
Pat Swovelin BSBD

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OK, it's "the day after;" Pat's stunning military funeral at Riverside National Cemetery went off without a single hitch (sniffle). On behalf of the entire family, I want to say "Thank You!" to everyone who attended; your participation does honor to the memory of our loved one. Special thanks go out to the Military Honors Detail ('Taps' ans a 21-gun salute; WOW!). Also, thanks go to the Patriot Guard Riders, who really shined with their escort and their 'hallway of flags,' thanks to old friends Chet Bennett, John Miller, and Norm Van Pelt. Finally, I must also say thank you to Eddie & Gilbert at the Outback Steakhouse in Moreno Valley (they opened early just for us and we took over the place!) THANK YOU to everyone for your wonderful support and for giving Patrick such a unique and memorable send off! Peace.

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Pat Swovelin got planted and is cast off with pomp and circumstance.... Nice silver metal casket that clashed with his style contains remains. Still, that was the quietest Pat I've heard in our 39 years of knowing. Military pomp and circumstance with 21 gun salute, flag, and honor to a Vet, a friend, lover, and family. Graveside that tribe gathered. Sky people were balanced by military, bikers, Hollywood, and 360 camera freaks. Folks dressed up nice.

Life ends ...Taps' ethereal call graced us with peace

Day is done,
gone the sun,
From the hills,
from the lake,
From the skies.
All is well,
safely rest,
God is nigh. . . .

At the ceremony Interesting cross cut of disparate folks from time eras. Example, 7' tall "Lurch" (Adams Family butler) pal of Pat is taking on Pat's projects in 360 photo work. Pat's kids mature and poised carry the flag. Visuals of hordes of folks I haven't seen in 30-40 years reinforced notions that age is unfriendly albeit friends are ageless. Lots of Film and kids friends balanced the last supper into a good mix. Swovelin family did/is super. Great ceremony blunted the pain and eased the passing of a touch stone who illuminated our time. He now carries his light to shine across a dark river Styx to capture follies beyond our ken. God bless and love my friend, you and your kin.
Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,

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Hi Friends-of-Pat! This Sunday is July 1, the Patrick Life Celebration at Perris Valley DZ! The memorial flower drop jumps (& the kid's tandems) will be about 3:30, followed by a Patrick Pool Party with lots of food & a keg of beer:), and we'll see you there!;)

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Patrick, I can't believe it's been a year. It seems like yesterday that we were chatting, but it also seem like I've been missing you forever. Your wonderful kids planted a Purple Plum Tree at Perris today in your honor. The "Patrick Tree" will be there for years, growing up towards those beautiful Blue Skies.

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Today was a good day. Pat's kids, Alanna & Preston, got a beautiful display case for the US Flag from Pat's Military-honors funeral. Plus, a commemorative tree was planted in his honor in the Memorial Park at PVA. It's a Plum Tree that will provide shade for years (and Patrick will love the PURPLE color).

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Hi Friends-of-Pat! I'm pleased to report a major embellishment to Patrick's Purple Plum tree at the Memorial Park at PVA. Patrick's memorial plaque finally arrived and it now commemorates his tree. So, whenever you're out at Perris, if Patrick happens to come to mind, consider dropping by the N/E corner of the park to say "Hi!"

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