
David Blaine Balloon Jump

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I did not watch the entire 3 hours of video, but I have watched many of his stunt/tricks, which I did think were something I  wouldn't do (who wants to freeze  themselves?).  I watched the entire thing from the moment of lift off. A bunch of excessive concern below 15,000  about blood ox levels, and no where enough dirt diving for the entire thing( he did not seem prepared enough on so many levels).  Why wasn't he wearing an altimeter the entire time?   

But  this one only left me with one thought:  none of the others were  nearly as impressive as they seemed at the time if this was indicative of his "stunt ness".

And "land facing the airport" (so specific)  just added to  the wtf.  Not enough experience and not nearly enough preparation, IMO.


@dudeman17. I'm sure he has lackey's  or the actual owner of the rig to go and fetch it later.  :lol:


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didin't watch it live and fast forwarded through the whole thing. The melodramatics were so obviously wuffo directed. I thought the whole thing was Meh.  Luke didn't seem overly impressed and I hope he earned good coin for the assist.  Nothing about the stunt seemed overly dangerous or risky,

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