
American Psychoanalytic Association defies the "Goldwater Rule"

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At our church food bank, we distribute SNAP food. It is the minor part of our distribution. It is for children, not adults. I have worked there the past four years and I don't think we have ordered SNAP foods more than three times. Most of the product is probably going the welfare clients in Atlanta.

Some truth to that, in that Fannin County, Georgia has "only" 13.9% of its residents on SNAP, and Fulton has 18.3%. Georgia as a whole, about 17.2%.

Santa Clara County, where I live in California, has 5.7% of its residents on SNAP, vs 11.4% for California state.

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****** I am instilled with a deep hatred.

Jesus wouldn't approve.

You are partially correct. Forgiveness is required to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not so much that He disapproves as my ego-illusion keeps me from focusing on the truth, the light that is Christ. That is why Jesus left us with the comforter, the Holy Spirit. When my ego begins to cause a drift from the path of light, the Holy Spirit gently guides me back to the truth. That is why the Bible states that we sin daily. It is natural to drift from the truth and we have to make the effort, by prayer, to return to our spiritual nature and renew our relationship with our Savior.

I am not a body. I am a spirit that lives in a body and I have a soul. My soul is my mind, my emotions, and my will. Satan's battle for my, and everyone's, soul is in the mind. We all have to repent, change our minds, change how we think.

The way to accomplish that change is to admit that you are a sinner, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then begin to walk the path of salvation.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You are partially correct. Forgiveness is required to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not so much that He disapproves as my ego-illusion keeps me from focusing on the truth, the light that is Christ. That is why Jesus left us with the comforter, the Holy Spirit. When my ego begins to cause a drift from the path of light, the Holy Spirit gently guides me back to the truth. That is why the Bible states that we sin daily. It is natural to drift from the truth and we have to make the effort, by prayer, to return to our spiritual nature and renew our relationship with our Savior.

I am not a body. I am a spirit that lives in a body and I have a soul. My soul is my mind, my emotions, and my will. Satan's battle for my, and everyone's, soul is in the mind. We all have to repent, change our minds, change how we think.

The way to accomplish that change is to admit that you are a sinner, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then begin to walk the path of salvation.

If you believe all that, how on earth can you watch a man like Trump and not see what he is: an unbelievably inflated (and fragile) ego, without a repentant bone in his body? How?

It astonishes me that so many people who claim to live the ethics and morals of Christianity can't see how Trump is the manifestation of everything that is opposite. The only thing he has done to align himself with your world view is string a few words together that appeal to your basest wants and fears - the very things I would have thought your religious beliefs should be helping you to overcome.
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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You are partially correct. Forgiveness is required to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not so much that He disapproves as my ego-illusion keeps me from focusing on the truth, the light that is Christ. That is why Jesus left us with the comforter, the Holy Spirit. When my ego begins to cause a drift from the path of light, the Holy Spirit gently guides me back to the truth. That is why the Bible states that we sin daily. It is natural to drift from the truth and we have to make the effort, by prayer, to return to our spiritual nature and renew our relationship with our Savior.

I am not a body. I am a spirit that lives in a body and I have a soul. My soul is my mind, my emotions, and my will. Satan's battle for my, and everyone's, soul is in the mind. We all have to repent, change our minds, change how we think.

The way to accomplish that change is to admit that you are a sinner, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then begin to walk the path of salvation.

If you believe all that, how on earth can you watch a man like Trump and not see what he is: an unbelievably inflated (and fragile) ego, without a repentant bone in his body? How?

It astonishes me that so many people who claim to live the ethics and morals of Christianity can't see how Trump is the manifestation of everything that is opposite. The only thing he has done to align himself with your world view is string a few words together that appeal to your basest wants and fears - the very things I would have thought your religious beliefs should be helping you to overcome.

I voted for him because he was not Hillary. My first choice was Ted Cruz.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I voted for him because he was not Hillary. My first choice was Ted Cruz.

I can understand that.

I voted for Gary Johnson (Libertarian) because I couldn't stomach the thought of voting for either Clinton or Trump.

But I don't see you distancing yourself from Trump at all.

You support him.
You call him a 'successful businessman'
You seem to admire him.
You clearly ignore all the allegations against him, regardless of the evidence. Anything you don't like, you call "fake".

How you can reconcile that with your so-called "Christian Values" is a mystery to me.

But, then again, how you reconcile much of what you say you do with those values is also a mystery.

So it's not all that big of a surprise.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I voted for him because he was not Hillary. My first choice was Ted Cruz.

I can understand that.

I voted for Gary Johnson (Libertarian) because I couldn't stomach the thought of voting for either Clinton or Trump.

But I don't see you distancing yourself from Trump at all.

You support him.
You call him a 'successful businessman'
You seem to admire him.
You clearly ignore all the allegations against him, regardless of the evidence. Anything you don't like, you call "fake".

How you can reconcile that with your so-called "Christian Values" is a mystery to me.

But, then again, how you reconcile much of what you say you do with those values is also a mystery.

So it's not all that big of a surprise.

It's simple. The are two kinds of power. One is political and the other is spiritual. Political power just relates to the stuff of life and society. Christian values relate to spiritual power and spiritual life. The former ends with physical death and the latter concerns eternity. The only thing I can take with me when this body dies is my salvation. Therefore, the other stuff is simply ego-illusions. Perception is reality.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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One is political and the other is spiritual. Political power just relates to the stuff of life and society. Christian values relate to spiritual power and spiritual life. The former ends with physical death and the latter concerns eternity. The only thing I can take with me when this body dies is my salvation. Therefore, the other stuff is simply ego-illusions.

So why do you care about politics? Why did you care when you thought Obama wasn't a Christian? Why do you care about defending Trump? Why is it of any import whatsoever to you?


Perception is reality.

The sky isn't green no matter how much you wish it was.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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One is political and the other is spiritual. Political power just relates to the stuff of life and society. Christian values relate to spiritual power and spiritual life. The former ends with physical death and the latter concerns eternity. The only thing I can take with me when this body dies is my salvation. Therefore, the other stuff is simply ego-illusions.

So why do you care about politics? Why did you care when you thought Obama wasn't a Christian? Why do you care about defending Trump? Why is it of any import whatsoever to you?


Perception is reality.

The sky isn't green no matter how much you wish it was.

1. It is the stuff of life.

2. I do not wish the sky to be green.

Why do you have no concern about what goes on your country or anywhere else? Your total focus of life is America and its Christians.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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1. It is the stuff of life.

So you don't believe life is any better when it is lived in accordance with Christian principles?


2. I do not wish the sky to be green.

Wait, so now Mr Perception-is-Everything only works in strictly literal mode, and can't unravel the most basic of analogies?:D


Why do you have no concern about what goes on your country or anywhere else? Your total focus of life is America and its Christians.

My focus of life? How do you know what that is? Basically, US politics is the best interactive soap opera going and the fact that it doesn't directly impact me (except when you fuck up the banking so badly the whole world circles the drain for a while) is the best part of it.

Frankly, I don't know how you guys who are on the inside manage to spend so long talking about how broken your system is. It must be so depressing!:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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My focus of life? How do you know what that is? Basically, US politics is the best interactive soap opera going and the fact that it doesn't directly impact me (except when you fuck up the banking so badly the whole world circles the drain for a while) is the best part of it.

Frankly, I don't know how you guys who are on the inside manage to spend so long talking about how broken your system is. It must be so depressing!:D

I have not seen a post from you offering something positive. All I notice are your criticisms about America, its citizens, its Christian faith, and its politics.

Politics is depressing for some, mostly liberal Democrats. Those poor folks are always angry and therefore depressed because they cannot compete in the arena of ideas.

Keep in mind America basically functions under the rules of the NFL. The liberals hate that and want desperately to take the passion out of the game. They fear head to head competition. Remember their travesty of teaching children they can get a trophy for showing up. There are no winners or losers. Boys are not allowed to be boys. Whoops! That goes in that other thread about strange flesh folk in the military.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>I have not seen a post from you offering something positive.

As you did not offer a single positive comment while Obama was president. Why do you complain when others do what you yourself did?

>Keep in mind America basically functions under the rules of the NFL.

Cool. I guess we will soon see Trump benched for illegal use of hands, then.

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Politics is depressing for some, mostly liberal Democrats. Those poor folks are always angry and therefore depressed because they cannot compete in the arena of ideas.

Really? Liberals are angry? So how did that competition go for you? Oh yeah - you ran away from the real world to live alone in the mountains because you hated liberals so much. Doesn't sound like your ideas got much traction.


Boys are not allowed to be boys.

In our world, boys are allowed to be whatever they want to be. It's your world that forbids them to stray from their prescribed role.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Thanks, I believe those kinds of incidents happen every day but the MSM is not interested. Bottom line, good news is not sensational. However, the Christian grapevine picks them up and spreads them.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The first time I moved to the mountains out west was to live with liberals. The second time in north GA was after I retired to get away from them. I am a survivor more than a competitor.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I believe those kinds of incidents happen every day but the MSM is not interested.

True. Sensationalism sells. Why do you think all the talk show hosts say over-the-top stuff? Because it's true, or because it sells?

I take our small local paper because it has a larger proportion of nice-people stories. And, what do you know -- I'm an evil liberal.
Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The first time I moved to the mountains out west was to live with liberals. The second time in north GA was after I retired to get away from them. I am a survivor more than a competitor.

Ron, two questions for you. Not a trick question. Do you believe it is possible to be both a Christian and a liberal? And secondly, do you personally know any liberal Christians?
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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The first time I moved to the mountains out west was to live with liberals. The second time in north GA was after I retired to get away from them. I am a survivor more than a competitor.

Ron, two questions for you. Not a trick question. Do you believe it is possible to be both a Christian and a liberal? And secondly, do you personally know any liberal Christians?

First question, yes absolutely. There is a Christian evangelical association headquartered in PA that is very liberal. http://www.evangelicalsforsocialaction.org/

Second, I met some in Tampa but I don't know any in north GA.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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First question, yes absolutely. There is a Christian evangelical association headquartered in PA that is very liberal. http://www.evangelicalsforsocialaction.org/

So, have they been swayed by Satan? You have stated at least a couple times that Satan tries to cause liberalism in America. Do you really believe that, or is it just hyperbole and blowing off of steam? Personally, if I believed in the influence of the evil one, I would see him as right winger.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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