
Packing Lodi

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Can’t speak to tandems, but packers can only charge $5 for fun jumpers. These are the “Bill Says Rules”. If a packer charges more, and some have, Bill kicks them off the DZ when he finds out. There is nothing to keep a jumper from tipping his/her packer and most do.

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Can’t speak to tandems, but packers can only charge $5 for fun jumpers. These are the “Bill Says Rules”. If a packer charges more, and some have, Bill kicks them off the DZ when he finds out. There is nothing to keep a jumper from tipping his/her packer and most do.

Or you could just pack yourself. Seriously, I used to absolutely despise packing. It made me want to punch myself in the face. Yet here I am now and I pack every jump and I do it on a brand new canopy which sucks ass to pack. You just have to fight the suckness and after you do it two dozen times you'll be doing it all the time. If you make 300 jumps in a year, that's $2800 a year saved assuming $7 a packjob plus tip. You could literally buy a new main every 225 jumps from the money saved.

So look at it that way. Pay someone to pack your stuff or do it yourself and buy a brand new main every 225 jumps with the money saved. Which sounds like the better deal now?

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***Can’t speak to tandems, but packers can only charge $5 for fun jumpers. These are the “Bill Says Rules”. If a packer charges more, and some have, Bill kicks them off the DZ when he finds out. There is nothing to keep a jumper from tipping his/her packer and most do.

Or you could just pack yourself. Seriously, I used to absolutely despise packing. It made me want to punch myself in the face. Yet here I am now and I pack every jump and I do it on a brand new canopy which sucks ass to pack. You just have to fight the suckness and after you do it two dozen times you'll be doing it all the time. If you make 300 jumps in a year, that's $2800 a year saved assuming $7 a packjob plus tip. You could literally buy a new main every 225 jumps from the money saved.

So look at it that way. Pay someone to pack your stuff or do it yourself and buy a brand new main every 225 jumps with the money saved. Which sounds like the better deal now?

There was a time when no experienced jumper used a packer. When I started jumping in 1985, the instructors often packed their own tandem rigs and packed student rigs while teaching their student how to pack.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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