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***But even way before that, the thread morphed into Blame Bush®

Uh . . . how? With time travel?

I believe it was Post #26 of 2238. . .

...ok, ok - he wasn't exactly blaming Bush for benghazi, but you get the point - It's all apart of that franchise.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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******>Agreed. Fortunately, very few people treat science as their "master."

How come they are always trying to cram it down our throats? I mean speaking as a right wing conservative Christian living in a rural area to avoid the onslaught.

I have never had a physicist stop me on the street to speak to me about quantum mechanics. Not a single one. Never.

I can fix that, next time I come out to Perris.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>How come they are always trying to cram it down our throats?

They're not; they don't need to.

If you decide that you don't believe in gravity, gravity really isn't affected. You'll still fall when you jump off a desk, no matter what you believe.

If you decide that evolution doesn't exist, evolution isn't affected. Bacteria will still evolve drug resistance, and species will still evolve to fit new niches.

If you don't believe in climate change, it's not affected. It will still keep getting warmer.

No need for anyone else to "cram it down your throat." The natural world does that for you.

>I mean speaking as a right wing conservative Christian living in a rural area to
>avoid the onslaught.

Well, you're not going to avoid the onslaught of the natural world no matter what you believe.

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If you decide that you don't believe in gravity, gravity really isn't affected. You'll still fall when you jump off a desk, no matter what you believe.

I believe I can fly, and I do!


If you decide that evolution doesn't exist, evolution isn't affected.

Humans most certainly can change the course of evolution whether you believe in it or not.


If you don't believe in climate change, it's not affected. It will still keep getting warmer.

So it's not man made? Finally, he admits it!

What is that, like denier type II, I forget?

Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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>I believe I can fly, and I do!

Yep. If you want to use science to fly, you can do that too.

(Of course, if you decide that you don't need a rig to skydive because you don't want "science crammed down your throat" you might not do it for much longer.)

>Humans most certainly can change the course of evolution whether you believe in it
>or not.

Of course. Humans can change selection pressures, which changes the course of evolution.

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They are both still the worst examples of federal leadership in my lifetime. IMHO of course.

You are forgetting about Ronald Reagan. Marines killed in Beirut under his watch. One investigation and solutions to keep it from happening again. Forget the fact about his illegal gun running to Iran to fund more illegal gun running to his "freedom fighters" in Central America.

Or GWB, who lied us all into a war that lead to thousands of innocent people dead. Of course this was after the worst attack on American soil, that had one investigation. And add in Hurricane Katrina and that utter failed response for our own citizens.

But keep worrying about the Kenyan Muslim Obummer...

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>You are forgetting about Ronald Reagan.

Yep. He also tripled the deficit, then raised taxes ten times to try to fix it. He vastly increased the size of the Federal government. And he sent billions in money and weapons to extremist Islamic terrorists in the Middle East.

On the plus side, he legalized over 3 million illegal immigrants and pushed for completely open immigration from Mexico and Canada.

If he were around today, his positions would define him as a democrat - and RonD would be labeling him a left-wing socialist progressive who was going to lead to the downfall of the US.

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In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate

Read more: GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/22/the-real-reason-behind-benghazigate/#.UIgHETbcKPI.facebook#ixzz2AENbR98W
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Hillary's email to her daughter was in the first 15 minutes. In that email she states it was a terror attack.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>You are forgetting about Ronald Reagan.

Yep. He also tripled the deficit, then raised taxes ten times to try to fix it. He vastly increased the size of the Federal government. And he sent billions in money and weapons to extremist Islamic terrorists in the Middle East.

On the plus side, he legalized over 3 million illegal immigrants and pushed for completely open immigration from Mexico and Canada.

If he were around today, his positions would define him as a democrat - and RonD would be labeling him a left-wing socialist progressive who was going to lead to the downfall of the US.

All snippets posted with no context with the express intent to mislead. But then I think you already know that but, I will play the game too.

During 1 quarter of the Reagan presidency the GDP grew 7%.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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During Reagan's eight years.

•20 million new jobs were created
•Inflation dropped from 13.5% in 1980 to 4.1% by 1988
•Unemployment fell from 7.6% to 5.5%
•Net worth of families earning between $20,000 and $50,000 annually grew by 27%
•Real gross national product rose 26%
•The prime interest rate was slashed by more than half, from an unprecedented 21.5% in January 1981 to 10% in August 1988

Given actual rates of inflation, through 1987, the Reagan tax cuts saved the median-income two-earner American family of four close to $9,000 in taxes from what it would have owed in 1980.

And Obama double the deficit of all the previous presidents combined.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>During 1 quarter of the Reagan presidency the GDP grew 7%.

Indeed it did. Much of that was due to the massive increase in government jobs as the federal government grew.

Now let's look at their performance over a longer period (say, five and a half years) -
Sep 5, 2014

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing

Adam Hartung

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today issued America’s latest jobs report covering August. And it’s a disappointment. . . .

. Despite the lower than expected August jobs number, America will create about 2.5 million new jobs in 2014.

And that is great news.

Back in May, 2013 (15 months ago) the Dow was out of its recession doldrums and hitting new highs. I asked readers if Obama could, economically, be the best modern President? Through discussion of that question, the number one issue raised by readers was whether the stock market was a good economic barometer for judging “best.” Many complained that the measure they were watching was jobs – and that too many people were still looking for work.

To put this week’s jobs report in economic perspective I reached out to Bob Deitrick, CEO of Polaris Financial Partners: . .

"This is the best private sector jobs creation performance in American history."

Unemployment, Reagan v Obama, Bob Deitrick: ”President Reagan has long been considered the best modern economic President. So we compared his performance dealing with the oil-induced recession of the 1980s with that of President Obama and his performance during this ‘Great Recession.’

“As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan."

“President Obama has achieved a 6.1% unemployment rate in his sixth year, fully one year faster than President Reagan did. At this point in his presidency, President Reagan was still struggling with 7.1% unemployment, and he did not reach into the mid-low 6% range for another full year. So, despite today’s number, the Obama administration has still done considerably better at job creating and reducing unemployment than did the Reagan administration.

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It came from NPR.

Why is it, I wonder, that Kallend hasn't chimed in with post after post after post about plagiarism.

Is NPR better than Facebook?

Inquiring minds wish to know.:|

It - DOES - seem a little hypocritical of him not to hold you to the same standards as he does everyone else, donchathink?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I have never had a physicist stop me on the street to speak to me about quantum mechanics. Not a single one. Never.

I have had countless religious zealots stop me on the street and knock on my front door trying to speak to me about their particular version of "God."

WTF do you mean when you talk about science being a "master" and "always trying to cram it down our throats"?

Science is great in explaining the natural world, but like religion it fails miserably in explaining the spiritual world. The godless reality that some claim science supports is as misguided as the judgmental reality that some religions propose.

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***It came from NPR.

Why is it, I wonder, that Kallend hasn't chimed in with post after post after post about plagiarism.

Is NPR better than Facebook?

Inquiring minds wish to know.:|

It - DOES - seem a little hypocritical of him not to hold you to the same standards as he does everyone else, donchathink?

Why would I need to do that when you've already done it?

He told you where it came from. At least he knew, unlike brenthutch who had to be told.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So letting all of those Marines die on his watch and selling arms to our enemy to fund an illegal war was A-OK, as long as there was economic growth. Oh, and letting in 3 million illegals.
Got it.

You got nuttin honey.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***So letting all of those Marines die on his watch and selling arms to our enemy to fund an illegal war was A-OK, as long as there was economic growth. Oh, and letting in 3 million illegals.
Got it.

You got nuttin honey.

Terrorist attacks killing Americans:

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 - Total deaths = 675; per month = 7.4

George HW Bush 1989-1993 - Total deaths = 0

Bill Clinton 1993-2001 - Total deaths = 444; per month = 4.6

George W. Bush 2001-2009 - Total deaths = 3,075 ; per month = 32

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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From The New Yorker:

Around dawn on October 23, 1983, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, when a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen. The U.S. military command, which regarded the Marines’ presence as a non-combative, “peace-keeping mission,” had left a vehicle gate wide open, and ordered the sentries to keep their weapons unloaded. The only real resistance the suicide bomber had encountered was a scrim of concertina wire. When I arrived on the scene a short while later to report on it for the Wall Street Journal, the Marine barracks were flattened. From beneath the dusty, smoking slabs of collapsed concrete, piteous American voices could be heard, begging for help. Thirteen more American servicemen later died from injuries, making it the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans. Among the dead were seven C.I.A. officers, including the agency’s top analyst in the Middle East, an immensely valuable intelligence asset, and the Beirut station chief.

There were more than enough opportunities to lay blame for the horrific losses at high U.S. officials’ feet. But unlike today’s Congress, congressmen did not talk of impeaching Ronald Reagan, who was then President, nor were any subpoenas sent to cabinet members. This was true even though then, as now, the opposition party controlled the majority in the House. Tip O’Neill, the Democratic Speaker of the House, was no pushover. He, like today’s opposition leaders in the House, demanded an investigation—but a real one, and only one. Instead of playing it for political points, a House committee undertook a serious investigation into what went wrong at the barracks in Beirut. Two months later, it issued a report finding “very serious errors in judgment” by officers on the ground, as well as responsibility up through the military chain of command, and called for better security measures against terrorism in U.S. government installations throughout the world.

In other words, Congress actually undertook a useful investigation and made helpful recommendations. The report’s findings, by the way, were bipartisan. (The Pentagon, too, launched an investigation, issuing a report that was widely accepted by both parties.)

In March of 1984, three months after Congress issued its report, militants struck American officials in Beirut again, this time kidnapping the C.I.A.’s station chief, Bill Buckley. Buckley was tortured and, eventually, murdered. Reagan, who was tormented by a tape of Buckley being tortured, blamed himself. Congress held no public hearings, and pointed fingers at the perpetrators, not at political rivals.

If you compare the costs of the Reagan Administration’s serial security lapses in Beirut to the costs of Benghazi, it’s clear what has really deteriorated in the intervening three decades. It’s not the security of American government personnel working abroad. It’s the behavior of American congressmen at home.

The story in Beirut wasn’t over. In September of 1984, for the third time in eighteen months, jihadists bombed a U.S. government outpost in Beirut yet again. President Reagan acknowledged that the new security precautions that had been advocated by Congress hadn’t yet been implemented at the U.S. embassy annex that had been hit. The problem, the President admitted, was that the repairs hadn’t quite been completed on time. As he put it, “Anyone who’s ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never gets done as soon as you wish it would.” Imagine how Congressman Issa and Fox News would react to a similar explanation from President Obama today.
Jane Mayer

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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******So letting all of those Marines die on his watch and selling arms to our enemy to fund an illegal war was A-OK, as long as there was economic growth. Oh, and letting in 3 million illegals.
Got it.

You got nuttin honey.

Terrorist attacks killing Americans:

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 - Total deaths = 675; per month = 7.4

George HW Bush 1989-1993 - Total deaths = 0

Bill Clinton 1993-2001 - Total deaths = 444; per month = 4.6

George W. Bush 2001-2009 - Total deaths = 3,075 ; per month = 32

Conveniently left someone out, didn't you?:S
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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*********So letting all of those Marines die on his watch and selling arms to our enemy to fund an illegal war was A-OK, as long as there was economic growth. Oh, and letting in 3 million illegals.
Got it.

You got nuttin honey.

Terrorist attacks killing Americans:

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 - Total deaths = 675; per month = 7.4

George HW Bush 1989-1993 - Total deaths = 0

Bill Clinton 1993-2001 - Total deaths = 444; per month = 4.6

George W. Bush 2001-2009 - Total deaths = 3,075 ; per month = 32

Conveniently left someone out, didn't you?:S

You can fill us in. No-one will come close to GWB though.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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