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41 minutes ago, kallend said:

When facts suddenly overwhelm your propagada.

Love it.
Last week:  Democrats are ginning up “mass hysteria” and are “panic pushers” for calling the Coronavirus a "crisis."  It's "another hoax" - just "another attempt to impeach the president.”

But that was then.  Now Hannity is lauding Trump for dealing with the "crisis."  Now "the world will once again benefit greatly from America’s leadership" - Trump will work "to stem the tide of the coronavirus.”

So last week it was a fake crisis.  This week Trump is a hero for  . . . pushing a fake crisis.

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12 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Highly unlikely.

It seems to have started in a wild animal market in Wuhan.
It likely came from a wild animal. Bats are suspected but no proof yet.

One link (search 'Is coronavirus man made' to find a zillion more):


OTOH, Jerry Falwell Jr is advocating that ides.
That, in and of itself makes me doubt it.

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29 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The virus stolen from the level 4 lab here in Winnipeg? There was a Chinese scientist fired from there and accused of espionage last year.


Edit to add. If you read more of the article it pretty much claims that every new virus in the news for the last 15 years is part of a vast conspiracy.

Edited by gowlerk

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43 minutes ago, airdvr said:

When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Apparently every virus you've ever heard of has been as a result of bioweapons research. 


Personally I think he's just after some fame through scaremongering and conspiracy theories.

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6 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Here is what I've heard is one of the more accurate summaries of cases:



If someone has a better one, or good info that this is not accurate, I welcome correction.

I've been using John Hopkins (which I trust and does not have the political muzzel the CDC has) for continuous updates. Also Worldmeters, though the data may be less accurate, but has been close to JHU so close enough for me.



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1 hour ago, wolfriverjoe said:

OTOH, Jerry Falwell Jr is advocating that ides.
That, in and of itself makes me doubt it.

Jerry Falwell Jr. Suggests Coronavirus is a North Korean Bioweapon Attack on U.S.

Here is a lengthy article on Jerry Falwell Jr and the batshit crazy Christian right. How he has turned a Christian university into a personally piggy bank that will enrich him more that the biggest televangelist. How he uses fear, bullying, lying to enrich those around him.

"In interviews over the past eight months, they depicted how Falwell and his wife, Becki, consolidated power at Liberty University and how Falwell presides over a culture of self-dealing, directing university resources into projects and real estate deals in which his friends and family have stood to make personal financial gains. Among the previously unreported revelations are Falwell’s decision to hire his son Trey’s company to manage a shopping center owned by the university, Falwell’s advocacy for loans given by the university to his friends, and Falwell’s awarding university contracts to businesses owned by his friends."

During 'Fox & Friends' interview, Jerry Falwell Jr. suggests the coronavirus is a plot to hurt Trump and says Liberty University will continue to hold in-person classes

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19 minutes ago, turtlespeed said:

Then please explain the Churches around the country closing their doors to sermons, and counseling, and any human contact?

At least one church here apparently had their service (admittedly not a large one) using Zoom this last Sunday. At least according to someone in a meeting I was in. 

And of course, the megachurch folks can just tune to their church's TV station...

Wendy P.

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On 2/27/2020 at 6:40 PM, Bigfalls said:

You say that like it is a bad thing.  Individually it is bad but over all, there are too many people on earth so for society in the long run, not so bad.  Fewer people, fewer fossil fuels used, less CO2 in the atmosphere, less "global warming", I mean climate change.

Saw a report on the wire services today that the spacecraft which measure air pollution in Europe have seen a huge decrease in  sulfur dioxide in the major cities, and appears to be  directly attributable to the reduction of emissions caused by the shutdown.

In other news, satellite photos of cemeteries outside the "holy city" (yeah, right) of Qom in Iran appear to show mass graves being bulldozed. Results are inconclusive, as photos taken from 150-250km away tend to be, but the signs weren't there before. One can only hope that this will hasten the end of the tyranny. Also hope that the Pahlavis are waiting and ready to go.


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5 hours ago, airdvr said:

MSN?  Really?  

Are you claiming that MSN has somehow taken control of Fox News archives and changed them?  Really?

I suppose to be a supporter of the lying fraud in the White House you have to be able to suspend reason and logic.

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4 hours ago, headoverheels said:

At the present rate of increase, in two weeks there will be more cases in the US than in China.

I don't know that the d/dt is very meaningful right now, and may just represent the increasing availability of testing (but we're still behind where we need to be).

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15 minutes ago, kallend said:

I don't know that the d/dt is very meaningful right now, and may just represent the increasing availability of testing (but we're still behind where we need to be).

The number of confirmed cases in my home province of Manitoba just doubled a few minutes ago. Testing is available here and has been for a while.

Edited by gowlerk

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Trump says he knew coronavirus was a pandemic 'long before' it was declared

today 03/17/20, Yet March 9th it was ""The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant," Trump tweeted at the time."

Too bad he never gave FOX and Hannity a heads up about his clairvoyance. Or the CDC and the American people.

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