
Obama Care Critic seeing the light

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***Trying to get enrolled with this shit was the biggest headache in my life....and it still continues today...fuck obama care

You are young and invincible and immortal... so why worry about it.

Yea I thought that. Until I endoed my mountain bike on a downhill course with a clip that didn't want to release...

I'm not overly upset with having to get health insurance anymore (25, not on mommy and daddy's plan, no work benefits) but just the way the fucker was set up. It's like they made it mandatory to do, but then made it the biggest pain in the ass to actually get.

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Glad we could pay 1.9 MILLION to study exotic ants, and more crap, go check it out.

Oh dont forget the 1500 OPEN cases of fraud they are still investigating. Shovel ready.....Not so ready, but the politicians were sure ready to pocket some of our tax dollars putting us further into debt. Maybe if they get off their collective fucking asses and pass a BUDGET they might see where their money is going, oh wait they are probably not doing that so we CANT see where our money is going.

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Hi Paul,


One of the cruelest things about the Republican Party has been their ability to con the average Joe into voting against his own best interests and for the interests of the 1%.

^^^^^ This. I continue to tell people this; it just floors me.

All they seem to care about is: Obama is going to take my guns.

As my son & I always laugh about is the old adage, 'My guns are to protect me from the gov't.' Does anyone really think that they can outgun the gov't?

You simply cannot fix stupid.

Jerry Baumchen

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Hi Jeanne,


keep the coverage they THOUGHT they had when their pissant coverage from fly by night "providers

Yup. For everyone who cries about ObamaCare costing more money, you have people who have never really read anything about their so-called current 'coverage;' and what it does NOT actually cover.

A good friend of mine's wife was having some problems with her foot. His health insurance provider merely told him that they did not have a podiatrist on staff. He had to go out and find a private physician to care for her foot.

The devil is in the details.

Jerry Baumchen

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Hey everyone. You all seem like a great group of people and I hate to step in the middle of this. However, I have one thing to point out. Any system that's in place will have people that benefit from and those that do not.

My own personal experience with the new health care is that my cost have gone through the roof. Prior to the new system I had top of the line blue cross and paid around 190 a month. Now I'm paying 525 a month and my out of pocket expenses are all double. I don't qualify for a tax credit, because I don't make enough money. I either pay the 525 myself or go on medicaid. If I made more money I could get the tax credit, but because I'm too poor I can't. That doesn't make sense to me.

Now I'm not saying that the whole system is wrong. I'm just pointing out that every system has problems. This one has them just like the last one did. I just think it would be better to address the problems of the last system than change the entire system and create new unknown problems.

As for republican hating. I understand were you guys are coming from, just like I understand were the democratic hate comes from. Both sides have played this game since they were created. This has been done well before the US existed. I don't think republicans are out to get the 99%, just like I don't think democrats are out to destroy the country. I think both sides are filled with people that are trying to do what they think is right. Until everyone can look at a situation and discuss it like adults nothing will get done and BOTH sides give each other grief.


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The problem is that politicians are not about America being in the black, flourishing, and making a stable future anymore. Is about both sides trying to fuck each other over, make a larger voting base for your team, make the other guy look bad, lie to the public, and get yourself and all your friends rich while blaming it on the other party. Not saying that did not exist before, but its all that they are doing 100% of the time now. Last budget we had was 2009, every thing that goes up for votes is 2000 pages of bullshit earmarks, and buying people outright for votes, and if one side does not get their way they stonewall and screw the whole thing over etc. Parties are trying to set up dynasties for themselves instead of doing their fucking jobs. AND THAT GOES FOR BOTH SIDES!

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I hear you Anvilbrother. It's a system of our own making. One thing that people don't understand is that most of the time it is impossible for even a noble politician to properly explain their platform in a 30 sec ad. So instead they try to either make the other guy look bad or "sell" you on their solution. I'm sure some good people say "Hey I'll lie my ass off to get into office because I know I'm doing what's right and I will help people when I get in" To them the ends justify the means. The problem is that it's not up to politicians to do what they think is right in office, but to do what the people want. Unfortunately what the people want is not always the best idea, but that's a problem in any free society.

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Or the Legion of Tea Baggers who think Obummer ....

You may have intelligent points to make. I'll never know. You continually use slang derogatory terms for the people you're discussing. I can't respect that. Nor care enough about your opinion to read your posts.

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Or the Legion of Tea Baggers who think Obummer ....

You may have intelligent points to make. I'll never know. You continually use slang derogatory terms for the people you're discussing. I can't respect that. Nor care enough about your opinion to read your posts.


Just using the language of SC... how many of the fringe right in this place diddle themselves daily with their ASS uming that anyone not goose stepping along with them.. is a liberal....including RINO's...... regardless of actual positions.... So fuck it.... I call as I see em.. if the stupid fuckers are too ignorant to get FACTS.. let em fall into poverty to join their ignorance... since they gave every thing away to their lords and masters who own everything.

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>So you admit very little went to shovel ready jobs

Nor was it supposed to. Glad you admit that the money slated for shovel ready jobs went to it, though. (While you might find it easy to deny it's getting warmer worldwide, even you would have a hard problem denying bridges.)

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>The problem is that politicians are not about America being in the black, flourishing,
>and making a stable future anymore.

Individually most are. But put enough of them together and you get some unfortunate emergent properties, like a propensity to spend more than is coming in and an institutional disregard for "the other side."

> Parties are trying to set up dynasties for themselves instead of doing their fucking jobs.

The politicians themselves are trying to do their jobs. It's just that at some point the only choice they have is to try to screw over the other side - because if they don't, they lose their party's support for their own bills, and their constituents lose out.

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It is a very common change of heart for conservatives. Consider this tea partyer who was demanding the end of entitlement spending, but was asked if she would be willing to give up her Social Security:

“That’s a conundrum, isn’t it?” asked Jodine White, 62, of Rocklin, Calif. “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I don’t want smaller government. I guess I want smaller government and my Social Security.” She added, “I didn’t look at it from the perspective of losing things I need. I think I’ve changed my mind.”

It's common in both ideologies.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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One of the cruelest things about the Republican Party has been their ability to con the average Joe into voting against his own best interests and for the interests of the 1%.

The guy got fucked over by the Republican Party and still blames the Democrats.


They aren't the Democrats helping him? Looks like they have done as much for him as the GOP has

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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***>Trying to get enrolled with this shit was the biggest headache in my life...

You've never tried to file a tax return for a small business then . . . .

Actually just got through doing that...not for my own business, but when you're 1 of 2 on the entire staff, tax returns are not fun.

So that Depreciation and Amortization form was child's play, right?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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******>Trying to get enrolled with this shit was the biggest headache in my life...

You've never tried to file a tax return for a small business then . . . .

Actually just got through doing that...not for my own business, but when you're 1 of 2 on the entire staff, tax returns are not fun.

So that Depreciation and Amortization form was child's play, right?

Oh yea. Especially in oil and gas.

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The problem is that politicians are not about America being in the black, flourishing, and making a stable future anymore.

Unrelated items. The USA hasn't been debt free since 1836, when Andrew Jackson was President. Yet since then the USA has flourished and been mostly stable. Even the instabilities weren't related to the debt.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Unrelated items. The USA hasn't been debt free since 1836, when Andrew Jackson was President. Yet since then the USA has flourished and been mostly stable. Even the instabilities weren't related to the debt.

It is most definitely connected. They know that the ship was sinking with a slow leak, but in the last 15 years we hit an iceberg and as they escape to their luxury life rafts for their trip to their private island they are stealing all the gold statues, and silverware along their way.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Unrelated items. The USA hasn't been debt free since 1836, when Andrew Jackson was President. Yet since then the USA has flourished and been mostly stable. Even the instabilities weren't related to the debt.

It is most definitely connected. They know that the ship was sinking with a slow leak, but in the last 15 years we hit an iceberg and as they escape to their luxury life rafts for their trip to their private island they are stealing all the gold statues, and silverware along their way.

Actually the biggest leak was under Reagan, under whose watch the debt increased by 181%. Not even GWB managed that.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hi John,


Actually the biggest leak was under Reagan, under whose watch the debt increased by 181%.

How many times do I have to tell you? These folks don't care about facts; those pesking little things.


Jerry Baumchen

PS) But, but, I got an email saying . . . . . . :S

Yeah . . . And as Obama STILL DOES, by blaming the previous, alter party president, look at the mess carter left him with.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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***Hi John,


Actually the biggest leak was under Reagan, under whose watch the debt increased by 181%.

How many times do I have to tell you? These folks don't care about facts; those pesking little things.


Jerry Baumchen

PS) But, but, I got an email saying . . . . . . :S

Yeah . . . And as Obama STILL DOES, by blaming the previous, alter party president, look at the mess carter left him with.

Yes 700 Billion in debt... Ronnie was going to balance that .... before he more than tripled the debt....I know you guys dig the revisionist history For Saint Ronald... but the truth will set you free

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Your doing the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT I commented on earlier. Instead of focusing on the issues you continuously slam the other side. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!

You just hate that don't you... so get over yourself and quit doing it!!!!

I voted for Saint Ronald....... once.... he stabbed the American people in the back.... and the masochists in the GOP just asked if they could have another ,,,,, and have continued the same behaviors thru another Saint Ronald term as well as three terms of Bush league budget stupidity.... which caused a massive economic failure.

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There you go again....:Show about you stop wasting all that hot air on blabbing about the past, your only contributing to global warming.

And all the whining you are doing about my posts..... yeah.... talk about global warming...

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