
Alternative Facts ?

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On Meet the Press this morning Chuck Todd finally grew a pair and went after Kellyanne Conway who was trying to defend Sean Spicers first press conference. Watching Trump's press secretary absolutely lie through his teeth and seething with anger on his first press conference was absolutely bizarre.


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On Meet the Press this morning Chuck Todd finally grew a pair and went after Kellyanne Conway who was trying to defend Sean Spicers first press conference. Watching Trump's press secretary absolutely lie through his teeth and seething with anger on his first press conference was absolutely bizarre.



But then the truth:

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***If Alt-Right = Neo-Nazi, then what exactly does "alternative facts" mean?


Alt Fact:


I hate being put in the uncomfortable position of defending Trump, but he can hardly be held responsible for hats that are sold without his permission.

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******If Alt-Right = Neo-Nazi, then what exactly does "alternative facts" mean?


Alt Fact:


I hate being put in the uncomfortable position of defending Trump, but he can hardly be held responsible for hats that are sold without his permission.

Mayby this will help:

"Trump apparel

The Donald J. Trump Collection includes ties, suits, dress shirts, eyeglasses and other accessories.

Trump shirts were made in China, Bangladesh, Honduras and Vietnam. PolitiFact Virginia found some Trump sport coats made in India. The Clinton campaign pointed to import data from 2007 that showed a Trump men’s shirt shipment marked as made in South Korea.

Some of the Trump suits on Amazon.com show they were imported, Made in USA or both. BuzzFeed ordered a suit that was listed as both “imported” and “Made in USA” — and ended up with a label showing the suits were made in Indonesia.

Users commented on Amazon.com that the suit that BuzzFeed purchased previously was listed as being imported from Mexico or China. This photo shows a Trump suit that carries a “Made in Mexico” label....

Several Trump Home items are listed as made in China or imported from China — mirrors, ceramic vases, wall decorations, kitchen items and lighting fixtures. The Clinton campaign has pointed to a trademark registration for the Trump Home brand that shows picture frames and other home products were made in India."


"Ivanka Trump’s $100 million apparel line is sewn in Asian countries under a licensing agreement with G-III Apparel Group Inc., which has expanded from making coats in New York’s Garment District to become a manufacturer of global scope. That method of moving $140 sheath dresses and $80 sweaters means political embarrassment for her father, who has threatened a trade war against China, the world’s second-largest economy. But she can make a profit in few other ways...

“They get the jobs, they get the factories, they get the cash, and all we get -- we get illegal immigration and we get drugs,” he said in the speech. But dissonance persists between his public stances and the family’s private business.

Ivanka Trump has taken a small step to distance herself from her branding company: They now have separate Twitter accounts. Still, protesters gathered outside her New York City home this week for a candlelight vigil. Groups are organizing boycotts of retailers that sell her goods."


Just another alternative fact I guess!

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All the more apparent that things need to change so manufacturing those things here makes sense.

All the more apparent Trump is a hypocrite so supporters deflect because he makes no sense.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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All the more apparent that things need to change so manufacturing those things here makes sense.

Manufacturing those things here is never going to make sense unless you pay workers far less than it is possible to live on.

The only thing that is apparent is that Trumps patriotism and love for his country stops at the boundary of actually doing anything for the nation's benefit if it costs him a single cent to do so.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Wait...perhaps a tariff or trade war might be interesting.

So the new right wing policy should be to aggressively intervene in the process of the free market in order to make everyday goods much more expensive?

You must be so happy that you have the Whitehouse now, so you can do all the things you accused the previous occupant of wanting to do...
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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On Meet the Press this morning Chuck Todd finally grew a pair and went after Kellyanne Conway who was trying to defend Sean Spicers first press conference. Watching Trump's press secretary absolutely lie through his teeth and seething with anger on his first press conference was absolutely bizarre.


Maybe she didn't mean it in her heart.

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If only Donald J Trump could be an alternative fact.

The snowflakes are still melting:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Trump and his administration will in fact double down on all the rhetoric, deflecting away from facts and offering their altered view of reality.

This ABSOLUTELY worked for the campaign and is a large part of the reasons for his election. They have no reason to change that strategy, and with people like Bannon at the White House, they have no reason to, fully confident that over time they can simply control the information they want out there, whether accurate or not.

Hopefully the media stays on track and shows him for what he is, a fraud, and bullshiter and a con. Whether the people buy into it is a different thing altogether.

I expect that even Fox will eventually 'get burned' by the administration if and when they decide to not tow the line on any particular story.

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The most telling part of that for me was when she effectively said 'Why shouldn't we lie, you guys lied about us yesterday!'

The Trump camp lovesthe siege mentality. They want an us vs them relationship with the press. And in this case, she pretty much came out and stated that carrying on a feud with the press is more important than being honest with the American people. So much for taking the power back;)

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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A depressing article on the psychological effect of constant lying to the recipient: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/donald-trump-lies-liar-effect-brain-214658

Its already had an effect.

There are schizophrenics with Tourette's who have more control over what comes out of their mouths than donald trump.

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***A depressing article on the psychological effect of constant lying to the recipient: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/donald-trump-lies-liar-effect-brain-214658

Its already had an effect.

There are schizophrenics with Tourette's who have more control over what comes out of their mouths than donald trump.

You misunderstand;
The article is about the effect on people hearing the lies, not the ones spreading the lies.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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All the more apparent that things need to change so manufacturing those things here makes sense.

If only manufacturing actual goods was as easy as manufacturing alternative facts. How many jobs will be created manufacturing alternative cars? Do alternative jobs count?

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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******A depressing article on the psychological effect of constant lying to the recipient: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/donald-trump-lies-liar-effect-brain-214658

Its already had an effect.

There are schizophrenics with Tourette's who have more control over what comes out of their mouths than donald trump.

You misunderstand;
The article is about the effect on people hearing the lies, not the ones spreading the lies.

IMO since Bill Clinton it has become more and more important to start by vetting the source of information. I think that many people default to a easier way of cognitive functioning when it concerns trump. Thats why otherwise reasonable people say that they like trump because he "tells the truth". Interviews with trump supports will have this response at least 20% of the time.

I read this article a while ago and it provided some help in understanding trump.

With the exception of:
"Nixon was widely recognized to be cunning, callous, cynical, and Machiavellian, even by the standards of American politicians. Empathy was not his strong suit. This sounds a lot like Donald Trump, too—except you have to add the ebullient extroversion, the relentless showmanship, and the larger-than-life celebrity. Nixon could never fill a room the way Trump can....

Research shows that people low in agreeableness are typically viewed as untrustworthy. Dishonesty and deceit brought down Nixon and damaged the institution of the presidency. It is generally believed today that all politicians lie, or at least dissemble, but Trump appears extreme in this regard...

For psychologists, it is almost impossible to talk about Donald Trump without using the word narcissism. Asked to sum up Trump’s personality for an article in Vanity Fair, Howard Gardner, a psychologist at Harvard, responded, “Remarkably narcissistic.”..

Psychological research demonstrates that many narcissists come across as charming, witty, and charismatic upon initial acquaintance. They can attain high levels of popularity and esteem in the short term. As long as they prove to be successful and brilliant—like Steve Jobs—they may be able to weather criticism and retain their exalted status. But more often than not, narcissists wear out their welcome."

And in psychology today:

"Though some lies produce interpersonal friction, others may actually serve as a kind of harmless social lubricant. "They make it easier for people to get along," says DePaulo, noting that in the diary study one in every four of the participants' lies were told solely for the benefit of another person...

Certain cultures may place special importance on these "kind" lies. A survey of residents at 31 senior citizen centers in Los Angeles recently revealed that only about half of elderly Korean Americans believe that patients diagnosed with life-threatening metastatic cancer should be told the truth about their condition. In contrast, nearly 90 percent of Americans of European or African descent felt that the terminally ill should be confronted with the truth....

Who Lies?

Saxe believes that anyone under enough pressure, or given enough incentive, will lie. But in a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, DePaulo and Deborah A. Kashy, Ph.D., of Texas A&M University, report that frequent liars tend to be manipulative and Machiavellian, not to mention overly concerned with the impression they make on others. Still, DePaulo warns that liars "don't always fit the stereotype of caring only about themselves. Further research reveals that extroverted, sociable people are slightly more likely to lie, and that some personality and physical traits—notably self-confidence and physical attractiveness—have been linked to an individual's skill at lying when under pressure."

That may be a whole lot to digest. But for me, when trump speaks or I hear one of his puppets speak. I just tune them out and am just filled with absolute disgust. Kellyanne Conway and his other team of apologists...er lairs . I just tune them out.

An unfortunate effect of American politics and the divisive nature of the major parties is the lack of straight talk. Hence the need for lie/spin filter between the ears. Which brings me back to the first statement about an easier way to understand trump. The cognitive filter of his lies. The quote from trump supporters that they support him because "He can't make it any worse". Is again the default easy way out to mull the mind through the "trumpisms" that come out of his mouth.

The "It takes work: We must actively choose to accept or reject each statement we hear. In certain circumstances, that verification simply fails to take place. As Gilbert writes, human minds, “when faced with shortages of time, energy, or conclusive evidence, may fail to unaccept the ideas that they involuntarily accept during comprehension.

Above quote from your story.

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