
I really cant pack parachute

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This is what happens when new jumpers buy new gear. They generally get the largest canopy they can possibly squeeze into the smallest container so that they can have "room to downsize".

You have given yourself the most difficult pack job you possibly can to learn on. Keep trying to learn, or get a hybrid canopy that is less slippery, or get a larger container, or hire packers until the slippery canopy is more broken in.


Or: buy a well-used canopy that easier for you to pack.
I jumped rental Triathalons that were so not slippery they were almost sticky for 180ish jumps after getting licensed. Easy way to learn! Since then, I only buy canopies with 800+ jumps on them - saves me money (just do the math before buying to account for new line sets) plus I can pack easier! That's the ultimate way to be lazy and cheap :)

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I like that you "called your shot" Babe Ruth style.

Ah, a person who's not a skydiver actually asked if"did I signal I was going to use my second chute?", then she thought about that and was like "oh no sorry, that doesn't make sense, I watched the video again".
I was like "actually, I like that reasoning". LoL
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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How does it feel spinning at almost 10G? Was it heavy reaching cutaway?

Fun fact: When WL is 2.2 (like yours is), your canopy size in ft equals your exit weight in kg :P

Closer to 2.4 really, I gained some weight. :D
Honestly? It was quite a bit tougher than I expected, I could swear I thought and went for a two handed grab, given the spin, but by looking at the video, that definitely wasn't the case (one-hand is how I practice on the ground anyway). I could definitely feel my arms getting very heavy, like 2 or 3 times their usual weight (I think I was at about 4G according to the flysight, not quite 10G).
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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***Bet ya you can still do a better job than what I did yesterday... LoL


Was that a tension knot? Is your pack job all that contributed to it?
Yes and no, yes in the sense that it was the exact same symptom, but no: it was caused by a line caught in the Removable Slider ring, if you go at the end of the video I posted a couple of pictures of the error (that was all on me) after I recovered the canopy.
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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Bet ya you can still do a better job than what I did yesterday... LoL


Skyhook really likes disengaging for no obvious reason... Does anyone have any stats on that? I've heard anecdotal numbers that it disengages when it shouldn't more frequently than other MARDs, but nothing hard.
"Skydivers are highly emotional people. They get all excited about their magical black box full of mysterious life saving forces."

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That is true. If you make it too narrow it is too thick when you fold it. But like i said it is best to show someone in person, video in my opinion is difficult to show the subtle things we can do with our hands, and knees with regards to where and how much pressure to apply in order to control a slickery canopy while trying to get it in the bag.

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.............. Skyhook really likes disengaging for no obvious reason... Does anyone have any stats on that? I've heard anecdotal numbers that it disengages when it shouldn't ....


We have much less data on other types of MARDs: pin (Strong Boost) or trap (Mirage).
Too little data to reach conclusions.
Let's wait 5 years, until we have sufficient data for comparisons.

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I do the first fold put it in the bag then do the send and third folds in the bag, it works for me Ive never seen anyone else doing it but I can get any canopy in its bag pretty easy

Reverse S-Fold...

This is what I do. I find it works quite well when I'm s-folding. I generally z-fold for sub-100 canopies but, it depends on a few factors.

Packing is one of those things that you learn and then continue to learn. There are a lot of different ways to pack and then a heap of different techniques or "tricks" as tickle called them that you will pick up from others.

I actually pack pretty odd based on tricks and techniques that I've learnt from different people and am generally able to bag difficult canopies.

Recently I've been trying not flaking since I'm curious to see if it makes much of a difference (it does, my normal pack jobs are more consistent). I've also tried packing standing up and a few other ideas.

tl:dr: go get lessons and/or chat with people about how they pack, you may learn a technique that really helps you rather than just struggling at it alone.

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Bet ya you can still do a better job than what I did yesterday... LoL


. Wow glad it turned out ok for you. I love my lookma slider. But I have decided that it's easier to reattach as soon as it get to the packing area while I'm still wearing my rig
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Wow glad it turned out ok for you. I love my lookma slider. But I have decided that it's easier to reattach as soon as it get to the packing area while I'm still wearing my rig

Actually, thank you!
I will start doing this, not because I think it's easier, but because then, when walking the slider down the lines, it should be much harder for me to not spot this mistake in the future. I will try and change my packing routine to attach the slider immediately before I drop the rig down. B|
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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***Reverse ’S’ folds saved me from crying many manly tears. It’s the only way I can get my canopy (or any canopy for that matter) into a bag.

There's no crying in skydiving.

I don't know, I've gotten pretty close, I just tell people it's sweat. Getting the GD canopy in the D-bag kills me. Getting down to the cocoon, too easy, stows and closing up the container no problem, but bagging the bastard....

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