
The WMD that "didn't exist"

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Yeah right, Bush ordered the Pentagon to keep real Iraqi WMDs a secret after he'd hung his whole case for war on Iraq having WMDs. And he did this to protect the moral of the troops, because obviously knowing that you were fighting for a good reason would be incredibly demoralising. That's some grade A genius right there.

We all know thatSaddam had a WMD program in the past, and that the rotting detritus of that program remained in some places. But did they have the active program and deployable, useable weapons that were claimed? Not hardly.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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That was the worst click-baited virus infected website I've ever been on. As far as validity goes this is the internet equivalent of getting your information from a syphilitic crack-whore.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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As cassus belli, WMDs are a non-starter.

The US of A has more WMDs than anyone ever, and we're the only ones who have had the bad manners to use all of them, in anger, repeatedly.

If we are so strung out about, say, nukes, why don't we attack Pakistan? India? Russia? China? etc., etc.

Though there was no thought of an end game, the attack on Afghanistan was more or less justified. So would have been attacks on Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The way things worked out was predictable as hell. It would have been more to our benefit to donate all of our stockpiles of chemical weapons from Rocky Flats and Pine Bluff if they did not have them than to attack if they did.

WMDs were a poor excuse for a red herring.



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I'd like to see a real source of information instead of one that simply copies/pastes from site to site the same drivel, word for word.

this is not news at all - more like "I heard someone say....."

I thought you statists respected the NY Times?

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My suspicions as to the type of site, and the voting preference of the owners, was first alerted by the opening pop up:

"Like if you think Hillary Clinton should be in prison".

Didn't get any further as you just know it's more propaganda.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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There are several orders of magnitude between WMDs in Iraq starting the war and the affordable healthcare act

For example, the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians, 4000 dead American soldiers, and what will probably add up to close to $10 trillion in debt

The other is just bad policy, the former is called a war crime

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Indeed it does. The story that says the WMD argument for going to war was nonsense!

"The United States had gone to war declaring it must destroy an active weapons of mass destruction program. Instead, American troops gradually found and ultimately suffered from the remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration with the West."
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The biggest piece of evidence that we had no intention of going into that conflict with the intent of handling WMD's is what's within and between the lines of this article. There was no training for handling or identifying these munitions and when they were found and identified they were often left in place because there were so few units able to handle them. There were cases where they were tossed in the back of vehicles only to split open and expose the occupants. If we were going there to disable these programs and deal with the WMD's then where in the blue fuck were the people who where going in to disable these programs and deal with the WMD's?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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The reason the WMDs were kept secret is that they were made in the USA. The Reagan administration ok'ed sending them during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980's.
When Saddam gassed the city of Halabja, Donald Rumsfeld himself flew to Baghdad to meet Saddam - there are pictures of the two shaking hands. Rummy told Saddam that the US wasn't exactly happy about the gassing, but would look the other way.

Ironically, the gassing of Halabja was the actual offense Saddam was convicted of and hanged for.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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