
The fastest non cross braced canopy?

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Let's say cross braced canopies don't exist. Which canopy you will take on your next CP competition and why?

Im interested to see if we gonna end up with a list of 10-15 canopies, or more like 3-4.

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Probably would go with the xfire by icarus spain on this one, pretty much the only canopy at this time with the schumann platform without x-bracing think if makes it more efficient/faster than some of the older designes.

Definitely not faster than a katana. It does carry farther distance. And now they want to be known as Icarus world lol.

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The new Skylark's Odyssey EVO would definitely be the winner :)
It's not crossbraced in common sence (like tri-cell), but it's ribs design not the same as another non-crossbraced canopies, it has V-Ribs - two V-aligned ribs instead of one power rib, so top skin count 26 cells instead of 18 and whe whole wing much cleaner and smoother, and the canopy's rigidity and performance exceeds some 7-cell classic crossbraces, but has a bit less pack volume and cost, modern planform and trim.
Canopy love and can normally handle high wingloads (I fly Odyssey EVO-75 @2.3 for everyday work jumps and it's not the limit).

Some info here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4887475



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Looks like a very interesting canopy. Do you happen to know why the miniribs on the tail are not equally spaced between ribs in the bottom skin? It looks odd. Does it have inflatable stabilizers? Can't really tell from the pictures, but it looks like it doesn't.

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Tail miniribs spaced agsainst top skin V-Ribs, top skin divided to 26 chambers, bottom to 18. At the tail V-Ribs can't work because of very thin space, so it transforms to tail miniribs. I see no any problem in seeing like miniribs not equally spacing, really it spacing equally if not count a stitch between cells where V-Ribs ends and miniribs starts.
Stabilizers are non-inflatable, from designer's answers I understand that in this configuration is better to stay it classic and not to spend inflatable cells for not building lift but just for stretching.
It flies absolutely awesome even in my non-pro-swooper's hands:

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They are available now, going to full production about last two weeks.
There are not only HP/ultraHP Odyssey EVO, but full EVO line with Magellan EVO (9-cell less elliptical) and 7-cell Skipper EVO all with V-Ribs, and now they are working on new comp-class Scirocco EVO machine.
You need to find nearest Skylark dealer and ask him about demo, I don't know are there demo canopies now near You, but I know that demo program for EVO line exists and they are producing now many canopies for demo.

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Ok, what is ultra-HP?
In my opinion it's capability of keeping good speed-building and flying characteristics under wingloaging far beyond 2.0 with good control and feedback and it's all about new Odyssey EVO.
If Velocity or Icarus FX/VX despite it's obsolete now is in ultra-HP class, why Odyssey EVO which performs at least not worse and for sure outperforms any non-xbraced canopies can't be in ultra-HP? In fact it's definitely ultra-HP canopy with only alternative ribs system and tuned for more miltipurpose usage than competition-class ultra-HP, so it recovers shorter than uncompromising competition swoop-tuned Scirocco, but it can built a lot of speed and swoops really far too. It's for filling the hole between modern HP-class and competition ultra-HP and for replacement of old design's 7-cell x-braced canopies, also it's excellent as first ultra-HP canopy.
Because nose is not so closed, air pressure in canopy maintains high enough even at relatively low wingloads like 1.5-1.6 making canopy still very rigid and fun to fly, but it's full potential definitely starts to open at wingloads beyond 2.0, and identifies this canopy as ultra-HP for sure.
I've done about 1200 jumps on Scirocco-72 @2.4-2.5 and now I don't want to change Odyssey EVO for it back for everyday work jumps because Odyssey EVO suits this much better and is still very-very fun to fly.
But waiting for Scirocco EVO... :)

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Not sure if you understood me correclty, but I never said that Odyssey isn't a good or high performance canopy.

Ultra-HP canopies are build for one, and only one purpose - competition swooping, not anything else. Examples being Petra, Peregrine, HK and also Scirocco (which doesn't get the respect it deserves). Velo and JVX are not ultra-HP canopies (not even close)

There are also more tuned down versions of the above, that would follow what you refer to as "filling the hole between modern HP-class and competition ultra-HP" - these are Leias, Valkyries, Airwolves etc. I also wouldn't put Odyssey here.

If you say that Odyssey is performance-wise comparable to Velo/JVX, why put it 2 classes higher?

Again, I'm sure EVO Odyssey flies great. The original version got a lot of nice feedback and with improvements it for sure is a great canopy.

But let's not put WRC cars to F1 class :)


But waiting for Scirocco EVO... :)

Same here. I've done few hundred jumps on Sciroccos between 2.3 - 2.8 WL and without a doubt it's a beast, which definitely outperforms modern 7-cell Shumann's planform wings, by far!

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Not sure if you understood me correclty, but I never said that Odyssey isn't a good or high performance canopy.

Ultra-HP canopies are build for one, and only one purpose - competition swooping, not anything else. Examples being Petra, Peregrine, HK and also Scirocco (which doesn't get the respect it deserves). Velo and JVX are not ultra-HP canopies (not even close)

Ok, I know that competition ultra HP in last decade shifted to much higher performance level, but Velo/VX/JVX 10 years ago was ultra-HP for sure, maybe You're right about nowadays, but I still consider them (as all other x-braced) as ultra-HP, maybe I'm wrong, it depends of point of view and is a question of terminology.
As for me there are ultra-HP canopies which performance level is higher than non-xbraced elliptical HP canopies and in last years are next level competition-class (Petra etc).
Maybe we'd call entry-level x-braces as "x-braced HP class" if You don't like word "ultra" for them? :)

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Probably would go with the xfire by icarus spain on this one, pretty much the only canopy at this time with the schumann platform without x-bracing think if makes it more efficient/faster than some of the older designes.

Spain? You do know their tech comes from NZ, right.

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***Probably would go with the xfire by icarus spain on this one, pretty much the only canopy at this time with the schumann platform without x-bracing think if makes it more efficient/faster than some of the older designes.

Spain? You do know their tech comes from NZ, right.

Nope. The two companies parted ways a while ago and the S-Fire and X-Fire canopies are their own babies.

To absent friends

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