
Tandem baglock

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Had one a bunch of years ago. The two outside locking stows on the bag were too short (packer related problem). Both stows let go at the same time and one line hooked over the D Bag dead centre next to the drogue attachment (that was the scariest trap door acceleration). The canopy eventually came out of the D Bag after the chop. The canopy and D Bag were lost however I've seen quite a few bag lock chops with sport mains and expect the drift after chop to be somewhat faster to the ground than dropped handles.

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Has anyone ever seen a tandem baglock. If so can you tell me how far it traveled after being cutaway and the aprox speed of the wind that day. Any info would be helpful


I'm assuming you've lost a canopy in its bag. It should not go very far if the canopy stayed in the bag, and unless its landed in dense bush, or moving/deep water should not be too hard to find.

If you find the free bag, that should give an idea of the wind direction, and if you know the opening/exit point, give you a rough line to walk in your search.

As long as some member of the public hasn't picked it up and souvenired it.(that does happen)

I always made a point of training people, if they dropped something on opening, like a cutaway/ripcord handle, to immediately put their toes together, and, using them like a gun sight, to look straight down and identify the point on the ground that they are above, and also anything obvious they can use as a reference point to locate that position.

That gives a good starting point for a ground search, which is very effective if you can get a few people together to help search, in a logical pattern.

Even if you don't find something initially, it can at least tell you where something isn't. That can tell you where you might search next.

An alternative I've found works well, if there are any local kids around, is offering a reward if they find and return lost gear. I've had a lot of lost handles, freebags and stuff returned to the DZ that way.

Good luck, it sucks losing gear.
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Yes i know all about bag locks i have found 37 of them but what i am lookong for is the drift on a tandom baglock i have been recovering cutaways for over 40 years and this is the first tandem baglock i have been involved in looking for i am just trying to get an idea how far that 52 inch drouge takes it down range. You are absoluty right when you have a cutaway look straight dowm and take mote where you are this gives us a starting point i was so impressed you said that tell everyone. Thats the number one problem i have when i go after a cutaway is trying to find the point where the cutaway took place. Your so heads up wow.
Take care

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The one I had the most trouble finding, even though I knew were the spot was, and we had a sighting line from the DZ, was a bagged canopy which had just vanished.

Turned out it had landed in a deep but narrow drainage ditch that had blackberry bushes growing over the top of it. The bag had punched through the foliage which had then closed over the top of it. Took me hours to find it even though the search area was quite small, and I was pretty sure it was in that area. The black bag didn't help either.

With a tandem, sometimes the drogue is collapsed, which causes the initial problem. In that case it might not drift far.

I guess you could get an idea of drift if you do a few experiments, attach an old drogue to a similarly weighted object, and biff it out at 5 grand at a known point and a known wind speed (say 15 knots) and track it. That should give you a rough idea of distance.

(And yes, I know there are rules about dropping uncontrolled objects from planes, just call it a drifter!)
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One would assume that the drogue must have collapsed upon release and would thereby have little to no effect on the drift of this heavy package. You’re looking for a rather small and relatively heavy wad that was descending very quickly.
But you know all that.

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