
Israeli Tanks lined up and ready to roll

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Did you have a problem when we (the US) bombed Afghanistan back into the stone age after 9/11? Do you believe that Israel should not retaliate when either (A) provoked or (B) attacked? Or do you believe that it should be one for one? Example: "They" kidnap one Israeli soldier, Israel kidnaps one of theirs? "They" lob a missle at an Israeli population center, Israel lobs one into one of 'their' population centers? "They" send a homicide bomber into a crowded cafe, Israel retaliates in kind.

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>the Israeli's target the leadership . . .
>The Israelis.... again target the launch sites . . .

And they target the cars of the people who are fleeing the cities per their instructions.

Both sides are exhibiting very bad behavior. In other words, they are both behaving like they are at war.

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Gee your report starts out right to the point.... they are two nations at WAR.... that is the reality... the Israeli's target the leadership who talk young people into strapping on bombs to go into civilian areas on the other side of the border... human bombs....to kill children. The Wonderful humane Palistinians also send over indiscriminate rockets... hoping to kill ANYONE on the other side...

The Israelis.... again target the launch sites( that the wonderful peace loving palistininians) that are placed in civilian areas to make propaganda by the inevitable collateral damage...

RIGHT .. gotta love these macho guys who hide behind their women and children to ensure they get killed when the Israelis strike back.

Very simple really....( Since Darius needs simple answers.) IF.. after withdrawing from GAZA.... the Peace loving Palistinians would just get on with building their contry instead of continueing to attack Israel.... and seeking to kill ALL of the Jews...perhaps.. finally the Jews would not have a reason to lob missles and tanks fire into such a peaceful place.

I think I need to quit drinking, I just agreed with everything you said. :D

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And not all Palestinians are Muslim so not all believe in Allah.

Oh I guess those are just the ones going after the 72 virgins... after they blow themselves up....

And answere ing YES the Israelis are doing ALL of those things... BUT you gotta ask yourself WHY do they do it... its in retaliation for all the crap your Jihadi brothers and sistahs keep bringing on...both parties are too fucking stupid to stop... but you CANT continueously blame ONLY the Israelis.....its completey disingenuous and certainly intellectually dishonest Darius.

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Very simple really....( Since Darius needs simple answers.)

What can I say we are all not blessed with your superior intelligence and knowledge.

Oh only if the whole world had the same knowledge and enlightenment as you oh great one. Then the world would be heaven and I could finally screw my 900 virgins I have always wanted.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I have mentioned this once before to John I think.

I am not saying that the Palestinians are 100% inocent, but just look at this thread. There are so many people who view the Palestinians as the only or main source of the problem that is simply not true.

Our administration basically says Israel has a right to defend it self, they forget to mention so does Lebanon, and Palestine. When Israelis invade there borders that is an act of war, When they assassinate the now democratically elected members of HAMAS that is braking international law. You know the list the same list I mention over and over again.

A few others and me happen to see the other side of things. It is easy to think all my Jihad brother (as you put it by the way I am not even Arab) just want to kill the Jews or they hate us because we are free but that is simply not true.

There are reasons why we are hated as there are many reasons why Israel is hated and most of the reasons are legitimate.

My view is that Israel is the main cause of the war and the problems in that region.
Why we are hated is easy we have now accelerated our weapons delivery to Israel so they can Kill more people in Lebanon. It is easy to see why we would be hated as well.

So back to why I view things the way I do. I refuse to believe that a religion or a whole group of people are crazy and want to die to go to haven. I think people who have lost everything are people who are willing to die not people who have things to live for. So when someone decides to kill them selves to kill a few of there enemy I don’t just say wow another crazy Muslim. I try to think what kind of shit that person must have goon threw and what environment they must have lived in.
People usually don’t hate each other when they are treated as equals, it is when one tries to take advantage that issues arise.

I believe all people want the same thing. A safe environment to live in, Equal opportunity to grow, and the same for there children. When you either directly or indirectly become a prohibiter of any of the above you are an enemy and will be disliked.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Did you have a problem when we (the US) bombed Afghanistan back into the stone age after 9/11?
I had problems with some of it, like the dropping of cluster bomblets that looked just like food aid packets. And of course I had problems with the part where we left OBL and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan so that we could divert all of our resources to Iraq.

Do you believe that Israel should not retaliate when either (A) provoked or (B) attacked? Or do you believe that it should be one for one? Example: "They" kidnap one Israeli soldier, Israel kidnaps one of theirs? "They" lob a missle at an Israeli population center, Israel lobs one into one of 'their' population centers? "They" send a homicide bomber into a crowded cafe, Israel retaliates in kind.
I believe that the press is doing a very good job of providing only part of the story, painting Israel as the victim when in reality they are equally if not more guilty. So I can't blame people for repeating the lopsided viewpoint that they get on the news but I can blame them for repeating it and refusing to ever question their source.

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>I believe that the press is doing a very good job of providing only part of the story, painting Israel as the victim . . .

Agreed there. I watched a news show a few days back while I was in a restaraunt. They spent 10 minutes on a Hezbollah rocket attack, describing how the family in the apartment building was just having a peaceful dinner when their dining room was blown apart. They showed all the damage from the rocket. They found pieces of it and talked about where it came from. They interviewed people in the area. There were aerial pictures of the damage, an analysis of where the rocket came from, and a military expert who talked about how this was an atrocity.

Then they showed 5 seconds of video from Beirut where an entire city block had been leveled. One child was picking his way over the rubble. Cut to commercial.

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And the launchers Hezbollah are using do not fit in cars. See some pictures below of Katyusha and Fajr-5 launchers.

Do the big white wall tires get more respect around 'da hood?:D:D:D

Whitewalls are passe in the 'hood in '06. It's large diameter shiny wheels with super low profile tires this year. The low profile tires must be harder to target.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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There are so many people who view the Palestinians as the only or main source of the problem that is simply not true

Yup I guess this guy has no issues either


Iran's new hard-line president called yesterday for Israel to be "wiped off the map" - the first time for many years that such a high-ranking Iranian official has called for the Jewish state's eradication.


Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.

Hmmm wonder where the Palistinians are getting the ideas from to attack rather than make a lasting peace????


My view is that Israel is the main cause of the war and the problems in that region.

So I guess all of the Arab countries that expelled ALL of their jews.... with Israel the only place for them to go.. has ZERO bearing on all of this either????

So when Iran delivers a nuke on Tel Aviv.... what do you think Israel should do about that???

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>So when Iran delivers a nuke on Tel Aviv.... what do you think
>Israel should do about that???

Israel has nukes. Iran does not. So a better question is - what should _our_ response be when Israel drops a nuke on Beirut? (Just a little tactical one, of course, to convince those people to not vote for Hezbollah radicals.)

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Israel has nukes. Iran does not. So a better question is - what should _our_ response be when Israel drops a nuke on Beirut?

"when" Israel drops a nuke on Beirut?

What is your basis for believing this will happen?

Seems you've got your thoughts a little bit backwards -- the country that DOES have them has shown restraint again and again by NOT using them, while the country that DOESN'T have them promises to "wipe Israel off the map". Yet, you think it's fine for that country to obtain them.

That's some goofy thinking.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>What is your basis for believing this will happen?

Same basis others are using to imagine Iran first developing a nuclear weapon then dropping it on Tel Aviv. In other words - imagination.

>while the country that DOESN'T have them promises to "wipe Israel off the map"

Just like the USSR promised to "bury us." They had nukes; they didn't use them. You think a country that uses the same sort of overblown rhetoric that does NOT have nukes is more of a threat than a country that uses it and DID have nukes?

>Yet, you think it's fine for that country to obtain them.

Nope. Never said that.

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>What is your basis for believing this will happen?

Same basis others are using to imagine Iran first developing a nuclear weapon then dropping it on Tel Aviv. In other words - imagination.

Yep, we can imagine anything we want, despite real evidence to the contrary.


>while the country that DOESN'T have them promises to "wipe Israel off the map"

Just like the USSR promised to "bury us." They had nukes; they didn't use them. You think a country that uses the same sort of overblown rhetoric that does NOT have nukes is more of a threat than a country that uses it and DID have nukes?

I know you realize just how close we/they came to using them. Want to go through that again, this time with an even zanier group?


>Yet, you think it's fine for that country to obtain them.

Nope. Never said that.

You recently outlined conditions that it would be just fine -- something like "best if nobody had them, next best if only the US has them, next best, everyone has them". Sorry if I missed something.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>Want to go through that again, this time with an even zanier group?

If you had lived in the 1950's, and said that you thought Russians were a saner group than the Iranians - you would have been blacklisted - or more likely just ignored for being a nut. Everyone knew Russians were insane zealots who would stop at nothing to spread communism throughout the world at any cost.

Our enemies are always the worst, most insane, most inhumane people out there. There's a good reason for this; Machiavelli's The Prince gives a good explanation of why it's important to make people believe this. Time reveals that they're really a lot like us - just with a loudmouth bullying government. Since we have one of those ourselves, perhaps best not to play the "they're the most crazy, and we really, really mean it this time" game.

>You recently outlined conditions that it would be just fine -- something
>like "best if nobody had them, next best if only the US has them, next
>best, everyone has them". Sorry if I missed something.

Correct. It's fine if no one has them. Less fine if only the US has them. Even less fine if everyone has them. Worst of all if only our enemies have them (at least from our perspective.) Which is basically the opposite of what you claimed I said.

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Looks like Hezbollah miscalculated and now will feel the effects of Israeli Armor and Infantry.

It would really suck to be them.(Hezbollah)

Looks like Hizbollah are giving the Israeli army hell. Maybe its Isreal that has miscalculated.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I know you realize just how close we/they came to using them. Want to go through that again, this time with an even zanier group?

There's also how OFTEN we came so close, particularly in the early years! And it wasn't the Russians who were the zany ones! McArthur wanted to use Nukes in Korea, the only thing stopping him was finding a suitable target! Churchill as British PM was pressuring America to provoke some conflict with Russia to provide an excuse to nuke Russia while America had a numerical advantage in bombs! In effect, "Nuke them into extinction before they can really nuke us"!

Then there's the anecdote of Kruschev berating a visiting American Senator, then suddenly asking where he came from. The Senator said Minneapolis & Kruschev had him point it out on a map. Kruschev drew a circle around it in blue pencil saying "That's to remind me to spare your home when the missiles fly"!

Eisenhower came to power determined to integrate nukes into the American tactical arsenal. By the end of his presidency, the greatest military genius of the 20th century, having carefully studied the subject, had produced a plan: "Fire off every single nuke in America's armoury together, then sit back & wait to die". This plan was ridiculed by Kennedy when he ascended to the Presidency, until it was realised that this was the ONLY FEASIBLE PLAN. This plan, along with NOT defending our populations, is what became known as MAD.

Nukes have in fact kept the peace... In those countries which had them! Nukes have even caused peace as countries acquired them. The reason for this is that national leaders contemplating war against a "Nuclear" enemy, quickly realise that they'll likely lose more than they might gain, so the proposed war becomes worthless (& hence doesn't happen).

It's actually the NRA argument writ large. "Someone contemplating armed robbery, doesn't pick an armed victim".

In the case of Iran, you should seperate rhetoric from actions. "Talk is Cheap". If Iran had a nuclear capability, then in considering nuking Israel it would have to consider the response... Just as Russia & America had to 50 years earlier.

Then there's the "Nation of Fanatics" argument, suggesting that the entire country would happily turn Suicide-Bomber. The answer to this was beautifully captured in Reagan's "Ivan & Anya, Jim & Sally" speech of 1984. It applies just as well to Iran. During the cold war, "Commies" were viewed as fanatics.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Do you ever try to use facts or just your version of propaganda?

ask yourself the same question.


Who has killed more civilians? Hamas or the Israeli government?

tough question, especially when ALL hamas terrorists (and hezbollah too) are civilians. they do not exactly follow international law that states that all combatants should be clearly marked and wear uniform. not to mention not operating from within civilian areas.

that question should be who tries to kill more civilians and what are the targets.

Who has detained (kidnapped in a way) more people from the other side? Israelis or Palestinians

again you look at the effect and not at the reason as you often do. there are many palestinians in Israeli jails because there are many palestinian terrorists who are plotting to blow up Israeli busses.
i'm sure you'd be happy if they were free to do as they wish. but they are in jail because they belong there.
the best thing would have been if they were in PA jails, but if the PA doesn't stop them, Israel will.


Who has broken more international law?

International law is a big phrase. lets be more specific...
you probably mean the fact that civilians get hurt. well go back one step to where the palestinians use them as human shields and they themmselves don't wear anything that will differentiate them from their civilians shields...
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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International law is a big phrase. lets be more specific...
you probably mean the fact that civilians get hurt. well go back one step to where the palestinians use them as human shields and they themmselves don't wear anything that will differentiate them from their civilians shields...

Why would anyone ware a Uniform when Israel has a find and assassinate policy?

You really need to have a more realistic view of what the Israeli government is doing.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Why would anyone ware a Uniform when Israel has a find and assassinate policy?

You really need to have a more realistic view of what the Israeli government is doing.

Darius the rest of the true soldiers in this world do wear unifornms so that thay may be distinguished from the civilian population.

Furthermore when a soldier is caught not wearing a uniform he is considered a spy, or war criminal to be killed summarily.

To not wear a uniform jeapordizes the entire population in an area of conflict.

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Why would anyone ware a Uniform when Israel has a find and assassinate policy?

Care to address the 'human shields' argument?


You really need to have a more realistic view of what the Israeli government is doing.

And you really could use a more realistic view of what the Palistinian terrorists are doing.

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