
Specialty weapons & firearms

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I started this thread so that some of us could various speciakty weapons systems. We were discussing M79/M203 grenade launchers while hijacking a home defense thread. Unless you live in Somalia, grenade launchers have very little to do with home drfense.

Coincidentally, the M203 system is available for civilian purchase, provided you purchase the tax stamp. Rounds are available but are limited to the orange chalk practice rounds and most smoke/flare rounds.

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I work on an Indian reservation in Eastern Montana. A tribal cop here ended up with a M/203. I heard he took it deer hunting on the weekends. I don't know for sure if he used the grenade launcher and full auto, but it sounded really bizzare to me.....But then again lot's of crazy shit happens here.

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those are really fun to play with, had the opportunity in the military.. i wouldnt mind owning one of those for my sig550! :)
but then again, christmas, new years eve and easter would have to fall together on the same day you could get one of those around here..

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
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In my short time in the army I qualified on the m203. The range had building facades that you had to shoot grenades into, and cardboad cutout soldiers about 500 yards out you had to drop grenades on. THUNK!......Boom! or actually...Poof. I never got to fire live rounds.

It did make the M16 a bitch to tote around though.

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