
Well we know what group skydivers fit into now...

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1 hour ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi airdvr,

Re:  'Hoping Trump transitions power nicely'

Just another way your guy is nothing but a dipstick.

Four years ago conservatives were cheering and yelling, excited about what their awesome candidate was going to do to "drain the swamp."
Now they are publicly hoping he will leave without too much of a tantrum and without doing too much damage to the United States.

How times change.

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On 11/17/2020 at 1:14 PM, Pirate0321 said:

Ridiculing others who aren’t scared and prefer freedom is not the answer and doesn’t make you better or more intelligent. If you dont want to go to a boogie, don’t go. Nobody is requiring you to participate. 

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but some opinions are wrong and deserving of ridicule.

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On 11/17/2020 at 2:14 PM, Pirate0321 said:

Ridiculing others who aren’t scared and prefer freedom is not the answer and doesn’t make you better or more intelligent. If you dont want to go to a boogie, don’t go. Nobody is requiring you to participate. 

That is equivalent to saying if you dont want to get killed by a drunk driver, never drive a car. Clearly you havent figured this out yet, but we are all in this together. This is a GLOBAL pandemic. As in, it affects everyone. When you and your homes to out to the bar and end up getting infected, you risk other's lives when you start walking around in public as a virus factory. Maybe you walk by an old lady at the grocery store and then she gets infected from you and dies.

How exactly do you think COVID is transmitted? By a bunch of super sick people who are out in public sneezing everywhere? It's transmitted by people who dont know they are infected and they are moving around in public unknowingly spreading it to everyone.

With regards to being scared, the virus doesn't care if you're scared of it or not. The ICU and morgue are full of people who weren't scared of the virus.

Edited by Westerly
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