
Tennessee Church Expels Mom of Gay Cop

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Fuckers. Hope they all go to that Hell they invented.




Gay detective's mother booted from church

(CNN)–The mother of a gay detective has been booted from the Tennessee church she attended for decades.

Elders at Ridgedale Church of Christ told Linda Cooper and two relatives that their public support for Kat Cooper, Linda Cooper's gay daughter, went against the church's teachings, local media reported. In a private meeting, reports say, Linda Cooper was given a choice: publicly atone for their transgressions or leave the church.

Linda left the church.

Kat Cooper is a detective with the Collegedale Police Department. This month, she fought successfully for health benefits for her same-sex spouse, Krista, from the town.

The Board of Commissioners passed a resolution allowing for same-sex partner benefits, becoming the first city in Tennessee to do so.

Along the way, the mother publicly supported her daughter. That support appears to have led to a rift with her church.

"My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That's it," Kat Cooper told the Times Free Press of Chattanooga. "Literally, they're exiling members for unconditionally loving their children - and even extended family members."

"Her answer to them ... is that she had committed no sin in her mind. Loving her daughter and supporting her family was not a sin," Kat Cooper's father, Hunt Cooper, told CNN affiliate WTVC. "There was nothing to repent about. They certainly couldn't judge her on that because that was between her and her God, and it was not their place to judge her for that."

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The Church of Christ is a very strong group. They do not allow musical instruments to be used in praise and worship.

The mother should have done a better job as a parent.:o:)

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Fuckers. Hope they all go to that Hell they invented.




Gay detective's mother booted from church

(CNN)–The mother of a gay detective has been booted from the Tennessee church she attended for decades.

Elders at Ridgedale Church of Christ told Linda Cooper and two relatives that their public support for Kat Cooper, Linda Cooper's gay daughter, went against the church's teachings, local media reported. In a private meeting, reports say, Linda Cooper was given a choice: publicly atone for their transgressions or leave the church.

Linda left the church.

Kat Cooper is a detective with the Collegedale Police Department. This month, she fought successfully for health benefits for her same-sex spouse, Krista, from the town.

The Board of Commissioners passed a resolution allowing for same-sex partner benefits, becoming the first city in Tennessee to do so.

Along the way, the mother publicly supported her daughter. That support appears to have led to a rift with her church.

"My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That's it," Kat Cooper told the Times Free Press of Chattanooga. "Literally, they're exiling members for unconditionally loving their children - and even extended family members."

"Her answer to them ... is that she had committed no sin in her mind. Loving her daughter and supporting her family was not a sin," Kat Cooper's father, Hunt Cooper, told CNN affiliate WTVC. "There was nothing to repent about. They certainly couldn't judge her on that because that was between her and her God, and it was not their place to judge her for that."

Fuck her.

I would be willing to bet that before she knew her daughter was gay, she herself was a typical Christian Homophobe. I'm sure she previously would have been front and center condemning those who were in her same situation.

It's kind of like someone who's been a member of the Klan for 20 years, and then finding out that their part Jewish, then can't understand why they got the boot.

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Fuck her.

I would be willing to bet that before she knew her daughter was gay, she herself was a typical Christian Homophobe. I'm sure she previously would have been front and center condemning those who were in her same situation.

It's kind of like someone who's been a member of the Klan for 20 years, and then finding out that their part Jewish, then can't understand why they got the boot.

Is there no redemption? Lib-baiting conservatives like to say that "a conservative is a person who used to be liberal until he got mugged." Well, maybe a liberal (or even a moderate) is a former conservative who finds out that someone she loves unequivocally is gay.

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Is there no redemption?

I think that there should be, Andy. I've know quite a few homophobic people who've come around after finding out that a family member, co-worker they respected, or friend is gay.

I don't often condemn those who change only when they discover that a loved one is gay. I have a harder time forgiving those who have been *actively* trying to harm gays.

Edit to add: I mean, what's the point of trying to get people to change if we're going to hate them for changing? One of the biggest catalysts in helping to integrate the gay and straight communities is that more and more people are coming out than ever before.
Owned by Remi #?

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Well, it does happen from time to time that the opposite holds true, and that the parent(s) renounce their kids to stay with the church. So hurray mom! Way to stand up for your child! :D

Way to actually BE a Christian, not pay lip service to some intolerant bigots only club
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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***The Church of Christ is a very strong group. They do not allow musical instruments to be used in praise and worship.

Neither does the Taliban.


The mother should have done a better job as a parent.:o:)

Your troll-fu is weak.

Pooh, so is your Christian baiting.

There are social rules and there are Christian rules. At this juncture, social rules accept homosexuality, Christian rules do not. Live with it.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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We don't have to live by any religious rules though.
That's the kicker.

Agreed, the mother was not kicked out of her town, Tennessee or the U.S.A. She can go worship in a Methodist or Presbyterian Church and probably be OK.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Telling the mom she must renounce her daughter? That seems to contradict the teachings of Jesus. Sure, the old testament says a whole lot of stuff... can't mix fabrics, can't get tattoos, don't eat rabbits, don't lay with men as you would women, women on periods are unclean.. yadda yadda yadda. So when Christ's teachings contradict the 'laws' of the old testament... and you ignore Christ's teachings in favour of these laws, can you still call yourself Christian? Or maybe you might consider converting to Judaism.

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.

You obey EVERY law in Leviticus? EVERY one of them?
I think instead of trying to be a bible lawyer, you might want to consider being loving and compassionate.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Telling the mom she must renounce her daughter? That seems to contradict the teachings of Jesus. Sure, the old testament says a whole lot of stuff... can't mix fabrics, can't get tattoos, don't eat rabbits, don't lay with men as you would women, women on periods are unclean.. yadda yadda yadda. So when Christ's teachings contradict the 'laws' of the old testament... and you ignore Christ's teachings in favour of these laws, can you still call yourself Christian? Or maybe you might consider converting to Judaism.
***Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.

You obey EVERY law in Leviticus? EVERY one of them?
I think instead of trying to be a bible lawyer, you might want to consider being loving and compassionate.

I do not attend her church.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Or simply avoid all churches and be just fine as well.

Your vision is not shared by all.

What vision? I made a comment regarding the Church of Christ.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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But you are telling me that Christians cannot permit homosexuality. So does this apply to all Christians, or not?

Christians warn there are consequences to living in sin. Which means living in death separated from life in Christ.

Sin is sin, homosexuality is one of many sins mentioned in the Bible. This sin obviously warrants special attention from the Holy Spirit inspired word.

Why do you suppose that is?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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"She can go worship in a Methodist or Presbyterian Church and probably be OK. "

I do not understand. My statement is merely a rhetorical statement not a vision.

My point is that there are other Christian churches more tolerant than the Church of Christ.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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