
Brian Laithwaite

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In memory of my husband Brian Laithwaite. He jumped for over 30years in the UK and was CCI at 2 centres many years ago.

Brian died yesterday 4/6/10 in a terrible accident at BPS Langer UK. My heart goes out to the other family.

Brian l love you so much l always will you are my life and my rock thank you for being you 2/4/45 - 4/6/2010 65years old and my husband for 24years You were always smiling and laughing full of bad jokes never swore and if you did said sorry.
You dedicated your life to helping others and everyone loved you.
I lost my Angel and God gained an Angel
Brian Laithwaite RIP 4/6/10 You are my rock and my love for eternity. I lost an Angel & God gained an Angel.

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I too lost someone yesterday On that same jump her name's Emma Bramley, she was a close friend of mine, my thoughts are with you carol and of course to Emma's family, It's a great loss on all sides to the skydiving community,I only found out about this today through a mutual friend of mine and Emma's, I am gutted to hear this and will always remember Emma and also Brian as I met him few times up at Langar-words cannot describe what I'm feeling now

Blue skies Emma and Brian

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Brian was a good guy, he was always at the DZ come rain or shine, he gave me so much good advice on the many bad weather days before my first jump. He tirelessly answered my random questions, and went through the exit and reserve drills with me countless times. I don't think I would have progressed through RAPS as quickly as I did without his help, I certainly wouldn't have laughed so much!

That was nearly 4 years ago now, after almost a year away from jumping, I turned up at Langer a few months ago and the first person to greet me was Brian, I think we spent most of that day catching up on what had happened in the past year for us both. It was a good day.

I am so sorry for your loss Carol.
memento vivere, memento mori

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I'm happy to say I had many pleasant chats with Brian in my short skydiving career. Brian was a very sweet chap, always approachable, with plenty of time for novice and experienced skydivers alike.

Alas, I didn't progress quickly enough to jump with him - he was going to be my first port of call after getting FS1.

A while back, after I had a badly-timed flare, I asked Brian if he had any hints about timing the flare.


Just try not to land. You will land, of course, but try not to.

I think about that advice, and about Brian, every time I come into land - and I probably always will. Cheers lad!

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While I knew neither Brian, nor Emma, it is always very sad to hear of the loss of fellow jumpers. This sport is so full of wonderful people, that I have a strong sense of your loss, even without knowing them.

Please know that skydivers all over the world are saddened by their loss, and that we are thinking of you and of your sadness for your loved ones.

Kevin Keenan
Florida, USA

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I only met Brian the once, on the first day of this year, but it was enough to know he was one of the good guys. We did a couple of jumps, realised it was a hoot but way too cold for sensible people, and retreated to the bar for stories and terrible jokes.

Blue skies, Brian and Emma.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I had met Emma briefly a couple of times and said hello to Brian about the same but hadnt had the pleasure of getting to know them both well.

But this incident saddened me a great deal and I send heartfelt condolences out to the families and close friends of Emma and Brian.


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Carol, I was so sorry to read about your loss. I never met Brian or Emma, going to Langar for my first ever tandem only two weeks ago. While waiting to jump, feeling terrified, I read about them both in Augusts edition of Skydive. Reading about them both, but especially what you had written about Brian, his whole attitude to life and the way he was with people, it brought a huge lump to my throat, such an inspiration and role model to people like me. I would of loved to of met him. I did my jump wearing one of the blue Air ambulance wrist bands with his and Emma's names on and havn't taken it off since. Since returning home I have also sent a cheque to the Air ambulance and will be returning to do a course at Langar. I also read about you wanting to plant wildflowers around Langar and think that would be beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss Carol, Brian sounds like he was one of those very few, very special people, who really do touch the lives of those they meet x

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