
What is this toggle/riser arrangement?

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A jumper I know had toggle hangups on both sides during a jump.

The rig is a Vector 3, but I don't see that toggle and riser arrangement on the UPT web site, so it is likely an aftermarket system.

The toggle has common narrow/sewn tips on both ends, with the top tip to go through the cat's-eye on the steering line brake setting as ususal, but also one on the bottom to go into a stiff pocket, not flat on the riser, but instead, with the bottom end sewn to the riser and the top end free which can flip back and forth after the toggle is unstowed.

I know that I am not providing much info, but does anyone know what type of system this is?

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Pictures would be a big help. I know of one manufacturer who makes toggles with tips that are four layers thick of type 4 instead of the usual 3 layers. I've known them to hang on to the cat eye and not let go. I don't recall anything at the bottom like you are talking about.

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What you are describing are the old Mirage risers.
Rigging Innovations did something similar as well. So it's one of the two. A picture should be enough for me to tell you which one is exactly.
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As Deyan figured out, sounds like the Mirage design of the 2000's. Pics attached.

Yes, I think that is it. I can't figure out how the problems occured. Maybe they were not stowed optimally. The excess steering line on one side was hitched around the bottom toggle tip keeper.

Does anyone know if Mirage Systems stopped using this design because of problems?

(I got to look at the system only briefly, and did not get to ask the owner anything. I will at some point.)

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I might have stated that wrong. The toggle itself was not "hung up". On one side the excess steering line was "hitched" around the keeper thing for the bottom tip of the toggle. The other side was similar.

I should have taken a picture, shouldn't I have?

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the excess steering line was "hitched" around the keeper thing for the bottom tip of the toggle

hmm. seems like it might be related to how the excess was stowed on that particular jump - if somebody decided to stow it the same way UPT used to recommend it be stowed with Tru Lok toggles, that could open a person to that type of problem on those Mirage risers, I reckon...

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