
Nah, this would never happen.......it has.

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This happens everyday in this country, but you see very little of it.

As far as the kid goes, when I watched the football coach slap the shit of a kid in the 8th grade, should I have intervened?
At that time the kid deserved it and learned a valuable lesson.

Have you been in a school in the last 20yrs? The lack of respect and discipline is appalling, but by today's standards this is unacceptable behavior and I wouldn't have tolerated it.

I'm not sure where you live, but in California I could go to jail for watching an 8th grader get beat and not intervening or calling the police.

I'm beyond words that you think it's acceptable to watch a child get beat.

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This happens everyday in this country, but you see very little of it.

As far as the kid goes, when I watched the football coach slap the shit of a kid in the 8th grade, should I have intervened?
At that time the kid deserved it and learned a valuable lesson.

Have you been in a school in the last 20yrs? The lack of respect and discipline is appalling, but by today's standards this is unacceptable behavior and I wouldn't have tolerated it.

I'm not sure where you live, but in California I could go to jail for watching an 8th grader get beat and not intervening or calling the police.

I'm beyond words that you think it's acceptable to watch a child get beat.

My mistake, I apologize for speaking out of context.

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Sadly this isn't the Onion, it's Slate.com.
I've linked this this piece of "journalism" regarding the recent shooting in Columbus Ohio.
This is simply incendiary, by any objective standard. This isn't an op-ed, it's a "news" story. I realize Slate is a left leaning outlet, but this goes well beyond reporting.


The last three paragraphs are incredible, they sum up what I've been talking about.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Sadly this isn't the Onion, it's Slate.com.
I've linked this this piece of "journalism" regarding the recent shooting in Columbus Ohio.
This is simply incendiary, by any objective standard. This isn't an op-ed, it's a "news" story. I realize Slate is a left leaning outlet, but this goes well beyond reporting.


The last three paragraphs are incredible, they sum up what I've been talking about.

I really believe that the benefit of the doubt needs to go to police, like in the case your referring to. I think when BLM screams foul on every shooting, even though it appears it was justified for police to shoot, they loose credibility.

OTOH, there are many shootings, beatings, and intimidation where there is no excuse. What really pisses me off is when 6-7 cops will watch a single cop beat someone senseless. When I see so many cops not willing to intervene, and then write untruthful reports, I just shake my head.

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Had he just robbed someone, then ran from the cops, then pointed a realistic facsimile pistol (or rifle) at them, I can virtually guarantee the outcome would be the same.

Apples meet Oranges.............again..........

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Sadly this isn't the Onion, it's Slate.com.
I've linked this this piece of "journalism" regarding the recent shooting in Columbus Ohio.
This is simply incendiary, by any objective standard. This isn't an op-ed, it's a "news" story. I realize Slate is a left leaning outlet, but this goes well beyond reporting.


The last three paragraphs are incredible, they sum up what I've been talking about.

Agreed, I rank that at the same level as Breitbart reporting and the myriad of internet "journalism" sites that are really nothing but.

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