
€uro English

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Aber... Es gibt mehr zum Mundgeschlecht als über es nur, sprechend sueß!:P

????? Was???? No idea here, dear .... :):):P

Hmmm... it may have lost something in the translation...:$

Maybe my German isn't so good after all?:)


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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for aviation, maybe. But walk into a restaurant in Paris & try to order in English, & see how you get treated.:P:D

Well, that happens because some English people thinks they have the right to not even bother in learning a word of the native language and be spoken in perfect English, that sometimes leads into arrogance which is never welcome anywhere, especially in countries with an strong national feeling like the Frenchies. Now, how would you feel if a French guy comes into your restaurant and orders in French? Next time try reading in French the menu as you possibly can and then ask...do you speak English? You will not get that nasty face almost for sure.You've made the effort and the guy will appreciate it, and that works everywhere in the world;)

English is the international language because of the peace agreement imposed to the French after they were defeated in the 19th Century by the English in Waterloo. Before than that it was the French and for economic and political reasons the English saw their chance to change that linguistic French hegemony.


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It has been evident to the world for many years.

The item sent is just another of the many recognitions that it is so.

Perhaps if you don't wish to believe the many who say it is, you should do your own study, but I doubt you have the required intelligence for it.

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It has been evident to the world for many years.

The item sent is just another of the many recognitions that it is so.

Perhaps if you don't wish to believe the many who say it is, you should do your own study, but I doubt you have the required intelligence for it.

First off Sparky, re: bold portion: Fuck you. I have a Master's Degree and I was a Military Officer.

Secondly, English is but the third-most spoken native language worldwide (after Chinese and Hindi), with some 380 million speakers.

You can take your ego and your zealotry and shove it up your sanctimonious ass.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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