
Is my D bag too large?

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I have an Aerodyne Icon I6, a standard pack volume ZP 170 main and 193 LPV Nano reserve. The I6 is intended for 190 - 210 canopies. The d bag is clearly too large, but I am wondering if it's safe to use. The issue is more that I am not sure if I am getting enough tension on the locking stows. I double wrap all of the locking stows, and the two center stows seem tight enough, but the two end stows are barely strong enough to pick up my bag off the ground by the lines (the bag weighs 7 lbs). I find that the two outer locking stows are pulled all the way to the grommet (show in pic). When I first put a new rubber band on, the two outer stows seem tight enough. But after a few jumps the rubber band stretches out enough that the bands barely provide enough tension to lift the bag off the ground (and in some cases I cant even do that). That's with them double wrapped.

So I am wondering if the bag is fine as is, I should get an I5 D bag, or I should just downsize my reserve and get a smaller container. I am able to close the rig and have enough tension on the closing loop. I had to shorten it a bit, but the main seems fine in the container with a shorter closing loop.

Photos: https://imgur.com/a/eZB918b

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My DZSO answer is yes, it is too large.

However the broke-ass skydiver would just run smaller bands, I single stow with small bands (sorry PD) but if you were to double stow with small bands (even with an empty dbag) there will still be enough tension to hold the lines in place.

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I am not sure I would be able to double stow with a small band. The small bands are hard to get my fingers in, and double stowing with one would seem really hard. I could possibly triple stow the outer stows and double stow the inner ones?

Another option might be to just buy the next size smaller D bag.

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I haven't had a problem doing it. I'll caveat that with the fact I'm running 400lb HMA so that could definitely be a contributing factor.

Keep in mind that the D Bag is made specifically for the container so anything different has the potential to sit awkward, affect the opening or not put enough pressure on the closing loop. I'd recommending trying one out before you commit to purchasing one.

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For a crude, quick, ugly fix, I have sewn tucks in the seams of a d-bag to reduce it's volume. What I mean is to pinch an edge of the bag, and sew inboard of that edge.
Getting a new bag might be better though, and then one still has the original to go with the rig when it eventually gets sold.
(Of course one still has to be able to have good pin tension no matter what bag is used.)

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