
Strong Pop Top chest container PC options?

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The Strong Lil Grabber is a suitable substitute. I am told that this reserve was TSO'd with the Strong 26' Lo-Po and 24 FT Flat Circular modified by Strong with a tri-vent steering modification as the only acceptable canopies.

I have a serviceable Lil Grabber that came off a trade-in canopy that's yours for the asking.

Give me a call (407) 859-9317 6 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Thurs (closed Fri). We can catch up then you can get more history on that reserve from our powers-that-be. My email is jhawke@strongparachutes.com - I'm not in the forums nearly as often as I used to be.

I'm out of the office tomorrow, but I will be monitoring email . . .

Be well, Mate.
Arrive Safely


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Thanks John. Will call tomorrow. Couple of questions for you to. One for you to research ahead of time. Are the Descent rate specs on the 30-foot lopo compared to the 26-foot lopo mid light right? website specs have the 30 foot coming down faster than the 26 with only a few pounds more. Just doesn't seem right. Talk soon. Thanks Terry
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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