
2015 sets new record for warming

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Well first you gotta be consistent with what you believe if you want to debate something.

this needs to start with warmists

They keep reframing the topic to make it harder to deal with them


It used to me man made global warming

but they renamed it to Climate Change
Well duh
The climate does change

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I'm genuinely surprised about the idea that the satellite TLT trend doesn't show warming? As far as I can tell the most current data set is the RSS which shows an increase since satellite data became available in the 1980's.


The stratosphere cooling is consistent with overall global warming so that's not controversial right?

Balloon data (Radiosonde) is in agreement with the TLT data although apparently the data from the tropics is all screwed up for a reason I don't understand.


I don't buy the argument of the guy in the wattsupwiththat link as the dude is plotting atmospheric temperature on top of surface data which reeks of BS. But I'd be interested is seeing where info on the cooling trend is (seriously this isn't sarcasm).

Now whether this is due to human activities is a trickier question (I reckon it is personally) but it seems pretty clear it is getting warmer.

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Well first you gotta be consistent with what you believe if you want to debate something.

Don't let Hillary hear you say that.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>Well first you gotta be consistent with what you believe if you want to
>debate something.

Nonsense! Consistency is for ivory-tower effete wine-sipping nerds. Here's how you do it:

In years where there isn't an increase over a previous record (say, 2012) you claim "look at the surface data! Alarmists admit it's valid. It's been cooling for THREE YEARS! Too bad alarmists can't face those FACTS."

In years where there is a small increase (say, 2014) you claim "OK, the data is valid, but there's only a 38% chance that this is the warmest year ever! Too bad alarmists can't face those FACTS."

In years where there is a large increase (say, 2015) you claim "The data is invalid! Too bad alarmists use the wrong facts."

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>Well first you gotta be consistent with what you believe if you want to
>debate something.

Nonsense! Consistency is for ivory-tower effete wine-sipping nerds. Here's how you do it:

In years where there isn't an increase over a previous record (say, 2012) you claim "look at the surface data! Alarmists admit it's valid. It's been cooling for THREE YEARS! Too bad alarmists can't face those FACTS."

In years where there is a small increase (say, 2014) you claim "OK, the data is valid, but there's only a 38% chance that this is the warmest year ever! Too bad alarmists can't face those FACTS."

In years where there is a large increase (say, 2015) you claim "The data is invalid! Too bad alarmists use the wrong facts."

Which is why you don't want Hillary hearing you give away her MO.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>Which is why you don't want Hillary hearing you give away her MO.

If you want to start a thread on Hillary, do so. If not, stop posting crap in this thread.

Yet another nerve tweeked
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***I'm done with this censorship. A person make a joke and your hitler ass deletes it. Take your circle jerk and run with it prick. I hope it gets on your face.

Is this common on dropzone.com?

SC is a Left wing "safe space" ruled by PC principle, (Bill V)

http://youtu.be/sXQkXXBqj_U Safe Space
http://youtu.be/RUPkgWSYjx0 PC Principle

Just watch, my post will be deleated and I will get a timeout just for speaking truth to power.

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***I'm done with this censorship. A person make a joke and your hitler ass deletes it. Take your circle jerk and run with it prick. I hope it gets on your face.

See ya!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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All of this carbon reduction, green conferences and global warming El Nino BS isn't going to matter for $%^# because eventually we are going to blow each up to shit anyways. Its inevitable the world is at constant war with one another for religious and political reasons and they can't figure out their differences so they blow each other up. Do you really think anyone is going to give a $#% when there are nukes sent off into the air and its 30mins until they hit and all hell breaks loose. Any reduction we've done to earth in carbon emissions is going to negated in milliseconds!

I get it though I mean we have to have hope that we won't someday blow each other up to $%^ so that's why spend billions of $$ on reducing carbon. But we should go to the extreme that the homeless aren't taken care of our education system suffers. The green stuff is just getting to be a little overbearing anymore and some people are now making it into its own lifestyle/culture.

Anyways I could care less, I smoke, drink, fart and burn my garbage because I in the end we are only here for a shot while maybe and the Earth will be a hell of a lot longer than any person will be.

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All of this carbon reduction, green conferences and global warming El Nino BS isn't going to matter for $%^# because eventually we are going to blow each up to shit anyways. Its inevitable ...

I'm unsure whether this is because you watch too much of the wrong news or if it's because "we've always been at war with Eastasia", but in either case, I think you're wildly wrong.

Here, watch this.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Hmm I didn't watch the whole thing but I get the jist of it less people are dying and there are less wars. That may very well be but well placed weapons of mass destruction could potentially kill millions of people and the after math millions more.

Sooo I'm not going to worry about carbon. If I lived in smog everyday I might but I don't I live is one of the least populated states in the US and I like it that way :)

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It's only in our nature to "destroy ourselves" to the extent that there is no stasis. People in the individual aren't all that good at dealing with change, but new generations sometimes are good at dealing with new situations. One just hopes that the old wise men really are wise and recognize that change is inevitable, rather than hollering about it.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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new generations sometimes are good at dealing with new situations. One just hopes that the old wise men really are wise and recognize that change is inevitable, rather than hollering about it.

Try telling that to the alarmists. :P
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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