
M855 ammo ban, or as we like to call it the other way to try and enact gun control.

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They are saying it is to help officers stay safe from the armor penetrating bullets but here are the facts.

-Its not designed to be armor penetrating.
-It does not meet the legal definition.
-The same less hardened more popular M193 ammo also goes through armor due to its speed
-No one is concealing a 5 lb ar pistol
-No one can recall, and there have been no documented cop shootings that used an ar pistol so it cant be this out of control issue can it.
-Only 2.3% of murders involved a rifle, that includes all rifles bolt, lever, ak, and ar types according to the FBI itself.
-Most all hunting rifles go through the armor that cops wear anyways. 30-06, .308, .270, .300WSM, .338, 7mm etc.

Its a gun grab after failing to ban the AR they are trying to go after the SECOND most popular ammo, it even isnt the most popular, but if they do, it opens the box to include M193 and any of the other rifle calibers that defeat level 3 soft armor they are worried about.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Yeah, I remember we talked about this back in this thread a few weeks ago.

It is very strange to have the ATF publish a letter that says "we're planning to revoke the exemption we gave to M855 ammo because it turns out you can shoot it out of a handgun" and upon review of the law and the cartridge design all I can think of is... "wait, why did you feel you had to exempt it in the first place?"

Because a lot of ranges here in Southern California use a desert/semi-arid mountain as a backstop, M855 is not especially popular (I've actually never purchased any) for fear of starting brush fires with sparks from steel on steel impacts. That said, this fails the "what if we just didn't do this" test that should be applied to more government actions.

Sort of like when someone at work says, "hey I need you to fill out x or submit y" or something along those lines, and it's for something you've done a million times without doing this new thing, and you're really busy, and you just want to respond, "Worst case, and be honest, what would happen if I just didn't do that? Oh, nothing at all? Great, I'm not doing it."

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and a frenzy it is,
I was in Cabellas getting 200 rounds of 55 grain 5.56 on Saturday so I could spend the day at the range - next to my selection was the 'evil armor piercing" rounds in question.

I had my ammo in the basket and while I was talking to an employee about the ban we are hearing about two guys came in together and wiped out all the *cop killers* -LOL - they probably got slightly over 1k rounds but while they were shovelling the boxes into their baskets they were giving me the evil eye like they were worried I was gonna reach into their basket or protest... or something.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Yeah but my Ruger Mini 14 with a folding stock (not federal pistol or short barreled rifle) is registered as a hand gun in MI and I can carry it if I want.:)

Along with rifle rounds the cops around here baulk at wearing IIA level let alone level III or plates so some of the pistol rounds will go through.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Not to worry it was just a typo.


Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Please be advised that ATF has not rescinded any armor piercing ammunition exemption, and the fact that they are not listed in the 2014 online edition of the regulations was an error which has no legal impact on the validity of the exemptions. The existing exemptions for armor piercing ammunition, which apply to 5.56 mm SS 109 and M855 projectiles and the U.S..30-06 M2AP projectile remain in effect.


To ensure consistency, upon final implementation of the sporting purpose framework outlined above, ATF must withdraw the exemptions for 5.56 mm “green tip” ammunition, including both the SS109 and M855 cartridges.


Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework.

The "typo" or "publishing mistake" aspect of this story is the misunderstanding that the ban had already happened because the exemptions weren't listed in online documentation. I don't think they're trying to say that quote in the middle link above was a typo (which I hope anyone could agree would be complete crap.) It is an interesting development that the ATF are back-peddling on the framework now after the white house already gave a statement loosely defending the framework when it was criticized.

My "simplest cynical explanation" for this whole ordeal was that this was the BATFE responding in a petty way to the pistol brace ordeal this past year by saying, "Oh, it's a handgun you say and thus not subject to our $200 transfer fee and registration? Well if it's a handgun then I've got some bad news for you and your M855 ammo..."

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