
Info/Manual to pack Flag Bag in a Startrac Flight Concepts

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Hi any info would be apreciated, its a startrac 1 260, with a POD sewed into the attachment point top skin, I dont really know how to pack that POD, also the canopy comes with another POD and a colapsable Pilot chute

I already surf the manufacturer website for a manual and cant find any.








Edited by aerorigging

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It looks like what you have there is just an attached bag. That's normal on there retract pilot chute systems. I'm not seeing a "flag bag" in your pictures, that is also a thing. Flight concepts builds a flag bag on the bottom skin. Flag flies between the canopy and riser. 


So if it's just the attached deployment bag. This is something they often do with retract, not to be confused with collapsible pilot chutes. The cord bridle runs through rings inside the canopy. When you pack it you pull out the bridle you compress those rings, making sure the fabric is clear. On opening the rings spread retracting the bridle so that the pc is sucked into that grommet and nothing trails behind the canopy. It's a CRW thing. The bag is attached so that the weight of it done not pull the pc and bridle out of the canopy during a wrap when the canopy is collapsed. If it is lose the bag will swing around like a bolo and wrap around things. That's what a lot of companies have gone to tail pockets. 


To pack it you first need the proper length cord bridle. Attache it to and route it through the internal rings. When you pack it clear the fabric. You had to fold it so that the grommet is at the top. Pull the bag around the canopy and close just like any canopy. Bridles tend to be short. You might want to go to a pullout. But you may need a cord extension because the base of the pc will actually be pulled into the grommet.


Call Red, he will walk you through it.



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