
flag flying

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Here we go again. There was another thread on this not to long ago. Sorry. Don't recall the title.

Yes you can fly flags like this. They are generally packed on the bottom of the canopy. Pack volume is huge. Need a larger slow canopy that can tolerate that amount of drag on it. Very different from hanging a flag below. Deployment more complicated. If you really want to do this call Red Pain at Flight Concepts International in Atlanta GA. Have him build a system for you. I'll tell you right now, it's easier to carry the flag in a belly mount and deploy it below you with a weighted leading edge.

[email protected]

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Here's the other thread. Yes, it's possible to fly such a flag, but there are plenty easier (and less risky methods).

I cannot shake the impression that flying a flag from your D-lines is a distinctly American thing to do, in order to avoid all sorts of nasty reactions when some fabric in a particular colour pattern touches the ground...

If you want pictures of a simpler system, PM me. I have one that attaches the bottom end to your foot, and the top end can be hooked into your lines after a regular clean deployment. Picture is in the other thread somewhere as well.

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I've seen this system as well as another version where the jumper has a "loop" that runs to an extra attachment point on their canopy and they "raise" the flag by pulling on the loop after it opens. The first option takes a large canopy already and adds the entire flag's bulk to the packjob also. Think of a 210 canopy packing like a 320 or so depending on the type and size of the flag. The second option requires lots of rigging to keep the lines correct for opening and then under canopy you have to attach the flag to the lines. This involves a lot in in air rigging with the possibility of dropping the flag, hooking it up wrong or a dozen other bad situations.

Neither of these are situations I would want to do on a regular basis.

The Foot on the bottom and attach the top to a riser works well for some flags. The only limit here is that unless you properly account for it it can be hard to run out a landing if you have it too short.

The drop flag method works best since it can be ditched with out interfering with the rest of the gear if needed.
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