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Can an atheist get into Heaven

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There was a bit of discussion in the Bonfire, in regards to Stephen Hawking passing.
Someone posted a cartoon of him sitting in his wheelchair at the bottom of the 'stairway to Heaven.' and the comment was made that it wasn't accurate because he was an atheist and wouldn't go there.


Can an atheist make it into Heaven, presuming Heaven exists?

From one point of view, it's a clear "No." According to the more vocal Christians, the bible clearly states that "No man shall come to the Father except through me", meaning anyone who doesn't 'accept Jesus as his personal savior' is out of luck.

OTOH, it also states something to the effect of those who don't will spend time in limbo or purgatory, awaiting judgement day, when their eternal fate will be decided.

Some folks believe that a good person will be allowed into Heaven, no matter what they did or didn't believe. That it's deeds, not words.

And of course, some firmly believe that there is no Heaven or Hell at all, that it's all just made up. But they might be wrong.

So, as I noted in the Bonfire, Hawking was an amazingly intelligent man. By most accounts he was a kind and humble man too. A decent fella.
Would God create this sort of man, and then punish him with eternal damnation because he wasn't able to believe in an entity that has zero evidence? Only faith and belief?

And of course, because the idea started in the Bonfire, "boobies" has to be an option.
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Some folks believe that a good person will be allowed into Heaven, no matter what they did or didn't believe. That it's deeds, not words.

If there is such a thing this is my hope, and how I try to live.

If the condition for entry is 'believe or else' then fuck that guy. I don't want to go anyway.

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As a lifelong agnostic Christian, I’d have to say “it’s up to God,” and just leave it at that. Because, well, if there is a God, who’s to say that they’re as we imagine? It’s like asking your cat if Johnny will get into Harvard.

So I voted boobies.

Wendy P.
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As a lifelong agnostic Christian, I’d have to say “it’s up to God,” and just leave it at that. Because, well, if there is a God, who’s to say that they’re as we imagine? It’s like asking your cat if Johnny will get into Harvard.

So I voted boobies.

Wendy P.

Eloquently put.

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***As a lifelong agnostic Christian, I’d have to say “it’s up to God,” and just leave it at that. Because, well, if there is a God, who’s to say that they’re as we imagine? It’s like asking your cat if Johnny will get into Harvard.

So I voted boobies.

Wendy P.

Eloquently put.


Yeah, she's pretty good at that. :)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I actually hate these questions because they cause more trouble than provide solutions.

Heaven is a destination according to Judeo-Christian faith and belief.

Sin is not what you do or don't do per se. It is being out of relationship with God, the Creator of all that is, was and, is to come. That relationship is established through Jesus, the Christ.

Does your ego relate to your body and the world? Or, do you surrender your ego and relate to your spirit and God?

The path for the latter is to accept Jesus, the Christ, into your heart, receive the Holy Spirit and allow him to guide you.

It is a path of stumbling upward.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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If the condition for entry is 'believe or else' then fuck that guy. I don't want to go anyway.

This. If there is a god and he/she/it gives a shit about whether we stand in a pointy building singing about how great they are or whether we have stupid little ringlets and a beard or wear a daft outfit then they're a capricious arsehole that deserves no respect or adoration.

If they care more about how I've lived my life then they'll do all right by me and I'll happily eat my hat... or Kippah or Turban or whatever it's supposed to be.

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if there is a God, who’s to say that they’re as we imagine?

That is the point of "divinely inspired" books like the Bible, they are supposed to give a picture into God's mind, for those that believe the writing in the book.

Personally, I like to think there are as many "religions" as their are religious people on earth, as each person has in their imagination a unique picture of what God is like, what the afterlife is like, and who will be there.
It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".

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So I voted boobies.

The real point of this thread is so someone could post Monty Python's Christmas in Heaven. It's got a stairway, it's got Heaven, it's got boobies, it's Christmas, every single day.

It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".

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Yes, they can. That is to qualify that there's nothing in any given religious text or history that proves they are the religion by which our universe is governed. They all stand on equal footing and if anything prove that they are all wrong. If there is an afterlife there is no incantation or pledge of fealty that elevates one person above another. For all anyone knows we pass into a fourth dimension where we know all and see all in all time and space. Or we might just be reincarnated as cats.
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Sin is not what you do or don't do per se. It is being out of relationship with God, the Creator of all that is, was and, is to come. That relationship is established through Jesus, the Christ.

How would you define 'being in a relationship with God'?
Does it involve blind worship and drone-like acceptance? Because if so, see above.

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Sin is not what you do or don't do per se. It is being out of relationship with God, the Creator of all that is, was and, is to come. That relationship is established through Jesus, the Christ.

How would you define 'being in a relationship with God'?
Does it involve blind worship and drone-like acceptance? Because if so, see above.

Communication in the spirit with the Holy Spirit.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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In a recent documentary/interview with Warren Buffet, they asked him about his thoughts on the afterlife (he’s 87).

He replied “As you know, I’m a life-long agnostic. It could be quite exciting; it could be nothing at all
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I actually hate these questions because they cause more trouble than provide solutions.

Heaven is a destination according to Judeo-Christian faith and belief.

Sin is not what you do or don't do per se. It is being out of relationship with God, the Creator of all that is, was and, is to come. That relationship is established through Jesus, the Christ.

In other words, sin is critical thinking. There's nothing, really, that suggests there is a god to have a relationship with, but it's our fault if we don't establish it anyway?

In any other relationship that sort of thing would be called Gaslighting.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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To no one and to all. Stephen Hawking is in the same place we will all end up. There is but one place and we all share it. God told me.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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It's odd that you'd phrase this question, "presuming heaven exists," then give people an option to vote that heaven does not exist. But OK, your poll, your rules. MHO is that a kind and loving god would not condemn a good person to eternal hellfire and torment, simply because that person did not believe in a system based purely on faith and not evidence. In other words, yes.

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Can an atheist make it into Heaven, presuming Heaven exists?

Well even if the rules of the after life said they could go to heaven, I think they should refuse to go just on principle. What good are you if you don't stand up for your principles.

I personally wouldn't mind if Stephen Hawkins is allowed in, but if Richard Dawkins, or Christopher Hitchens show up I'm starting a petition to them kicked out.

Mostly though, where ever Stephen Hawkins is I hope he can ditch that wheel chair and go for a walk and stretch for a bit.

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Can an atheist make it into Heaven, presuming Heaven exists?

Well even if the rules of the after life said they could go to heaven, I think they should refuse to go just on principle. What good are you if you don't stand up for your principles.

I personally wouldn't mind if Stephen Hawkins is allowed in, but if Richard Dawkins, or Christopher Hitchens show up I'm starting a petition to them kicked out.

Mostly though, where ever Stephen Hawkins is I hope he can ditch that wheel chair and go for a walk and stretch for a bit.

Do you think that if a god existed he/she/it could shut Christopher Hitchens up?

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