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Appreciate it!

Yes, I pretty much knew already, but nice to see someone calmly and rationally explain something (especially in SC).

And why do you assume I have graduated from High School? :P

(Yes, I have a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.)

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Trying to actually be serious about this (non)topic though, anyone care to talk about this?


This one is quite a good example of the tactic of legitimacy by association. The title and summary make it appear that the EU is considering cracking down on weather manipulation, which makes their cause sound serious. If the EU is considering cracking down on it then they must ackowledge that it's happening, right?

Well, when you look a little closer at the article it's obvious that nothing of the sort is happening. Representatives of a bunch of unnamed 'civil groups' (read: conspiracy theorist mailing lists, most likely) had a meeting in Brussels, submitted a petition to the European Parliament (as anyone can) and were roundly ignored.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***Trying to actually be serious about this (non)topic though, anyone care to talk about this?


This one is quite a good example of the tactic of legitimacy by association. The title and summary make it appear that the EU is considering cracking down on weather manipulation, which makes their cause sound serious. If the EU is considering cracking down on it then they must ackowledge that it's happening, right?

Well, when you look a little closer at the article it's obvious that nothing of the sort is happening. Representatives of a bunch of unnamed 'civil groups' (read: conspiracy theorist mailing lists, most likely) had a meeting in Brussels, submitted a petition to the European Parliament (as anyone can) and were roundly ignored.


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Appreciate it!

Yes, I pretty much knew already, but nice to see someone calmly and rationally explain something (especially in SC).

And why do you assume I have graduated from High School? :P

(Yes, I have a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.)

The rules of communicating science. B|
Generally the root of the problem with the crazies is a fundamental lack of understanding of the basics. Someone sees something and it looks slightly different from what the ignorant(not meant to be an insult to anyone, just used because it is the correct word) would expect, so they fill in the blanks. (With crazy)

Your query post asked for high school level stuff! I assumed you had to be at least done with your GED. :P

BS in Mathematics? Shit... I can barely add.

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I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone. Read the paper of the NASA "Owning the weather 2025", read about hundreds of analysis certificats of rainwater before you type your dumb shit about conspiracy theories.

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I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone.

And then they proceed to publicly demonstrate their utter brilliance by reactivating threads that have been dead for a year and a half, in order to make the point.
QED, fellow traveler.

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I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone. Read the paper of the NASA "Owning the weather 2025", read about hundreds of analysis certificats of rainwater before you type your dumb shit about conspiracy theories.

Are you saying that you're amazed people believe in batshit crazy conspiracy theories, or you're amazed that people DON'T believe in your 'chemtrails'


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***I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone. Read the paper of the NASA "Owning the weather 2025", read about hundreds of analysis certificats of rainwater before you type your dumb shit about conspiracy theories.

Are you saying that you're amazed people believe in batshit crazy conspiracy theories, or you're amazed that people DON'T believe in your 'chemtrails'


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***I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone.

And then they proceed to publicly demonstrate their utter brilliance by reactivating threads that have been dead for a year and a half, in order to make the point.
QED, fellow traveler.

No way, Andy! It's been dead for less than 11 months! :P

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ISome of the chemtrailers may be insulted that they are in the same category as truthers.

And yet . . . they are precisely the same. Inventing a mythology for something they simply do not understand.[/quot]

Just like man made global warming.

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I always thought, skydivers should be a bit more aware of what's happening. But this thread is a proof, that the most ignorant and cockeyed posters meet on dorkzone. Read the paper of the NASA "Owning the weather 2025", read about hundreds of analysis certificats of rainwater before you type your dumb shit about conspiracy theories.

These are your people bro. Think on that a while. :P


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ISome of the chemtrailers may be insulted that they are in the same category as truthers.

And yet . . . they are precisely the same. Inventing a mythology for something they simply do not understand.

Then, of course, "Downwinders" were assured that there was nothing to fear from the government.


And then there was the Green Run.

You left out the best stuff:


Germ warfare experiments on US population centers by releasing serratia marcescens over San Francisco by the Fort Deitrick biological warfare staff.

But possibly more troubling is Judge Conti’s subsequent 1981 ruling against the grandson of a guy killed by this including finding that it is perfectly legal for the government to conduct biological experiments on the population without informed consent.

That said, the chemtrail conspiracies are nonsense.

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That said, the chemtrail conspiracies are nonsense.

Agreed, it seems that way.

But that's good stuff you brought up. It's hard to keep track of all the secret US government stuff tested on unaware citizens...

... the Tuskegee syphilis experiments,
the MK Ultra LSD etc experiments,
the plutonium injection experiments.

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