
Help needed on Helmet Info..newbie here

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ok here it goes, im looking for a helmet and suit for tunnel flying im still in the early learning stages. Learning fast though. first things first. Helmets i know the cookie g3 tops all..but bit out of my budget..I was looking in to the Phantomx/xv or Parasport z1. How are those two for starters? pros cons??

then suits I was looking at the Z Suit from verticals to start with.also contacted a suit maker from canada named francois

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Buying a used helmet is really good advice, and there are probably lots of used G3's and G2's out there.

As for jumpsuits, unless there's a local guy selling one, that you can try on, and that fits perfectly, I would recommend sucking it up and buying new. It's worth the $$ for a perfect fit.

I'm not super familiar with Francois' suits, but I've known him as a customer for several years, and he is more than reliable.

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you might buy a cheaper helmet like a Z1 then realize there is a reason everyone is using g3's or the new KISS helmet and then you will buy one, which ends up being more expensive then if you would have just bought a good one from the beginning.

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You need to be hanging out at a DZ chatting!... There's a lot to learn.

You can go to a big online skydiving site like Chuting Star or Square 1 or Paragear. Most carry most of the big name full face helmets.

The Z1 is quite an older design. Newer designs tend to be bigger around the face. The ones that came out in more recent years, the G3, Aero, and Kiss for example are the ones without a big lump of frame infront of the mouth. In effect, getting rid of the "Darth Vader" breathing ports, which in prior designs used to be important for keeping the visor from fogging. So it is those newer designs that allow for seeing the mouth by another jumper.

But that doesn't mean an older design helmet isn't any good.

There's no clear best helmet out there; skydivers can endlessly debate the different designs for their liner, strap system, visor closing & opening method, shell material, popularity, cutaway system, etc.

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***ok here it goes, im looking for a helmet and suit for tunnel flying im still in the early learning stages. Learning fast though. first things first. Helmets i know the cookie g3 tops all..but bit out of my budget..I was looking in to the Phantomx/xv or Parasport z1. How are those two for starters? pros cons??

then suits I was looking at the Z Suit from verticals to start with.also contacted a suit maker from canada named francois

Why do you need a specific suit and helmet for the tunnel? If you are buying tunnel time to drill your air skills you should be wearing what you use on the skydive, and that can include your rig if you are team training.

Right now he's only tunnel flying and not skydiving so getting tunnel specific equipment is reasonable.

To OP:
suitwise you can't really go wrong with any of the bigger and many smaller manufacturers. If tunnel flying is your priority right now get a tight fit. Harder to fly, better for learning it correctly right from the start. The chances of finding a tight and reasonably well fitting suit used are slim so you'll most likely have to buy new.

Helmets come in all shapes and sizes, what fits one perfectly is rubbish for somebody else. Only because the majority is flying g3s doesn't mean they are any good for you. You will have to try them on and decide for yourself. Don't buy a helmet just because it's cheap! But if the cheap one fits you the best, go for it. When you figured out which one is for you try to get it used on FB or here in the classifieds.

If money really is that big of an issue right now get a pair of clear, well fitting, padded goggles like SORZ or similar and go fly the helmet and suit the tunnel provides you with.

How many hours of tunnel time are you aiming for as a start? Is it enough to even justify a $600+ investment?

To absent friends

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I seriously just saw a free helmet on the FB group Skydiving Gear for Sale and Wanted. Parasport Z1.

As for the jumpsuit, someone mentioned being able to try on the jumpsuit which is great advice I was able to do just that. I had been looking at spending around $400 on a new TonySuit but wound up with a great well fitting used one for $75.

Anyways search dropzones, friends, branch out and get your feelers out there and you will find something for sure. You don't have to spend $600 on new stuff.

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Couldn't find a web site for "skyhelmet" with pricing sizing info etc.

Did find a facebook page but nothing else.

In fact I guess googled "skyhelmets.com" and got an alert that that address is an attack page. Got out quick and won't go back there ;)

Any further info on them would be appreciated.

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There website would be skyhelmets.de but there is no point going there as there site is 'coming soon.' Their helmet, the Fujin, is technically coming out next year, and from what Ive heard there's almost a 3 month waiting list for them. I have one of their first variations, the D7, and it is indeed an excellent helmet. Better protection, more noise isolation, and more comfortable than the g3 in my opinion. Also more visibility and the visor locking mechanism is my favorite of all my full face helmets. Also more expensive, but it is worth every penny. If they could keep up with demand more people would wear there helmets, and many big names across the pond are representing them very well.

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