
suicidal parachutists?

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***Skyrad; interesting. But there is another fragment in the Bible. It comes from the New Testament. I have no acces to the Bible in English, so i’ll roughly translate what i’ve got; St. Matthew, chapter 4: “And then satan took Him [Jesus] to the Holy City, put him on the roof of the shrine and told Him: ‘If you are a son Of God then JUMP DOWN, because there was writen: I shall tell my angels to protect you, that you didn’t wound your leg againt any rock.’ Jesus repied to him: ‘There was also written: YOU SHALL NOT PUT GOD, YOUR MASTER, TO ANY TESTS.” How do you like it? “You shall not put God to any tests....” does it leave place for any doubts? Isn’t skydiving just constant testing God?


Well you see Ying when read with 1Thessolonians 4:17 this just goes to shoe that the Lord is a Skydiver not a BASE jumper! Come on we all know that BASE is byeond the dark side!

Also I think you'll find that you are mixing up Mathew and the Pslams (Pslam 91 if I remember correctly which also talks of thousands falling at your side but no harm coming to you!)

As for testing God skydiving isn't testing God its testing yourself by achiving what other only dream off. If its testing anythig its testing the tensile strength of your parachute. Surely if you belive in God then you must belive that he is everlasting and that we are only on this planet for a short time. Life is not about how long you live but how you live.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Skyrad; i really like what you wrote. It is one of the most convincing arguments i received discussing this subject. But in my opinion the fragment i quoted refers to taking risks in general. Jesus could walk on the water. Jumping from the roof wouldn't probably harm Him. His supernatural abilities were a bit like our parachutes. And yet He didn't jump. I also do not agree that skydiving is just testing one's equipment. We do test ourselves - our mind and body controll. Think of the main canopy malfunction. Think of hooks. It can be seen as asking for troubles, doesn't it? And what if God is a pilot and prefers paragliders? ;)

Happythoughts; i see that you continue in the same vein as Michele. The fact i ponder the problem means that i ponder the problem. Fullstop. Thanx that you worry about me but i'm fine. I really enjoy life and intend to stay around for some more time. Regards,


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Hi everybody! I talked to Ying personally and I can tell you she’s a very modest and nice person. Her only fault is that she’s a talented polemicist and she loves to analyse philozophical themes in public. Iwan didn’t tell you the whole truth. Forgive me but my patriotism doesn’t allow me to tell you how exactly Ying has been treated on our forum. Those of you who know Polish can see it for themselves:


Let me just tell you that adroit arguments are not allowed on our forum. What is allowed is cussing, offending and threatening. I find it outrageous. And I’m ashamed ‘cos those guys are Polish like myself. Let me assure you – not all Polishmen are like that. It’s just some of those who write on our forum. Including Iwan. He and his loyal buddies had Ying banned ‘cos he’s got a huge crush on her and she doesn’t want him. Besides he’s overambitious and he’s never managed to start a thread that would have over 5000 vievs and over 250 replies. And Ying achieved this in a relatively short time even though our forum has only about 200 users. So don’t be judging Ying too fast. And don’t treat this discussion too seriously. It’s just an intellectual game afterall. Relax. Have fun. The world can be so beautiful. Bluskies!

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Actually, spelling and grammar are not classified that way. However, the deliberate usage of "i" as opposed to "I" where appropriate is, in fact, something which is described in the DSM V. If the shoe fits, wear it with class. If it doesn't, worry not.

The DSM is simply a guide, but in no way does it accurately assess the mental condition of every person. If you were to use that manual in a strict sense, I bet you could diagnose every person in the entire world with at least one psychological disorder (depending on the mood they were in when you talked to them). One of the biggest problems that I see with psychology today is that many psychologists/psychiatrists are way too quick to diagnose patients and label them with problems such as "major depressive disorder" and "bipolar disorder" and such... and while these labels might fit some people, people are far too diverse (and therefore their psychological conditions are far too diverse) to be neatly categorized into one of about 300 different mental disorders. And I think that in a lot of cases, labeling people like this is doing more harm than good... And along with the over-diagnosing of mental disorders, antidepressants are being handed out at an alarming rate - in many cases, to people who do not need them (and therefore might be adversely affected by taking them)...

Oh, I better stop now... I could go on a major rant about this whole subject, but I don't feel like it right now (and it doesn't really have anything to do with this thread anyway)...

Anyhow, the main point is that (IMHO) the DSM is not to be used as some sort of bible, just a guide. And I don't think there is much relevance in the fact that someone uses "i" in place of "I" to suggest they have a psychiatric problem, especially on the Internet where that usage is quite common; all kinds of grammar skills get thrown out when typing email or posting in forums.

(And BTW, I'm pretty sure that they're still using the DSM-IV; I don't think version V exists yet ;)

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people who kill themselves during a parachute jump should be treated as suicides and buried outside the cementaries

Sure, as long as the same goes for people who are killed scuba diving, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, driving racecars, bicycling, recreational flying, rockclimbing... pretty much anyone who is doing anything for fun that has risks involved (which is just about anything, to some extent).

Of course, I'm not a Christian and I don't want to be buried in a cemetary anyway, so I don't really care. ;)

Now, does skydiving attract people that have suicidal tendencies? Sure, some... but I think it is a small percentage, based on my experience. The majority of skydivers do not have a death wish; quite the opposite, they have a strong desire to live and experience all the good things that life has to offer.

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Her only fault is that she’s a talented polemicist and she loves to analyse philozophical themes in public.

Her only fault? Actually, people take diametrically opposed viewpoints on these forums all the time. People discuss topics with great fervor.

If a person makes negative remark about any group, then they can't complain when others get a little upset. Call all parachutists suicidal and then expect no comments? In the US, this is called trolling. It is being intentionally offensive for the purpose of extracting comments.


It’s just an intellectual game afterall. Relax. Have fun.

Not really. It is not a game, just an irritation and not that relaxing. It doesn't seem intellectual at all.

If I make an offensive remark about all Poles, and tried to mask it as "discussion", people would react in the same fashion.

If this is your definition of intellectual entertainment, I am glad to hear that the other posters from Poland do not share your views.

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op5e! I’m not sure what you meant. I think that you might mean that games are not fair. Every game can be fair. It depends on the players. Of course in discussion they can cheat and take part in it just for the sake of proving it is them who’s right. But I don’t think it’s the case with Ying. In my opinion it’s a very good thing that is happening here. Thanks to people's answers this thread contains just an enormous portion of positive energy. In (almost) every post people did their best to prove that skydiving is an affirmation of life. Believe me it’s great to read it.
Happythoughts! You have to use your intellect to discuss. This makes every discussion - including this one - an intellectual game. Besides I meant that not every Polishperson is like Iwan and his cussing buddies who ban and threat everyone who makes them feel helpless.

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Happythoughts; saying that an average American knows less about the world that an average European is not exactly offensive. It's just stating the fact. Even in this discussion someone said he was simply not interested in who's the leader of Poland. That's precisely what i meant. An average American is NOT INTERESTED.

If you want to make any offensive remarks about Poles then be my guest. I warn you however - i'm going to polemicize with you and defend my people. To tell the truth i think your knowledge about my nation is simply insufficient to be seriously offensive. Unless of course you say something like, all Polishmen are stupid :) But it'd be just funny, i'm affraid.

I have absolutely no complexes concerning our national weaknesses. As every nation, we surely have them. But if you want to try to offend me then have a go ;)



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saying that an average American knows less about the world that an average European is not exactly offensive. It's just stating the fact.

1. Since when do you decide what is offensive?
2. If it is a fact, prove it.


Even in this discussion someone said he was simply not interested in who's the leader of Poland. That's precisely what i meant. An average American is NOT INTERESTED.

I said that, because I'm not interested, at least not this time anyway. Knowing who the leader of Poland is really isn't pertinent to anything I do on a daily basis, and I tend to focus on things that are. If it would make you feel better, I could look it up though. I don't see the connection between me not knowing who the leader of poland is and all Americans being less intelligent than Europeans however.


If you want to make any offensive remarks about Poles then be my guest.

No one made any negative remarks about Poles, but you continue to insult Americans.


To tell the truth i think your knowledge about my nation is simply insufficient to be seriously offensive.

Poland hasn't exactly been making the news alot lately, so if you're offended you need to lighten up a little bit.


Unless of course you say something like, all Polishmen are stupid :) But it'd be just funny, i'm affraid.

Funny, like you saying all Americans are?


I have absolutely no complexes concerning our national weaknesses. As every nation, we surely have them.

Good for you, and yes, every nation has weaknesses.


But if you want to try to offend me then have a go ;)

I don't think anyone has intended to offend you, so why invite them to?

This thread has drifted so far off topic why not just let it die?

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"This thread has drifted so far off topic why not just let it die?"

"Polemicize":-To write or deliver an argument; engage in disputation or controversy.

Why not let it die? Just for the sake of continuing the discourse, I'm guessing.

The discussion is beginning to sound like one hand clapping though.:S

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Happythoughts; saying that an average American knows less about the world that an average European is not exactly offensive. It's just stating the fact. Even in this discussion someone said he was simply not interested in who's the leader of Poland. That's precisely what i meant. An average American is NOT INTERESTED.

Then perhaps you should pay attention to exactly what I meant.

In the following quote, I was writing directly about your negative characterization about all skydivers by calling them suicidal. If you didn't follow it the first time, I doubt the second will make any impact either.


If a person makes negative remark about any group, then they can't complain when others get a little upset. Call all parachutists suicidal and then expect no comments?

I can't imagine how a person could misunderstand that statement. For all your self-touted discussion talents, you don't appear to be able to read and write, only write. Instead of adding confusion by misquoting and misdirecting, you have only made yourself appear as someone who can't follow single-sentence comments.


If I make an offensive remark about all Poles, and tried to mask it as "discussion", people would react in the same fashion.

That statement of mine was about the expect reaction to gross generalizations about a group of people, skydivers. You got your expected reaction from the skydivers, anger. I don't know why people enjoy trolling.


I warn you however - i'm going to polemicize with you and defend my people.

My knees tremble. You have already made yourself appear incapable of following the simplest of discourse. Don't worry, in the US, we put out signs near playgrounds to protect wandering children.


To tell the truth i think your knowledge about my nation is simply insufficient

So, how long have you been psychic? You can tell what I know about your country? You are simply amazing.


I have absolutely no complexes concerning our national weaknesses.

As per your nation, in general, I agree.

Please don't misquote me in the future.

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And you'd never guess what was the logical conclusion

This is not the 'logical' conclusion, it is your opinion.

P1: Suicide is 'the act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself'
P2: Skydiving is 'the act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself'
C: Skydiving is suicide

The conclusion is invalid, because premise 2 is false. Skydiving is not definined as 'the intentional ending of ones own life'.

You defined suicide as: "deliberate involving of onself in an action and/ or exposing oneself to a phenomenon that can cause death"

Please site the source of this 'definition'. I think you made it up to rationalize what would otherwise be considered false logic. According to Webster's Dictionary, 'suicide' is defined as:

the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally especially by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind.

This is very different than your definition....

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Here is a quote from one of her earlier posts.


about you dictionary definitions of suicide; try thinking out of the box. If you do you'll see that i'm right. Be creative. Don't rely on other people's standards. It's intellectual lazyness.

She beleives that using the dictionary definitions of words is intellectual lazyness (Other people's standards, like the entire english-speaking world). Aparrently smart people make up there own definitions and be "creative".

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Here is a quote from one of her earlier posts.


about you dictionary definitions of suicide; try thinking out of the box. If you do you'll see that i'm right. Be creative. Don't rely on other people's standards. It's intellectual lazyness.

She beleives that using the dictionary definitions of words is intellectual lazyness (Other people's standards, like the entire english-speaking world). Aparrently smart people make up there own definitions and be "creative".

Haha. No shit, apparently she also likes to be creative in her spelling of lazyness (sic).

Shit, I knew I was always a slack-ass, but I didn't think I was a slack-ass because I did things the right way.
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Whole this analysis leads to only one conclusion; people who kill themselves during a parachute jump should be treated as suicides and buried outside the cementaries.
What do you think?

Kind of like people who can stir up dirt like that ... :)
Whenever I try to compare the added risk an average skydiver
takes compared to the everyday risks that the average person
takes I roughly come up with a doubling of the mortality - that
is the chances for an approx 30 year old skydiver to die
skydiving are roughly the same than to die from some other
violent death (traffic, homocide, suicide, other accidental,
but exclude deseases). This also roughly matches my personal

Many people take many risks everyday, many of them not
strictly necessary. Road trips where you could've taken a bus
or driven more slowly, the home improvement project you
should've hired a professional for, the argument with the gun
nut you should've avoided, the cholestorol rich food you
should've stayed away from - not to mention the booze and
tobacco, the vacation trip you could've skipped as well as the
outdoor activity that proved disastrous, the extra career
step you really didn't need but that made you grow old much
faster and made you irritated and unfocussed resulting in life
shortening mistakes, etc, etc.

Risk taking and shortening life expectancy for the benefit of
better satisfction with your life happens all the time and

More importantly, the degrees are on a continious scale with
no obvious markers between the black and the white, between
the generally acceptable and the purely suicidal.

The factor two in mortality when you take up skydiving is
significant - enough to make you think very carefuly if that is
what you want. But it is not an entirely different order of
magnitutde - a factor of 10 or 100 where you could say it has
become something principally different.

So according to your logic - if skydivers where 100% suicidal -
most of the rest of the population would be 50% suicidal.
According to your religion that would mean (I suppose) that
at least a few limbs of everyone should be cut off everyone and
buried outside of a cementary.

Cheers, T

PS: Those discussion are fun - they never fail to lead religious
argumentation and assumption to absurdity as a result of
simple logical consequence.
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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She beleives that using the dictionary definitions of words is intellectual lazyness (Other people's standards, like the entire english-speaking world). Aparrently smart people make up there own definitions and be "creative".

I'm not going to debate an issue with somebody who needs to redefine the english language to support their argument.

I guess I'm content using my intellectual laziness to effectively communicate with other human beings.


ps- most of us intellectually lazy people spell 'lazyness' with an i, not a y. ;)
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Heh, yuo caught some. Doubt you'll hit 200 posts though. Your lure is good, but not *that* good.

What we have here ladies and gentlemen [shows item] is a classical example of something that seems inherently absorbed in itself, comes across as arrogant and might possibly have an inflated opinion of its worth - at least superficially. Well, that is probably a bit from the truth. But amusing, so I'll leave it at that.

Go a bit deeper under the layers and it is apparent that the need to converse in this manner stems from a need to be recognized which is funny because it's in conflict with the exaggerated belief in itself. Now, it isn't the classical thong wearing bikini attention seeker - much more sophisticated and entertaining than that.

Fear not! A discussion will not change anything, no matter what words are said or written. This, my honored audience, is a case of WWI trench warfare. There'll be no budging the border, but Battle of the Bulge's aplenty.

Aaah, at least it is entertaining to the generals B|

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Crwtom; i’m glad that you enjoy this thread :) and i agree with everything you wrote. Except one thing. I think the logic i adopted isn’t responsible for the paradoxical conclusion i presented. The source of the paradox lies in Christian assumption that our bodies are a gift from God and should be therefore respected. Respecting one’s body means taking care of it and restraining from deliberate making harm to it which is an impossibility. Hence my conclusion that perhaps God is malicious.

Percentage evaluation of the extent to which people are suicidal wouldn’t be easy. But we may assume that those who engage in activities in which death is a matter of seconds are more suicidal than those who choose slow autodestruction. Therefore, as you wrote, skydivers are more suicidal than the red meat eaters even though a vegetarian skydiver may live much longer and healthier than someone who eats meat. Would you agree?


Heh. You really ARE sophisticated :) You sneer at a non-native speaker for her spelling mistakes. Well, this is really something. An ultimate meritorical argument! :) If i tried to convince you that my English is perfect i’d be completely devastated by your sneering. Unfortunately for you i’ve already publicly admitted that i think my English is pretty bad. So i’m affraid that your attack missed me by a mile.

Unformed, jeiber; as far as definitions are concerned. Basing one’s arguments on them is generally a good idea. However keeping to the dictionary definitions stiffly and relying on them thoughtlessly can be dangerous. Or at least misleading. The term BEAUTY is a good example for that. My dictionary describes it as: a delightful quality associated with harmony of form or colour, excellence of craftmanship, truthfulness, orginality, or another property. Now, armed in such a definition, try to explore other cultures. For instant African in which women make scares on their faces to look beautiful. Or South American in which women tattoo themselves moustaches – also to be attractive. Or Chinese in which men would get turned on by mutilated women’s feet. See what i mean? Words are only words but they affect our perception of things they try to describe. We should be therefore very careful.

Let’s look at the definition of the adverb INTENTIONAL; it means “done deliberately; intended.” And now let me show you how this single word makes the whole dictionary definition of suicide useless since it narrows it and excludes some suicide cases. I’ve already mentioned this. Socrates was sentenced to death and forced to drink poison. He did this himself. No one poured the liquid down his throat. He took the cup, drank what was in it and died. From the technical point of view he commited suicide, right? And yet according to your favourite dictionary definition he did not because he didn’t want to die. Now you see why a new, broader definition of suicide is necessary?

There’s another thing. You completely neglect the subconscious factor i wrote about. If our consious part is only a kind of a ticketless passenger to the rest of our mind then all decisions lie beyond our control and indulging in an activity such as skydiving can be easily interpreted as an outer manifestation of a sefl destructive drive. Will you polemicize with this? :)

Justinb138; correct me if i’m wrong but i guess you said you wouldn’t participate in this discussion any more? :) And yet you’ve posted THREE times in this thread sice then. What made you change your mind? Am i really that irresistible? ;)

Saying an average American knows less about the world than an average European is not the same as saying that an average American is less intelligent or stupid. Saying he or she know less means only that he or she knows less. You may speculate what is the reason for that. But i didn’t speculate. I just stated the fact. It was YOU who interpreted it. And you did this in your own way affected by your complexes. Americans have great achievements as a nation. But an average European is more curious about the world outside. And that’s what i meant.

As far as proving the above is concerned. Well, why won’t YOU try to prove it is me who’s not right? :)

About Poland making the news; you’re wrong. To give you some examples; seems like you overlooked the results of the contest for the best programmers in the world (organised by MIT, i suppose). Guess which country’s won ;) But that was a minor report.

It’s interesting that you haven’t heard about the 60th anniversary of the Auschwitz concentration camp liberation. There was a big scandal concerning the way it had been reported. Many foreign newspapres had referred to the event writing about “Polish concentration camps”. After our intervention they apologised. Some English writing newspapers made pathetic excuses that the adjective “Polish” dentotes only location and not the nationality of those who’d created and run the factories of death. Very convincing indeed :/ But then maybe Poles shouldn’t be surprised by this utter ignorance – afterall, even when the West finally found out about the Nazi concentration camps it did NOTHING to stop the genocide that was taking place there. The Resistance functioning inside the camp asked Alliants to at least bomb the crematories. They didn’t do anything. It’s the same now. Chechnia and Tibet for instance. They don’t make the news. Slaughters in Chechnia is the “inner problem of Russia”. 50 years of Tibet’s occupation is the “inner problem of China”. And Saddam’s dictatorship in Irak? Well....

From the latest news - the forthcoming anniversary of the end of the World War II and the contoversy surrounding it. How come you haven’t heard about it? Either the newspapers you read and programs you watch are totally America-oriented or.... you don’t read and watch carefully. Unless of course you’re simply disinterested because such knowledge isn’t essential to what you do at the moment :)

It’s really TRAGIC if the main source of your knowledge about the world is news. If the country doesn’t make the news it doesn’t exist, right? I’m affraid it’s a very common attitude. Now i won’t be surprised by anything you say :)

You don’t have to check who’s the president of Poland. (Especially he’s not MY president. I did not vote for him and i think he shouldn’t be our leader.) The thing is that i know more about your country than you know about mine. Some Americans really remind me of the ancient Romans at times....

Happythoughts; i didn’t quote you. You should have noticed. I just commented what you wrote. You accuse me of not being able to follow single sentence remarks? Oh, very funny :) Especially from a person who has problems with single words :) Wasn’t it you who wrote “people” and then expected everybody to believe that it really meant “gods”? :)

Communicational errors do occur. There’s nothing that can be done about it. The only thing we can do is to patiently explain what we orginally meant. If you lack such patience don’t engage in public discussions. Anyway in my opinion i understood you well. You wrote “if i make an offensive remark about all Poles....” This was a reference to the statement that an average American.... and so on. My comment to that was: do make offensive remarks if you want. Then i added: i THINK (which is a disclaimer denoting that the following statement is my PERSONAL speculation) that even if you actually wanted to insult Poles you wouldn’t be able to do this because of the insufficiency of your knowledge about my people and our country. Being offensive requires knowledge. I think you don’t have it. If you have it – prove it and send me a suitable PM.

Is there anybody willing to make a bet that Happythoughts is NOT able to write any serious insults adressed to Polish people? ;)

And finally about my “self-touted” skills; err... i can’t remember boasting or anything. I did say that i’m familiar with some facts concerning suicide. Perhaps you’ve mistaken me for someone else?



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However keeping to the dictionary definitions stiffly and relying on them thoughtlessly can be dangerous.

That makes no sense.


Socrates was sentenced to death and forced to drink poison. He did this himself. No one poured the liquid down his throat. He took the cup, drank what was in it and died. From the technical point of view he commited suicide, right? And yet according to your favourite dictionary definition he did not because he didn’t want to die. Now you see why a new, broader definition of suicide is necessary?



Justinb138; correct me if i’m wrong but i guess you said you wouldn’t participate in this discussion any more? :) And yet you’ve posted THREE times in this thread sice then. What made you change your mind? Am i really that irresistible? ;)

No, you're not. It's been slow at work lately, and I can only clean my desk so many times before I get bored.


Saying an average American knows less about the world than an average European is not the same as saying that an average American is less intelligent or stupid. Saying he or she know less means only that he or she knows less. You may speculate what is the reason for that. But i didn’t speculate. I just stated the fact. It was YOU who interpreted it. And you did this in your own way affected by your complexes. Americans have great achievements as a nation. But an average European is more curious about the world outside. And that’s what i meant.

I think I already asked before, but if you feel so strongly that this is true, why not back it up with some sort of study, testing, etc....? I doubt you can, but if you do, I would find something like that interesting to read.


As far as proving the above is concerned. Well, why won’t YOU try to prove it is me who’s not right? :)

I didn't make that statement, you did. If you can show evidence of it, why not show it?


About Poland making the news; you’re wrong. To give you some examples; seems like you overlooked the results of the contest for the best programmers in the world (organised by MIT, i suppose). Guess which country’s won ;) But that was a minor report.

I must have missed that one. Oh well.


It’s interesting that you haven’t heard about the 60th anniversary of the Auschwitz concentration camp liberation.

Actually, I have.


Very convincing indeed :/ But then maybe Poles shouldn’t be surprised by this utter ignorance – afterall, even when the West finally found out about the Nazi concentration camps it did NOTHING to stop the genocide that was taking place there. The Resistance functioning inside the camp asked Alliants to at least bomb the crematories. They didn’t do anything.

Once again, please back up your opinion with fact, if you can. Also, there was a thread about this very thing a few months ago in SC, I recommend you check it out.


It’s the same now. Chechnia and Tibet for instance. They don’t make the news. Slaughters in Chechnia is the “inner problem of Russia”. 50 years of Tibet’s occupation is the “inner problem of China”. And Saddam’s dictatorship in Irak? Well....

It frustrates me when people like you complain about the US policing the world, and then complain when they don't.


From the latest news - the forthcoming anniversary of the end of the World War II and the contoversy surrounding it. How come you haven’t heard about it? Either the newspapers you read and programs you watch are totally America-oriented or.... you don’t read and watch carefully. Unless of course you’re simply disinterested because such knowledge isn’t essential to what you do at the moment :)

I have heard about it, but I didn't mention it because it didn't seem relavant in the discussion.


It’s really TRAGIC if the main source of your knowledge about the world is news.

Well, ruling out witnessing things first hand, it's the most effective thing for me. By news, I don't mean the TV news if that's what you were thinking.


You don’t have to check who’s the president of Poland. (Especially he’s not MY president. I did not vote for him and i think he shouldn’t be our leader.) The thing is that i know more about your country than you know about mine.

Ok, what's your point, do you want a cookie?


Some Americans really remind me of the ancient Romans at times....

I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but oh well.


Especially from a person who has problems with single words :)

Sounds like a personal attack to me. You might want to try wording your insults a little differently so that they are less apparent, like the rest of them.


Being offensive requires knowledge. I think you don’t have it. If you have it – prove it and send me a suitable PM.

I think most people here don't find you offensive, I don't. In fact, I think you're the least offensive person I've ever discussed anything with.


Is there anybody willing to make a bet that Happythoughts is NOT able to write any serious insults adressed to Polish people? ;)

I'm willing to bet there are many people here that don't care.

I still think you're a troll. You're pretty damn good at it, but a troll anyways.

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Percentage evaluation of the extent to which people are suicidal wouldn’t be easy. But we may assume that those who engage in activities in which death is a matter of seconds are more suicidal than those who choose slow autodestruction.

I beg to differ. I see it that those who engage in risky activities realize the brevity of life and want to make the most of it in the short time that we are here. Those that don't do anything risky, don't take chances, don't satisfy their rushes for adrenaline, are the boring people of the world. They are content with the mundaneness of everyday life ....

This has nothing to do with suicidal tendencies. The fact that we go up in the air with two parachutes. Most of us check our handles before every jump, so that we know that in a time of emergency we can correct the situation by instinct, without thinking, without being scared; the fact that we do all of this is enough to show that we are most definitely not suicidal.

I have been suicidal in my past. I have stood on the top of a bridge, ready to end my life then. The only reason I didn't was because it was not a sure thing. I was 17 at the time. I started skydiving about a year later, still in the depths of depression, but recovering. Skydiving gave me a whole new outlook on life. I realized that there is much more to life than the boring, mundane, everyday bullshit activities. Because I have been in the depths of depression, I appreciate life so much more now. I am about the exact opposite of suicidal as can be; I don't want to die; there are so many things I still need to experience. I would be willing to bet most skydivers (as well as other thrill-seekers) are along the same lines. But, on the other hand, death does not scare me.


Therefore, as you wrote, skydivers are more suicidal than the red meat eaters even though a vegetarian skydiver may live much longer and healthier than someone who eats meat. Would you agree?

As I said, far from it. Skydivers appreciate life, and enjoy it m ore so. Maybe they have been suicidal in the past. Actually I think read an article about a correlation between depression and thrill-seeking. However, that does not make us suicidal, since we are not intentionally harming ourselves. As stated we go out of our way to be as safe as we can be, while enjoying the adrenaline rush.


Unformed, jeiber; as far as definitions are
concerned. Basing one’s arguments on them is generally a good idea. However keeping to the dictionary definitions stiffly and relying on them thoughtlessly can be dangerous. Or at least misleading. The term BEAUTY is a good example for that. My dictionary describes it as: a delightful quality associated with harmony of form or colour, excellence of craftmanship, truthfulness, orginality, or another property. Now, armed in such a definition, try to explore other cultures. For instant African in which women make scares on their faces to look beautiful. Or South American in which women tattoo themselves moustaches – also to be attractive. Or Chinese in which men would get turned on by mutilated women’s feet. See what i mean? Words are only words but they affect our perception of things they try to describe. We should be therefore very careful.

From the American Heritage Dictionary
the definition of beauty is:
1 The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.
2 One that is beautiful, especially a beautiful woman.
3 A quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling: The beauty of the venture is that we stand to lose nothing.
4 An outstanding or conspicuous example: “Hammett's gun went off. The shot was a beauty, just slightly behind the eyes” (Lillian Hellman).

All of the examples you give fit the definition of beauty. The definition does not need to be changed. You are however, changing the definition of "suicide" to meet whatever your motive is.


Let’s look at the definition of the adverb INTENTIONAL; it means “done deliberately; intended.” And now let me show you how this single word makes the whole dictionary definition of suicide useless since it narrows it and excludes some suicide cases. I’ve already mentioned this. Socrates was sentenced to death and forced to drink poison. He did this himself. No one poured the liquid down his throat. He took the cup, drank what was in it and died. From the technical point of view he commited suicide, right? And yet according to your favourite dictionary definition he did not because he didn’t want to die. Now you see why a new, broader definition of suicide is necessary?

No. It was technically a suicide, albeit forced. No definition of suicide requires a desire to kill oneself.
from the American Heritage Dictionary
suicide is:
1. The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself.
2. The destruction or ruin of one's own interests: It is professional suicide to involve oneself in illegal practices.
3. One who commits suicide.

Exactly how do you want to broaden the definition?
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