
Cat dies after shot by arrows

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Terrible for the cat. I however don't feel that bad for the owners of the cat. Dogs aren't allowed to run free in the neighborhood. I think that if someone wants to own a cat they should keep it in the house. There are three cats that reside very close to me, that are constantly crapping in my son's sand box. The cats are a nuisance, and should be removed. I would feel the same way about dogs, salamanders, guinea pigs, etc.

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I think shooting arrows at your neighbor's pets is sick, and the person responsible is a sociopath at best. Possibly a serial killer in training. One arrow *may* have been an accident, two leaves no doubt as to the intent of the person who did it.

If your neighbor's cats are a nuisance, talk to the neighbors or call animal control, don't take it out on the poor cat!

As far as letting cats roam? I'm not about to touch that discussion. I'll let mine out in the yard, but I keep an eye on them while they are out- an even closer eye since I found out the kids two doors down have a new toy- a bow and arrow!:S

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I think shooting arrows at your neighbor's pets is sick, and the person responsible is a sociopath at best. Possibly a serial killer in training. One arrow *may* have been an accident, two leaves no doubt as to the intent of the person who did it.

If your neighbor's cats are a nuisance, talk to the neighbors or call animal control, don't take it out on the poor cat!

As far as letting cats roam? I'm not about to touch that discussion. I'll let mine out in the yard, but I keep an eye on them while they are out- an even closer eye since I found out the kids two doors down have a new toy- a bow and arrow!

Letting the cats roam is irresponsible. They should be kept in the house. My yard is for my kids to play in, not a litter box for the neighborhood cats. Current statute says that you have to clean up after your pet, but the neighbors sure dont come clean the crap out of my yard. It also gripes my ass when people get pets, and then leave them at home for the majority of the time. My next door neighbor is rarely home, and her cat is the one that is getting the most use of my yard.

Now, I didnt advocate the use of bow and arrow to get rid of the nuisance cats. But I can see how someone would. I also think that sociopath is a strong word. The person who did that got rid of a nuisance, kinda like getting rid of a coyote, a rat, or anything else. Am I a sociopath because I eradicated the cockroach population that was in the alley?
The primary purpose of the Armed Forces is to prepare for and to prevail in combat should the need arise.

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Mm yes, a typical and socially mature response, taking full consideration to all circumstances.

Your property (dog) trespasses on someone elses property (yard) and its behaviour is interpreted as threatening. Someone else neutralises the threat caused by your property being handled irresponsibly by you (i.e let out) and now you want kill the crap out of the other guy until he is positively dead.

Yes, I can see how that would work.

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Mm yes, a typical and socially mature response, taking full consideration to all circumstances.

Your property (dog) trespasses on someone elses property (yard) and its behaviour is interpreted as threatening. Someone else neutralises the threat caused by your property being handled irresponsibly by you (i.e let out) and now you want kill the crap out of the other guy until he is positively dead.

Yes, I can see how that would work.

well unless you are actually bitten then you do not need to defend yourself...

Are YOU gonna kill the kid next door for giving you a mean look when they retrive a ball from your yard?

or as dog who barks at you when it has accidently gotten loose and you yelled at it?

have you always feared housecats?

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I own dogs and a cat. My dogs re in the kennel unless I am in the yard with them as one of them will bite. He chased our neighbor right out of her shoes one day and we had to return them. If you are stern with him and tell him to go lay down, he will mind. Just dont show Him fear. My cat is in the house all day and does his prowling at night. There are 6 families on our street. Of the 6 we are the only ones who do not have a mouse problem. Our cat will also take care of a few of the neighbors mice also. So they tend to like him around. If somebody shot my cat and I found out who, it would be the last time they did. I also can relate to picking up other peoples dog crap out of my yard. But instead of killing their animal, I have the balls to confront the owner about it. It is not the animals fault, its the owners.

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>well unless you are actually bitten then you do not need to defend yourself...

I am certain that if you saw a dog enter your yard, bare his teeth and go after your 3 year old son, you would not wait until he was bitten. You would stop the dog with a gun, an arrow, a stick or your hands if it came to that.

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***But instead of killing their animal, I have the balls to confront the owner about it. It is not the animals fault, its the owners. ***

That's absolutely right- its the owners, not the animals. And also, its not indicated in either case that the orginal poster sited that the cats in question posed any type of nuisance or threat. If a roaming animal (cat, dog, possum,....) poses an immediate theat to you, your children or your own pets, then of course defensive action is warranted. If its a nuisance issue, take it up with the neighbors first and if that doesn't get you anywhere, the proper authorities. That's a no brainer!

And just one more comment to the OP- why don't you cover up your kid's sandbox when he isn't using it? Its irresponsible not to since ANY animal could use it as its personal toilet and your kid would be playing in feces!

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And just one more comment to the OP- why don't you cover up your kid's sandbox when he isn't using it? Its irresponsible not to since ANY animal could use it as its personal toilet and your kid would be playing in feces!

Good question...
Arianna Frances

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And just one more comment to the OP- why don't you cover up your kid's sandbox when he isn't using it? Its irresponsible not to since ANY animal could use it as its personal toilet and your kid would be playing in feces!

They can shit anywhere. Are you going to cover your entire yard in plastic?


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Terrible for the cat. I however don't feel that bad for the owners of the cat. Dogs aren't allowed to run free in the neighborhood. I think that if someone wants to own a cat they should keep it in the house. There are three cats that reside very close to me, that are constantly crapping in my son's sand box. The cats are a nuisance, and should be removed. I would feel the same way about dogs, salamanders, guinea pigs, etc.


i notice your signature says "god bless the troops" it's a pity cats can't carry M16 riffles, perhaps they would have a longer life span around you if they could :P

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Absolutey. If there was a dog in my yard thretening me or my family, his shit would be in the wind. And the same for my dog thretening someone in their own yard. But I dont know of to many vicious attack cats out there. Different scenario all together. The cat that was shot with arrows was obviously done maliciously.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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But I dont know of to many vicious attack cats out there.

Must I really post this picture again??? Cats are dangerous, people (well, dangerous for idiots anyway)... please be careful. :D

But seriously, if you do choose to let your cat wander outside unsupervised, then you are taking a chance that it will be killed in one way or another. Cats are usually not dangerous, but they can be quite a nuisance, especially to people who do not like them. If you think that you have the right to let them roam the neighborhood, then you need to accept the consequences.

And I already went off on my little rant about loose dogs in another thread...

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My neighbors feed feral cats. I constantly have about 8-10 disease ridden wild animals on my property. They think they are doing these animals a favor, but they do not take them to the vets, the animals get no shots, and they live only ontside in a wwod pile. Animal control will do nothing about it.

A group of 3 of these cats attacked my dog, bit and scratched him, requiring a visit to the vet, and worries about rabies. The neighbors said I was a liar, and that they would not pay the vet bill. They told the police "they are not our cats' even though they feed them every day.

When I see one of those cats dead on the busy street, I wonder how these people can live with themselves. I feel bad for the poor, sickly animals, but if they wander into the street in front of my car, they are going in.


Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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They think they are doing these animals a favor, but they do not take them to the vets, the animals get no shots, and they live only ontside in a wwod pile. Animal control will do nothing about it.

Why won't animal control do anything about it? Isn't that their job? Around here, I think that any outside cat that doesn't have proof of a current rabies shot would certainly be picked up by animal control.

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>well unless you are actually bitten then you do not need to defend yourself...

I am certain that if you saw a dog enter your yard, bare his teeth and go after your 3 year old son, you would not wait until he was bitten. You would stop the dog with a gun, an arrow, a stick or your hands if it came to that.

well Bill you tell me when you kill the dog that comes in your yard

1. upon entry
2. when he barks
3. when he comes toward you
4. when he sniffs you
5. when he barks again
6. when you yell at him and he growls
7. when he bites the living shit out of you for picking up a stick to kill him with

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>well unless you are actually bitten then you do not need to defend yourself...

I am certain that if you saw a dog enter your yard, bare his teeth and go after your 3 year old son, you would not wait until he was bitten. You would stop the dog with a gun, an arrow, a stick or your hands if it came to that.

The problem is that most people cannot determine when a dog is viscous or not and if you are just causing a confrontation where none existed

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