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Waivers I have signed say that any pictures taken at the DZ maybe used for promotions of DZ and it's affiliates. Or something along those lines.

I have a couple of things to say about it.

If they had planned on using the photos, and this is the reason that they set up the contest, that's just down right low down dirty trick. If it was an afterthought, it's still at bast not nice.

I knew that they didn't ask for permission, simply because it wouldn't have been given. It was really a rhetorical question, but I had not thought about the blanket permission that is more than likely included in the waiver.

One thing that this will do is cut into the hippie vibe, and reduce the number of boobs I see at boogies in the future.

One thing I have noticed over the years is that most skydiver girls get "educated" regarding showing skin on stage at a boogie. They see what happens to the images recorded on the dozens of cameras pointed at them.

Now those images are showing up in an internet ad campaign! Look mom! See what I did in Iowa!

What happens at a boogie, stays at the boogie. That is as long as it wasn't recorded.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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At Skydive Orange, when the clothing comes off, the cameras go away.

An easy way to get yourself persona non grata status to to reduce the numbers of boobies on the DZ by being skeevy.

I agree, but show it on stage at a large boogie, and the pictures will show up here and there. Years ago before the advent of digital technology, and the internet, there was quite a bit more public nudity at boogies, at least in my experience. Damn technology!

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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Is there a difference between a nudity waiver and a media release waiver? Or does a media release (even outside of skydiving waivers) include rights to nude images as well? Actors have to waive their rights for their likeness to be used if they want to be in film, but they also have nudity waivers for particular roles.

I'm asking this because I am a constant streaker and flasher at my dz, and if my image showed up and was okay because of this waiver...I'd have family and personal repercussions. It will definitely make me keep my clothes on when the beer light comes on... [:/]


Irgity Dirgity

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guys... obviously you all have a lot of time on your hands. as to asking permission... I think I told people at least a thousand times that the pics would be up on our website and even handed out cards so that people would have the web address... no one, and I mean not one single person said anything at all about "I don't want that pic on the internet" I spent a considerable amount of time showing the pics I just took to the subject and telling them that it would be on the internet and generally I got a response along the lines of "what's the address?" and "COOL!, whats the address?" I've had a couple of complaints, funny thing is the complaints we've received were not from the people in the photos!?!?!?!? that kind of boggled my mind.. we've not received one single contact from anyone in the pictures who wanted their pic taken down.. if we would've , we would have of course honored their wishes... we've had two.. take them down and over 100 "that's awesome" and quite a few, can you send me the hi res version of that pic? one of those being a request from a girl in the wet T-shirt contest and even one, you didn't catch my best side.. can I send you a really good pic of me topless to put on your site? ....how far do you think I'd get if I emailed or called the moderators of Dropzone. com or say , the perris valley website and told them that I didn't like something on their website and that they simply must take it down immediately? if the world worked that way, there would be nothing on the internet at all... all of that being said... over half of the pics on our website weren't even taken by us.. we swapped cards with other photographers... the guy doing the compilation video got our pics too and mentioned adding a slide show to the video.... if you are at a NASCAR race and someone photographs you in the crowd from Sports Illustrated.. how far to you think you'd get in asking them to recall an issue because you were drinking a beer in the pic and you thought that your wife might not like it? I'm not trying to be argumentative, just bringing up some points... these pics weren't meant to hurt anyone and if anyone would have complained or asked that they not be put on the web.. they wouldn't have been.. noone said a thing this year.. last year, one girl did specifically ask that a pic of her doing something embarrassing in the hot tub not be put on the web because her bf might see it and the person that she was with wasn't him... I showed her the camera and deleted the pic right in front of her... that's just proper ettiquette. These pics are just a visual and photographic representation trying to capture the essence and experience of the social aspects of Couch Freaks... everyone is focusing on the less than 5% of the photos that involve some form of nudity and I was being generous in that count... come on guys.. it's not that big a deal... okay, having said all of that, it's a moot point anyway because we pulled down all of the pics and are changing our banner ads, that deal has run it's course and everyone that wanted to see them has seen them and now we are focusing on the Christmas Season. ya'll have to ask yourselves if a few years ago when dropzone. com ran that ad with the woman in the bathtub with all of the weenies that we all laugh at now and can't believe that skydivers would have freaked out over it...if you would have been someone at the time writing in to parachutist and complaining.. or in today's world .. posting here? and then several years later kind of getting quiet when others were laughing at the fun police who complained about something that , in hindsight, just wasn't that big a deal...

my 2 cents for what they're worth.
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You obviously took the steps to protect others and made it right BEFORE posting the pics. People are allowed to have their opinions though. Don't be upset with those who don't agree. You also make some valid points about a some things. Besides...everyone loves boobies. :P

My question wasn't really about the couch freaks pics...it was in general. Miataman brought up a good point about the waiver. I really am curious as to what that entails. I was hoping that it would have been answered by someone on here who might know about that sort of thing...for my own personal protection. You as, much as anyone, know I'm a naughty girl after dark. :P


Irgity Dirgity

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i'd think it would be common sense to anyone living in modern America that if you are in a public place and are capable of being captured on film.. you may be.. and with the world the way that it is.. said image is liable to show up on the internet. Does the word "Rodney King" ring any bells? if you are in a public place that does not specifically have signs up stating that photography is not allowed... people will say.. hey! you can't post my pic, I didn't sign a release... it has been upheld in courts around the land that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a private place, but when in a public place... well, that is another story. if every person shown in a photographic medium has the right to refuse because they did not sign a release.. the Enquirer would not be in business... and not the largest circulation magazine in the nation.. which brings up another point... wtf is wrong with this country... I have to go home and take care of my alien bigfoot babies, the misses is going out to a grassy knoll conspiracy reunion tonight and I'm not invited... just me and little hairy sitting at home with our foil beanies on.... ;)

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I'm a not-for-profit nudist. :P Donations are made under certain stipulations and/or men. Violations of said guidelines will result in me kicking arse...or valiantly attempting to do so...:P


Irgity Dirgity

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...hence my new no flashing policy if you remember correctly. [:/]

I wasn't asking merely for image-sake in a public arena...I was asking about the difference between nude imagery and that of what would be "understood" as waived rights ie clothed. Those media outlets cited get sued all the time and lose cases. They also don't publish uncensored images.


Irgity Dirgity

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i'd think it would be common sense to anyone living in modern America that if you are in a public place and are capable of being captured on film.. you may be.. and with the world the way that it is.. said image is liable to show up on the internet.

That's not the same thing as granting permission for one's image to be used to promote a commercial product.
No soup for you.

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