
Adolf Trump

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but for all that he says he has really said nothing.

To me that is a scary opinion to have. A leader standing up and saying amongst others:

Mexicans are rapists
Encouraging a physical altercation with someone who disagreed with him
Muslim tracking data base
Banning all Muslims
Infiltrating all mosques

That can't just be waved away as somebody saying nothing.

So.... I didn't mean how that came off. What I was referencing is that he speaks a lot but in terms of policy he has no real answers and has yet to explain how he would accomplish anything. AS for what you cited... ya, he has said a whole lot which leads me to my opinion of him.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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******So when you replace Muslim and mosque with Jew and synagogue, doesn't he sound like quite the Nazi?

I further liked his idea to close the internet until he has seen Bill Gates.


Godwin in the title, I know, but the comparison is apt I think.

So should it Adlof Carter too?

Not surprised to see it took you a day to figure out from the right wing websites what your opinion on the matter is.

Not surprised you are in the camp of happily supporting these ideas.

I have been on the road

And I have not supported anything

But I am enjoying the circle jerk of all you under Trump deraignment syndrome:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Trump has no chance of winning. He will not be the nominee.

Yep. I have heard this dozens of times since the beginning of his candidacy.

"He claims Obama is not a citizen! Does he think the voters are idiots?"
"Now he is claiming that vaccines cause autism. No one will believe him after this."
"What? He called all Mexicans rapists? This time he's gone too far! It's all over for him."
"I can't believe he claimed that a woman reporter was asking him tough questions because she was on the rag! He's done."
"Can you believe he claimed that the pyramids were used to store grain? He won't be taken seriously after this."
"He just claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating during 9/11! The US public won't stand for those sort of lies."
"He claims that he knows when an attack is imminent because he 'can feel terrorism!' No one is going to believe him after this. It's all over for him."
"He wants to ban Muslims on the basis of their religion! He doesn't even understand the Constitution. He will not be the nominee."

And every time he does that his poll numbers go up.

And yeah, it's fine to say "oh, it's just a poll; he's just popular right now because of X." But that's how elections work. The popular person wins.

A lot of people seem to think "well, OK, he's funny and all, but the GOP is just waiting to bring out a serious candidate and ditch this clown." Again, great idea. It keeps not happening despite months of their best efforts.

I do not see it that way nor did I say any of those things would sink him. If the first moronic thing he said helped him then the other things will as well in my mind. The thing is, it helps him with that small percentage of voters. Also, those polls are for registered voters not likely voters. There is a whole lot that goes in to it as I am sure you know but none of the good prognoticators say he has a chance i.e. endorsements etc. He also has not really climbed anymore. HE will hold most of what he has but the other 70%+ of people will rally around one or two others and that will beat him. He has no chance and I'd bet $100 on that.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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>I do not see it that way nor did I say any of those things would sink him.

Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest you said them; they were other commentators. Once you hear "this time he's REALLY gone too far; he can't win" enough you tend to start taking such claims less seriously from everyone.

>If the first moronic thing he said helped him then the other things will as well in
>my mind. The thing is, it helps him with that small percentage of voters.

Except in this case the "small percentage of voters" are GOP likely voters - which are the people who will decide his candidacy.

>He has no chance and I'd bet $100 on that.

What the heck. I'll take that bet. If he gets the nomination you contribute $100 to the charity of my choice; if he loses it I will do the same for you. If he runs as an independent then bet is off.

(That way if I lose it, will be for a good reason.)

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So.... I didn't mean how that came off. What I was referencing is that he speaks a lot but in terms of policy he has no real answers and has yet to explain how he would accomplish anything. AS for what you cited... ya, he has said a whole lot which leads me to my opinion of him.

I fully agree that Trump is all bluster and bombast. No substance what so ever.

Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of people falling for it. The groups that are supporting him are older, less educated, lower income conservatives. Those types tend to feel unrepresented by the current Republican party and the current Democratic Party.

They are tired of being told that their long time prejudices are "bad" (even though they are) and having somebody validate their beliefs gives them something to support, regardless of whether or not he has any substance.

Keep in mind that Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota some years ago, using a very similar technique.

He stunk at it.

Trump scares the fuck out of me. Ventura was not capable of doing too much damage. A governor simply doesn't have that much power.

President of the United States, on the other hand...
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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>Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of people falling for it. The groups that
>are supporting him are older, less educated, lower income conservatives. Those
>types tend to feel unrepresented by the current Republican party and the
>current Democratic Party.

And unfortunately, in the US, pundits often underestimate the power of dumb people in large quantities. There's a reason many car batteries have a label that says "don't drink the contents"

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>Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of people falling for it. The groups that
>are supporting him are older, less educated, lower income conservatives. Those
>types tend to feel unrepresented by the current Republican party and the
>current Democratic Party.

And unfortunately, in the US, pundits often underestimate the power of dumb people in large quantities. There's a reason many car batteries have a label that says "don't drink the contents"

Bingo. That's why Trump scares me as much as he does.

There's no way an intelligent, informed person could support him.

But then there's no way an intelligent, informed person could be against vaccines...
Or believe that the moon landings were faked...
Or that the 9/11 attacks were done by the US government (and the Pentagon attack was faked)...

And I just couldn't resist putting THIS in here. :)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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***>I keep hearing this and I just don't get it. Explain to me how keeping terrorist
>from entering the country makes us less safe.

Denying refugees will not keep terrorists out, and banning refugees will give us a false sense of security that will make us less safe. Much like the TSA.

How many of the 9/11 bombers were refugees?

You do know that in 1952 a Dem congress sent a bill to the pres that he signed that give a sitting pres the power, by proclamation, to stop or ban any immigration for any reason he deems needed to protect the US

And in the 1960 Cater used that law to stop Iranians from coming to the US and he deported over 9 k
The deportation came after he ordered all Iranian student to report within one month. Those who had over stayed their visa were sent home

8 U.S. Code 1182

"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any CLASS of ALIENS into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any CLASS of ALIENS as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

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***No, Trump will beat Hillary.

Would you be willing to put your money where your mouth is?

I'll put up $100 to the charity of your choice if Trump is elected over H. Clinton.

Are you willing to do the same if it goes the other way?

Hey, that reminds me, I have a similar $100 bet going with jbscout payable at the end of this year. However, he seems to have disappeared.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Fair enough, but in your selective quote you conveniently ignored the part about Iraqis and Kenyans that were denied because of their country of origin.

Was it an outright ban on all Kenyans and Iraqis?

There were limited bans on certain nationalities because of widespread, proven cases of fraud among the admitted refugees.

There do not appear to be any cases of terrorists being admitted among refugees from Syria.

Apples and oranges.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>But I am enjoying the circle jerk of all you under Trump deraignment syndrome

I think the GOP has some serious TDS going on, based on their statements over the past few days. Looks like most of the people here have the much more benign TAS.

The GOP has a problem with any of the non establishment cadidates. They will have a bigger problem with Cruz. The dems here will treat any and all republican front runners the same.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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And stopping or suspending immigration is not new here
Surely you know that

And every time you do it, history shows you fucked up royally. Maybe when you do it this time it will be different....right......right?

It happened in 2008 with the suspension of the refugee family reunification program due to fraud and in 2011 when Iraq militants found their way onto US soil by way of the refugee program.

I didn't see you guys tearing off your robes in self-righteous indignation back then.

Yes, because that is the same as banning all Muslims, including American citizens. Or banning all Japanese, including America citizens.

One can justify supporting a fascist in all manner of ways, but in the end one is still supporting a fascist.

Banning all Muslims until you figure out what Muslims want and going to speak to Bill Gates to turn off the internet are not statements of a person in touch with reality.

How can we get it right with who we have at the helm?:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Iraqi refugees - hmmm. I wonder why Iraqis would be refugees? Could it be on account of BUSH's ill advised and fraudulent invasion of Iraq, followed by a totally incompetent occupation?

Interesting, I just heard Trump say the same thing in an interview tonight - Probably damage control - trying to make-up for independents lost.

This whole thing is just a mess - the climactic finale of reality TV at it's best. Hopefully everyone dies.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Fair enough, but in your selective quote you conveniently ignored the part about Iraqis and Kenyans that were denied because of their country of origin.

Was it an outright ban on all Kenyans and Iraqis?

I know your thread is entitled Adolf Trump. (personally, I would've preferred Donald Hitler myself) But again, you're conflating his most recent flagrant comments with the Syrian refugee situation that we've been talking about. Is it too much to ask for you to keep things in order....again?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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>The U.S takes in their share of refugees from around the world consistently
>each and every year for the past 50+ years. Not all referrals are accepted and
>many applications are denied based on various criteria.

Yes, and that's one of the better things the US does. We should keep doing it, even if people have irrational fears over it.

...and we will - just as we always have - the quota will be filled with needy refugees from around the world whether Syrian or not.

My reply was in response to one of another demonym that only views the U.S through an LCD and thinks of us as just a bunch of deadbeats that don't do shit to help the rest of the world - and a canuck at that - wtf have they done for anyone besides export their garbage and shitty beer? (pardon the redundancy.)

But seriously - what bothers me the most about all this is that Obama had the balls to stand on the world stage and throw his country under the bus while pointing his finger at the republicans for betraying our values and slamming the door in refugee faces, while he remained silent about his administration's suspension of the family reunification programs and Iraqi refugee processing.

I haven't been very critical of Obama,(not that I've been paying very much attention.) but that speech exposed him for the pretentious, arrogant and divisive hypocritical partisan son of a bitch that he is.

If he was a real leader he would've said something like, "hey, look - we've been here before. We've had a history of problems with our refugees. We've even suspended some of these programs in the past due to national security - and with that came improvement - we've closed the gaps to those security threats."

"Now I know many of you have concerns with new threats given recent events - and we will tackle those threats head on with strict screening of refugees along with recommendations from the state department, FBI and homeland security - but we will not dare to abandon our obligation to those seeking refuge from the same tyrannical spirit that oppressed our ancestors, nor will we cease in our effort to do anything and everything necessary to eliminate this threat once and for all, so help us God."
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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>He has no chance and I'd bet $100 on that.

What the heck. I'll take that bet. If he gets the nomination you contribute $100 to the charity of my choice; if he loses it I will do the same for you.

Hell ya, That's what I'm talking about!


If he runs as an independent then bet is off.

Oh, Boooo!

I've bet with a lot of chumps like that...they talk tough - a big game - but as soon as it's time to put the money where their mouth is, all the stipulations start spilling out.

With the amount of shit you've been talking about the polls and how they show that the republicans want Trump, you should have no problem giving your $300 to his $100.

Hell, In some of your posts it's like you are hoping Trump wins just to teach the country a lesson - so man up - your $500 to his $100.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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The GOP has a problem with any of the non establishment cadidates. They will have a bigger problem with Cruz. The dems here will treat any and all republican front runners the same.

Of the remaining field, who are you favoring? I'd still pick Christie, then Graham.

Christy would be alright but not my first choice

I like Cruz in front of Christie
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Fair enough, but in your selective quote you conveniently ignored the part about Iraqis and Kenyans that were denied because of their country of origin.

Was it an outright ban on all Kenyans and Iraqis?

I know your thread is entitled Adolf Trump. (personally, I would've preferred Donald Hitler myself) But again, you're conflating his most recent flagrant comments with the Syrian refugee situation that we've been talking about. Is it too much to ask for you to keep things in order....again?

I was trying to compare it to an outright ban on Syrian refugees, which is why I asked.

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>I do not see it that way nor did I say any of those things would sink him.

Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest you said them; they were other commentators. Once you hear "this time he's REALLY gone too far; he can't win" enough you tend to start taking such claims less seriously from everyone.

>If the first moronic thing he said helped him then the other things will as well in
>my mind. The thing is, it helps him with that small percentage of voters.

Except in this case the "small percentage of voters" are GOP likely voters - which are the people who will decide his candidacy.

>He has no chance and I'd bet $100 on that.

What the heck. I'll take that bet. If he gets the nomination you contribute $100 to the charity of my choice; if he loses it I will do the same for you. If he runs as an independent then bet is off.

(That way if I lose it, will be for a good reason.)

I think Trump is having himself a great time.

I'm beginning to believe he might actually want Hillary to win:

He's making the general population well aware of the extreme right's ignorance and stupidity, he knows that primaries are dominated by extremists, he's blackmailing the other GOP candidates and the GOP establishment into not attacking him for fear that he'll run as an independent, and he's forcing them to spend their campaign $$$ up front.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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