
Suggestions on Skydiving vacation/places to jump on vacation

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Looking for some suggestions mid-February of places to go where we can vacation and skydive! We have 13 days and would like to spend 3-5 days skydiving and the rest exploring, hiking, snorkelling, etc. Bonus points if jumping is on a beach.

We are Canadian with B license and our own gear. We have jumped in the US, at Xielo in Colombia, and Skydive Vallarta in Mexico. We are not really looking at the US, but open if a suggestions fits the bill. A place we can fly to cheap is EVEN better. This does not need to be a boogie or big dropzone, we just love incorporating some jumping into vacation plans. Canada sucks right now!


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We are not really looking at the US, but open if a suggestions fits the bill

I travel for work almost every other week, and every month or so I will stay for the weekend and hit up a new DZ in the area. I enjoy seeing and jumping in new places.

So if you have the following criteria:

- Affordable and easy to get to
- Exploring, Hiking, snorkeling available in the area
- Good weather this time of year

Sounds like you are describing Florida. Grab a Southwest right into Orlando or a Delta into Daytona and do all those things within a 30 minute drive in any direction and flights are usually less than $300 USD.
=========Shaun ==========

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You could try to get on the waiting list for Rich Grimms Exotic Boogies. Hits all the points you describe. I wouldn't call it cheap, but its not crazy expensive either. I would say it has lots of value.

They are going to be in Belize this year and returning to Costa Rica (Rumor) next year.
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Yip. Im the CI at Ground Rush. We most certainly do love having fun jumpers around. As a primary tourist destination we have quite a few foreign jumpers passing through our dropzone. Namibia is also a beautiful country to visit. There is plenty to do and see here.

Pop me a private message if you guys are keen and I can send you some info.

Blue skies,


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Yip. Im the CI at Ground Rush. We most certainly do love having fun jumpers around. As a primary tourist destination we have quite a few foreign jumpers passing through our dropzone. Namibia is also a beautiful country to visit. There is plenty to do and see here.

Pop me a private message if you guys are keen and I can send you some info.

Blue skies,

This is a fantastic place to visit with some jumping included. I'm planning on returning at some point.
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