has recently been in the top-10 daily apps downloaded from Apple’s App Store."

Evidently, the GOP, trump and the right wing is plotting payback.


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I actually created a Parler account the other week just to jump on and see what it was like. Honestly I haven't seen anything on there yet that I haven't seen on Twitter, "conservatives" freaking out about censorship on Twitter are generally just mad that they won't let you post flat-out lies, and even that skates through reasonably often.

Also Parler is incredibly clunky in terms of UI/UX. It's going to go the same way as Gab did before it, and fizzle away until the next "fReE sPeEcH!!!?!" platform pops up.

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I call BS. Anyone who is a genuine "right-wing extremist" as you put it, is already underground and communicating way off the radar. Despite all the bias against them in the media (and here), conservatives aren't stupid. One of the the biggest and most common mistakes in human nature is to underestimate one's opponent; one does so at one's peril.

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20 minutes ago, markharju said:

conservatives aren't stupid

As people say - after you die, you don't feel anything. It's only sad for the people around you. Same goes when you're stupid.

Many conservatives are definitely stupid, I'd say a majority actually. But many leftists are also stupid. People are just people, and intelligence follows the normal distribution.

26 minutes ago, markharju said:

One of the the biggest and most common mistakes in human nature is to underestimate one's opponent; one does so at one's peril.

Well the conservatives definitely underestimated their opponent during the last election. Despite record turnout for their candidate, they still got beaten by 6 million.

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5 hours ago, olofscience said:

As people say - after you die, you don't feel anything. It's only sad for the people around you. Same goes when you're stupid.

Many conservatives are definitely stupid, I'd say a majority actually. But many leftists are also stupid. People are just people, and intelligence follows the normal distribution.

Well the conservatives definitely underestimated their opponent during the last election. Despite record turnout for their candidate, they still got beaten by 6 million.

The exit polls show very clearly that the less well educated are far more likely to be Trumpists.

Don't know how that correlates with stupid, though it may correlate with less well exercised critical thinking skills.

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18 hours ago, gowlerk said:

Like a gigantic tailgate party with lots of booze and guns.

That actually sounds enticing and appeals to my conservative side. At least with muffs on and the sound of gunfire I wouldn't have to listen to their nutty ideas.

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8 hours ago, markharju said:

I call BS. Anyone who is a genuine "right-wing extremist" as you put it, is already underground and communicating way off the radar. 

Given that a great many right wing extremists have been identified by their posts on social media, and arrested before they committed their crimes - that's provably false.  Genuine right wing extremists are not known for their intelligence.

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12 hours ago, markharju said:

... Despite all the bias against them in the media (and here), conservatives aren't stupid...

Who thinks Covid is a hoax?
Who thinks Q is real?
Who thinks Trump won the election?
Who thinks there's widespread voting fraud?
Who has fallen for Trump's con job?
Who thinks HRC had anything to do with Benghazi?

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20 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Who thinks Covid is a hoax?
Who thinks Q is real?
Who thinks Trump won the election?
Who thinks there's widespread voting fraud?
Who has fallen for Trump's con job?
Who thinks HRC had anything to do with Benghazi?

Mama always said, "stupid is as stupid does".


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6 hours ago, ryoder said:

Well, there is a conspiracy theory that the FBI created Parler just to put all the nutcases in one place, so they would be easier to monitor.

For anyone interested, when I did my sign-up experiment I just followed everyone they suggested at the time of account creation. Here's the list of who they steered me to immediately in the main column, and a listing on the right of who they're suggesting I get on board with now, after zero posts:


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29 minutes ago, mistercwood said:

For anyone interested, when I did my sign-up experiment I just followed everyone they suggested at the time of account creation. Here's the list of who they steered me to immediately in the main column, and a listing on the right of who they're suggesting I get on board with now, after zero posts:


Kirstie Alley???

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Assuming that the place remains just a circle-jerk of conspiracy bullshit, with no libtards to fight with and nobody getting banned to spark outrage, will they just get tired of the lack of controversy and move on? I imagine that as long as there's a platform there will be some nutters on there, but will it stay as big as it currently is?

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