
Bob "Senor" Raecke

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Bob taught me the FJC, jumpmastered my first jump in 1982, my first freefall, several other student jumps, then signed me off instruction. I haven't jumped near Albany since early '87 but have always wanted to visit again & see/jump w/him. Damn.

What happened?

Jon Schaeffer
Kennesaw, GA

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There's a thread in Incidents about it, but information is minimal. He came out of his harness in freefall; the speculation is that is was suicide.

Senor was a longtime teacher, mentor, coach and friend. He was a fixture at many different dropzones, includes Mohawk Valley Skydiving, Vermont Skydiving Adventures, and The Blue Sky Ranch. He was deeply loved and touched many lives. His death is hitting the jumping community here in the Northeast very hard. There a facebook group, RIP Senor, for anyone who is interested...
May the (relative) wind take your troubles away...

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bonfire might be the best place to discuss this HP but OUR brother went the way he wanted versus being shot, auto crash by a drunk or a texting fool or fuck, just disappearing into thin AiR.... Heck, a hot dog swooper! I'm not a believer in taking the easy way out, howevah IF my shit was hitting the fan in a major way! Wats on some of the shirts that some of this family wears, "most sports uses one ball, mine takes TWO!" from what i read and understand from THOSE close and knew him well, 8kPLUS jumps over 30yrsPLUS, shared more good than bad with everyone, Bob had big balls. He just didn't use them the way you wanted him to. :( I didn't know him at all, but i can totally discern his mindset on choice of EXIT! Rest In Peace brother Bob, mucho peace, love and forever blueskies to you and family. Look forward to meeting you Sir when i eXit this world. Would of been nice here first tho :(

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Why do people in our sport choose to destroy it by using it as a tool for suicide.

Makes no sense.

By skymama:

"The purpose of this forum:

I thought the forum name was pretty obvious, but recent posts are making me think that I need to explain the purpose of this forum. As the description states, "This is where we remember our friends".

Quite simply, this is where you can post memories, pictures and condolences of your fallen friends. If you have something negative to say about someone, this is not the place to post it. The real friends and families of the deceased are already experiencing enough grief; it is improper and rude to come here and post negative comments about people who are dearly missed to some.

Please remember the phrase, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." This is your warning. If you choose to ignore this warning, don't be surprised if you are banned from this forum for a very long time."

Thank you for your kind words dannydan. Blue skys brother :-)

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Just a reminder to users that the memorial forum should remain respectful and while discussion on the cause of death is acceptable, please remember this thread is about the individual and is dedicated to their lives, not the politics of their passing.

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This morning I posted "Case o' beer." My post has been removed. Why?

Bob taught me this sport. He was the first person with a name & face that I got to know as a student. In my young newbie mind he was the quintessential skydiver. I always looked up to & respected him.

Several years ago SKYDIVING magazine ran a reader response question that asked "Is there anyone with whom you'd like to jump?" (I paraphrase.) I did not respond, but I almost sent in his name. He followed me out on my final student dive & signed me off instruction. We never had a chance to jump together after that.

Bob taught me about "case of beer" rules. Last weekend's incident would qualify. Bob would think this comment was funny.


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Years ago, I remember that he was making people laugh at a local DZ by going around saying "NOICE!" and "Night-Nude-Downwind-Landings!" in a racetrack announcers voice- which was funny as hell... that and the fact that he showed up in a station wagon with a mannequin skydiver on the roof reinforced my notion as a noob that skydiving has some great characters in it. Sorry for all the peeps who really knew him.

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