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 Dave Dewolf

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Rest in peace Dave. You will forever be a friend, idol, mentor and inspiration to me.

Like many, Dave trained me initially to be a rigger. After a few years I got good at it. One night in Eloy Dave, Weird Wayne, Dave Mahoney and myself were sitting around a campfire. Mahoney and I had the loft there at the time. Listening to  Dewolf and His Weirdness discuss so many things that were way above the heads of Mahoney and mine was one of the greatest treats of my life. Respect, Love and Peace to you my friend. Mahoney and I still talk about that night.





"There's a pork chop in every can"



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CELEBRATION OF LIFE for our beloved Handsome Dave - June 29, 2019 at Maytown Sport Parachute Club. MSPC is located at Donegal Springs Airpark (N71), 188 Airport Road, Marietta, PA 17356. The celebration will begin at 3:00PM. at 4:00 there will be an ash drop at the Susquehanna River. Transportation will be arranged at MSPC as we will need to carpool. We return to the airport afterwards. Dave is providing the beer and Harvey's Bar-B-Q will be catering.

Trudy extends her thanks to all for the well wishes and offers of assistance.

~from The Herd Facebook page

Edited by SStewart
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As did many many others I got my Rigger Rating from Handsome Dave.  I came back to his loft for several years after to help teach.  Dave loved jokes, but wasn't the best at punchlines.  One night after class, Dave was in the loft, (which was in his basement), and he heard two jokes back to back.  The first was "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous"  and the second was "I'm an atheist, Thank God!"

He bounded up to the kitchen and loudly announced "I'd give my right arm to be an atheist!!!"

The next year I taught I was looking in his desk for something and I found 3X5 cards of jokes with the punchlines,,,

He will be missed.

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Sad to hear this news.  Dave was a great guy.

I'll share a story from 2015 when I was getting my senior ticket at Paraloft.  There was an attractive young lady in our class who lived in the area and jumped with Dave.  He walked up to her one day and said slowly, "I bet you a dollar I can make your tits dance, without touching them."  After she indicated some kind of agreement to the bet, Dave grabbed her tits, reached in his pocket and handed her a dollar.

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World Meet Z-Hills 1981..... the boogie between competition jumps I got grounded for a low pull (gee seemed normal to me) and Dave noticed that scene.  Grinning and on the sly, he pulled off his boogie wristband and gave it to me.  "Keep jumping, I'll get another."  

One of a kind, ol' Dave.  Miss him.  R.I.P to a good man. 

In pic, he's on far right in younger days. 


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