
Attaching the leg loops for FF?

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So I know that attaching the leg loops together for freeflying is intended to help prevent the leg loops from crawling up while sit flying, but I dont understand how they prevent it form happening. I have sat in a chair using an FF friendly rig with the leg loops tied together and even with the leg loops cinched tight I was still able to work the loops up and over my knees.

Anyway, I have to make some leg loops FF friendly and I have a bunch of 550 cord laying around. Can I use standard 550 paracord to tie them together or do I need something that actually stretches? How long should it be?

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The thin bungee isn't expected to physically prevent the leg straps from sliding towards the knees in all circumstances, but just to provide a little tension to prevent them from doing so when the leg straps are not under tension. E.g., when knees are moved up rather than in-line with the body.

A few people use something solid between the attachments, like a pullup cord, and it must work for them, but most want something with some stretch.

Placement of the attachment points also varies; how high or low to place the bungee.So some rigs and jumper combinations may be better or worse. (I think some rigs have the bungee placed too low, almost "at the bottom of the leg strap loops" rather than "part way down the butt from the hips", but that's a fairly unqualified opinion.)

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I always asked the same question. The only way I can imagine any additonal bands would help is if the cords would be connected to the rig infront and on the back of the legs. That could be easily integrated in the straps and made field replacable. I'm surpised noone has actually started thinking or atleast testing this method.

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