
Trump cabinet

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No, we recorded it when it aired (we pretty much just watch what we e recorded earlier). Unless they figured out how to alter recordings, it was there in the first place.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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***I just watched that episode. They didn't cut it.
Obviously your source doesn't mind saying crap just to get readers.

Wendy P.

CBS put it back. They got caught with their pants down doing editing again


You literally can not tell fact from fiction in your post-truth world.

The Trump statement absolutely was in the original broadcast.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, it's OUR shit show, not yours.

Whatever happened to "the leader of the free world"?

Anyway Trump has the ability and it would seem the desire to screw up the Canadian economy, so yes Canadians do have a vested interest in the US "shit show".


Don't you have a loopy Prime Minister up there to bitch about?

Loopy in what way? Oh, perhaps you mean he isn't a facist like his predecessor? That does seem to be the kind of leader you prefer.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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******Reince Priebus will be chief of staff
Steve Bannon will be in charge of the cult of personality

This is the truly scary thing about a Trump Presidency. It's not just Trump, but all the right wing extremists he plans to put in power under him. Trump might not be Hitler, but Bannon is pretty close to Goebbels.

Here we go.

The fucking sky is falling....... ....... AGAIN!!!!:S

So just a couple of years ago the GOP was screaming "The fucking sky is falling" 0ver obama's perceived lack of support for Israel. now, trump has hired an anti-Semite as his top advisor.

How exactly does that work?

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I love where court documents show that while looking for schools for his kids, he said "that he doesn't like the way Jews raise their kids to be 'whiny brats' and that he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews" as well as asking "Why are there so many Hanukkah books in the library?"
Seems like a nice guy. No big deal.

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He is not

From the left wing rag "Time Magazine"


Critics say Breitbart’s coverage is shot through with racism, xenophobia and misogyny. Under Bannon’s editorial direction, it has accused Planned Parenthood of perpetuating a “Holocaust” by performing abortions. The site targets women (sample headlines: “There’s No Hiring Bias Against Women in Tech, They Just Suck at Interviews”; “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy”; “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off”). It mocks the LGBT community (“Lesbian Bridezillas Bully Bridal Shop Over Religious Beliefs”). It foments fears about Muslim refugees (“Twin Falls Refugee Rape Special Report: Why Are the Refugees Moving In?”).


Breitbart has played up the prospects of a looming “race war” between whites and blacks. It often vilifies Black Lives Matter protesters. It promotes far-right parties across Europe. It published a piece whose headline called conservative pundit and Trump foe Bill Kristol a “renegade Jew.” Bannon himself has been accused of anti-Semitism. In a 2007 court filing, Bannon’s ex-wife alleged that he made anti-Semitic remarks and did not want his daughters “going to school with Jews,” according to multiple media outlets that reviewed the documents. (A spokesperson for Bannon has denied he made the comments.)

Steve Bannon will be the first Trumpeteer to be dumped. (Christie was just demoted, not dumped) Already he is being shunted aside. What the hell does "chief strategist and Senior Counselor" mean? Nothing but a holding cell on the way out the door.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Sometimes I wonder how much of their garbage the right-wing hate-mongers really believe, and how much is just "product" that sells. Kind of like the tabloids (National Enquirer style) publishing stories about UFOs, but written for a racist/anti-Semitic/misogynist audience. Not that that would make them (or their audience) any less repugnant.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Sometimes I wonder how much of their garbage the right-wing hate-mongers really believe, and how much is just "product" that sells. Kind of like the tabloids (National Enquirer style) publishing stories about UFOs, but written for a racist/anti-Semitic/misogynist audience. Not that that would make them (or their audience) any less repugnant.

I can see where _some_ of the people who follow the "alt-right" are just in it for the 4 chan like shits and giggles of trolling.

The problem is it has effects down the road as more and more idiots are emboldened by the concepts and begin to believe what they're reading. What was simply an overtop lol yesterday gets twisted into "facts" for numbskulls.

So I don't really give a fuck what the initial purpose of it is, there is a line beyond people shouldn't go, not out of fear of government censorship or whatever, but because it spreads insanity among the idiots.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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now, trump has hired an anti-Semite as his top advisor.

Right ...

Steve Bannon comes from Breitbart News, founded by the late Andrew Breitbart (a man of Jewish faith) and Andrew Breitbart started his website with his partner Larry Solov (another Jew). Mr Bannon worked at Breitbart along with senior editor Joe Pollack (a Jew). Then there is Ben Shapiro (yet another Jew) who worked at Breitbart with Mr Bannon. Wait, it's not over. Here we have one of the writers at Breitbart, Adelle Nazarian (yet another person of the Jewish faith) who worked with Mr Bannon. Hmmm not only is Ms Nazarian Jewish, but she's Persian and oh look at that, she's a woman. Etc, etc, etc.

You may hate everyone of these people I just mention, but the fact remains, they are all Jewish. Funny how a anti-semite, misogynistic white supremace doesn't seem to have a problem working day in and day out closely with Jewish men and women, but you an expert on the topic want to tell everyone that Mr Bannon hates Jews. You would think that if Mr Bannon hated Jews, that he wouldn't be working with them closely day in and day out. You sure you want to play this narrative? It's not working out very well for you.

You guys make this too easy.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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now, trump has hired an anti-Semite as his top advisor.

Right ...

Steve Bannon comes from Breitbart News, founded by the late Andrew Breitbart (a man of Jewish faith) and Andrew Breitbart started his website with his partner Larry Solov (another Jew). Mr Bannon worked at Breitbart along with senior editor Joe Pollack (a Jew). Then there is Ben Shapiro (yet another Jew) who worked at Breitbart with Mr Bannon.

Let's see what Mr Shapiro has to say about Bannon: http://www.dailywire.com/news/8441/i-know-trumps-new-campaign-chairman-steve-bannon-ben-shapiro#
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If Trump and Bannon run off and start some war somewhere, I sure as hell will be there to stir up a storm (assuming this war would not consume me as one of the early casualties). But all I got to say is "I can sleep easy knowing the USA will not be starting a war with the Russians".

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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If Trump and Bannon run off and start some war somewhere, I sure as hell will be there to stir up a storm (assuming this war would not consume me as one of the early casualties). But all I got to say is "I can sleep easy knowing the USA will not be starting a war with the Russians".

Then you're a fool. Trump's appearance of weakness towards Putin and Russia is more likely to provoke a conflict than anything else, IMO.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Damn listen to you "Your a fool" your hatred of Trump is really showing. What could be wrong with America and Russia having a better relationship?

I know that Chamberland brain fucked your country with Hitler but lighten up man.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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What could be wrong with America and Russia having a better relationship?

Does "better relationship" mean we'll look the other way when the Russians invade more of Ukraine? Or maybe be we can stop being so vocal about their war crimes in Syria? Perhaps "better relationship" means we can let them move troops into Poland or the Baltic states, you know, because we trust them so much.

- Dan G

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I know that Chamberlain brain fucked your country with Hitler but lighten up man.

The west will have a better relationship with Russia when Russian policy stops being expansionist. Until then it will remain very tense, Trump or not Trump.

Remember, Trump wants to be a "Great President" all the greatest ones presided over wars.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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I know that Chamberlain brain fucked your country with Hitler but lighten up man.

The west will have a better relationship with Russia when Russian policy stops being expansionist. Until then it will remain very tense, Trump or not Trump.

Remember, Trump wants to be a "Great President" all the greatest ones presided over wars.

You do know he was against the Iraq war, correct?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I do not know the future.

Yet you post as though you do.

No, you just fail to read and understand what I post. You are reactionary and post in anger without taking the time to completely digest what has been said. It is one of your hallmarks.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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