
Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers

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At the end of this clip, Holder says anti-gun ads should run every day, and we need to "really brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way."

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes."

I agree - and the NRA has said something similar, that movies that promote gun violence as "cool" are part of the problem. LaPierre:

"There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people . . .There's the blood-soaked slasher films like "American Psycho" and "Natural Born Killers" that are aired like propaganda loops on "Splatterdays" and every day, and a thousand music videos that portray life as a joke and murder as a way of life."

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"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes."

I agree - and the NRA has said something similar, that movies that promote gun violence as "cool" are part of the problem. LaPierre:

"There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people . . .There's the blood-soaked slasher films like "American Psycho" and "Natural Born Killers" that are aired like propaganda loops on "Splatterdays" and every day, and a thousand music videos that portray life as a joke and murder as a way of life."

The NRA supports the 2nd Amendment
Holder on the other hand is ignoring his oath
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I agree to an extent that there is a cultural aspect surrounding this. And in a sense there is something to be said about government leadership.

But I STILL have a problem with a government wanting to “change the way people think about” anything. It is just a bit down that slippery slope. Let the Brady Center do it. Let any of the innumerable other private organizations do it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I agree to an extent that there is a cultural aspect surrounding this.

I was watching a tv show on history channel about the
Aokigahara Forest where there have been hundreds of people who have killed themselves, but rather than getting the media there to come out and lambast people for doing this its accepted as part of their culture.

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Sounds like government brainwashing to me.

Someone has to wash the dirty laundry.

Holder IS the dirty laundry.

You just insulted dirt laundry
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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How about changing the violent tendancies instead.
Guns,knives,bombs,clubs,fist,ect....,can be used violently,but they can be and are used for other purposes as well.
Bombs are just explosives that are used to kill and terrify,but when used in peace they help create roads and building materials.
Guns can be used to kill food or protect us from big animals who might easily attack and kill us weak humans,or they can be used to victimize other people.
It is the violent,aggressive nature that many people embrace and express that is the root of the problem,not only here in the US,but world wide.
We have gang rapes,child abuse,physical assaults off the chart. These behaviors are all about violence and aggression upon others who can't fight back.
Not only do many people think guns are cool but,they think all violence is cool.
Being a bad ass is cooler than being compasionate for an alarming number of people,especially young people.
As long as there are those who would use violence and aggression against those who are weaker we will have the need for tools of selfdefense.

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This is what the CDC says about smoking, yet Congress has not outlawed tobacco. Maybe Holder needs to deliver his message closer to home.

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death.

* Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030.3
* In the United States, smoking is responsible for about one in five deaths annually (i.e., about 443,000 deaths per year, and an estimated 49,000 of these smoking-related deaths are the result of secondhand smoke exposure).1
* On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.4

You don't have to outrun the bear.

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Being a gun owner means never having to cower.

That should be on a Hallmark card. B|

I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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