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>And what does that get us? NOTHING!

What has scientific research into the climate and the atmosphere gotten us? NOTHING!

Well, it's gotten us better weather forecasting. And more tools to fight climate change. And better predictions for said climate change. But besides those things, what has it gotten us? NOTHING!

Well, and sea level rise predictions that urban planners can use. And ways to reduce AGW gases. And, in fact, an actual halt to increases in CO2. And a better understanding of ocean chemistry, leading to ways to preserve coral reefs and fish populations that we rely on. But beside those things, NOTHING!

And maybe some renewable sources of energy. And better pollution controls. And the subsequent cleaner air. But besides that, NOTHING

So other than weather forecasting, and those tools, and climate predictions, and sea level predictions, and AGW strategies, and understanding of the oceans and pollution, not a damn thing.

Now you can start on how useless the Romans were . . . .

what have the romans done for us
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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