
God isn’t fixing this

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Looks like the public is waking up to the GOP hypocrisy.

Yes, but I've noticed that while there are some righties AND some lefties who "buy in" to the "thoughts and prayers" solution, It is mostly lefties that use the hashtags, ribbons, armbands or protest campaigns while sticking their fingers into the air and uttering their "condemnations in the strongest terms". ....equally useless and nonsensical solutions.

But, I do agree with the lefties this time. The people involved in the San Bernardino attack should have been on someone's "OK-to-deny-these-folks-their-2nd Amendment-rights" list.

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So less than 24 hrs after this happens the anti gun people have now established themselves as anti prayer. Odd. We really know very little yet this tragedy is already being manipulated. I wonder (sadly) if we had the same gun laws as Paris if this would have been avoided. Seriously - apparently two of the weapons were purchased legally. Would the laws ineffect in Paris prevented this?
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

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So less than 24 hrs after this happens the anti gun people have now established themselves as anti prayer. Odd. .....

There has been some historical precedent for this. "You shall recognize no power or authority higher than that of your Government and, until you get your mind right with this, you shall remain unarmed."

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Looks like the public is waking up to the GOP hypocrisy.

Just more Pajama Boy talk from Ezra Klein and the rest of the usual suspects.

300 million firearms are in the possession of 80 million Americans, many of whom would take extreme umbrage to anyone...ANYONE trying to take them from them.

You can count me as one of those extreme umbrage types so please don't try, it'll end bad for one of us or both of us. Other than that, the rest of the time I'm a really nice guy...truly:$.

Besides, Ted Kennedy's Volkswagen has killed more people than any of my guns.B|

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This is what I get so frustrated with. Certainly we could all agree that better back ground checks would be good. If your on a no fly list, certainly we could agree that you shouldn't be able to buy a weapon. Certainly we all agree that demonstration of an ability to handle a weapon (NRA you could help here) would be a good idea?

Actually we can't agree.

We can't because we have allowed the far right and the far left to kill our ability to compromise.

Before we KNOW anything the press and our political "leaders" are leading down the path of separation - it's how they keep their power.

So sad.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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>So less than 24 hrs after this happens the anti gun people have now established
>themselves as anti prayer.

I think you may have missed an important difference. "Prayer isn't enough" is not the same as "prayers are bad."

Imagine you are giving advice to a new jumper. He's gotten great training, and practices his EP's all the time, but his gear is crap, his reserve risers are half worn through, his container flaps won't stay closed and his closing loops are ready to go. "But I have great training; I am ready for anything" he says.

"Sometimes training isn't enough," you tell him. "If your reserve riser breaks after a reserve opening, the best training in the world won't save you."

Would that make you anti-training?

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This is what I get so frustrated with. Certainly we could all agree that better back ground checks would be good. If your on a no fly list, certainly we could agree that you shouldn't be able to buy a weapon. Certainly we all agree that demonstration of an ability to handle a weapon (NRA you could help here) would be a good idea?

Actually we can't agree.

We can't because we have allowed the far right and the far left to kill our ability to compromise.

Before we KNOW anything the press and our political "leaders" are leading down the path of separation - it's how they keep their power.

So sad.

Early reports which could change, but have been valid for other shootings discussed here was that the guns were purchased legally by someone the shooters knew. How do you close a loophole like that? They already lied on the form when they said it was for themselves and not a straw purchase.

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>Early reports which could change, but have been valid for other shootings discussed
>here was that the guns were purchased legally by someone the shooters knew. How
>do you close a loophole like that?

Background checks for all purchases. Period.

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We cant keep doing this over two threads.

My response to that in the other thread


There was a background check on the legal purchase

They would have known a straw purchase was illegal

What you are suggesting is a box under the one where you say this gun is for your own use that says "are you really sure this gun is for you"

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Looks like the public is waking up to the GOP hypocrisy.

Just more Pajama Boy talk from Ezra Klein and the rest of the usual suspects.

300 million firearms are in the possession of 80 million Americans, many of whom would take extreme umbrage to anyone...ANYONE trying to take them from them.

You can count me as one of those extreme umbrage types so please don't try, it'll end bad for one of us or both of us. Other than that, the rest of the time I'm a really nice guy...truly:$.

Besides, Ted Kennedy's Volkswagen has killed more people than any of my guns.B|

Well it appears pipe bombs are not on your list. Or just youre responding emotionally.

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I think you may have missed an important difference. "Prayer isn't enough" is not the same as "prayers are bad."

Naaaa Bill I got it. Perhaps YOU missed all the post (mainly on Facebook) deriding prayer and religion. The snarky comments about God or people of faith.

But to your point, taken the way you presented it you are correct which I suspect was the main point of your post.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Hadn't thought of that, but I had it covered under "...or otherwise" in my post. (assuming you're responding to my post #4).

Also, just heard that the San B. cell had what amounts to an "IED factory" in their house. Question ....how many IEDs can be made in a particular way before they can just be called "EDs"?

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This is what I get so frustrated with. Certainly we could all agree that better back ground checks would be good. If you're on a no fly list, certainly we could agree that you shouldn't be able to buy a weapon. Certainly we all agree that demonstration of an ability to handle a weapon (NRA you could help here) would be a good idea?

Actually we can't agree.

We can't because we have allowed the far right and the far left to kill our ability to compromise.

Before we KNOW anything the press and our political "leaders" are leading down the path of separation - it's how they keep their power.

So sad.

Bolding mine.

I don't agree with that at all.

What other constitutional rights should be suspended because you are on some "government list" that nobody knows the criteria for?

How about 4th amendmend Search and Seizure? Should we let the cops go in and search the houses of people on the "No Fly List"?
How about Habeus Corpus? We should just throw all those people on the list into jail. THAT would keep us safe.

Oh, right. The people in San Bernadino weren't on that list.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Bolding mine.

I don't agree with that at all.

You fanatical NRA members are SO unreasonable. Why do you hate children?

It's a simple proposal that would allow some faceless bureaucrat, or insider, the ability to put anyone they feel like on a list that takes away their freedoms.

It's so simple - things like 'due process' :S just slow down social justice and right thinking people.

I can't even look at you.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Due process would or should take care of the reason that if your on a no fly list you shouldn't be able to buy a gun.

Bottom line positions like this are why we have such a fucked up way of getting anything done.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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