
How do you feel when people talk religion?

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im going to have to agree here.

As a christian, i dont think that other people who dont believe the same as me are stupid, we simply disagree. And it is ok to disagree, but the key is to not alow it to come between to people. For example. one of the guys i jump with every weekend, is not christian, doesnt want to hear about it, and doesnt care. I on the other hand am a christian, do care about my faith and all that jazz. Does this drive a wedge between us? well he keeps jumping with me and we hang out after the day is over, so i would have to say, no.

i am not the type of person who wants to shove my religion down someones throught. I would rather show people my faith by living the morals and values it has taught me. If people ask questions about Christ i would be glad to share with them, but i wont push it on anyone, it hasto be their choice.

make sence??
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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This is not directed at any one person. It’s just how I feel about the topic. I believe God has been made known to everyone through his creation and, therefore, they have no excuse. The Bible is his word. It was written by men inspired by God and is the source for truth. I think, since everyone knows in their heart of hearts that there is a God and because of the sin of man, that some have rejected this belief. I believe some have rejected for so long that God has given them up to their own wickedness and hardened their hearts. Therefore, they truly think that they don’t believe in God anymore and are hostile towards the idea. Only God can initiate the “spark” in someone’s heart to follow him. Nothing can happen, in reference to evangelism and conversion, without God having his hand in it. That doesn’t mean, however, that Christians should not. It is a directive from Jesus himself through “The Great Commission” that we do so. Every person is different, however, and some have to be approached carefully so as not to turn them away. We shouldn’t do anything that might cause someone to stumble. In some cases, that might mean that we don’t take an active approach to evangelism because it might cause more harm than good.

These comments are some of the exact things I detest most about religion, and by extension, religious people.

First, there is this exceptionally arrogant statement:
"...Everyone knows in their heart of hearts that there is a God and because of the sin of man, that some have rejected this belief."

In my "heart of hearts" I most certainly do NOT, as you claim, "know that there is a god." In fact, I really believe that there isn't a god. Who are you -- or any religious believer -- to try to tell me that I really believe there is a god? What if I told YOU that I believe that in YOUR "heart of hearts," YOU really believe there is NO god?!

The topic is, "How do you feel when people talk religion." When they talk about it like you do above, I feel irate and insulted -- the recipient of the height of arrogant behavior.

You state pretty clearly that Christians are supposed to go out and evangelize and convert, and that some "have to be approached carefully so as not to turn them away."

Can't you realize that those very people are so easy to turn away because they simply don't want your fucking religion?! THOSE are the people that you should LEAVE THE FUCK ALONE. God did not come down and personally speak to you and tell you that even though I may object and be offended, to keep trying, being delicate and careful, and not give up until you've succeeded in converting me to Christianity. Do you do the same to people who ARE religious, but just members of other religions, like Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism or Islam?

Do you not realize that it is YOUR behavior (you in the sense of you and other religious people behaving like this) that STARTS WARS when (historically) you go around telling (and often FORCING) others to adopt your religious beliefs?! MILLIONS OF HUMANS WHOSE SOULS YOU SUPPOSEDLY CARE ABOUT HAVE DIED THROUGHOUT HISTORY SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE YOU SAW FIT TO PROSELYTIZE AND CONVERT THEM.

I also offer that religious people attempt to convert people NOT because they care and are compassionate for their souls' fate -- but because they believe that doing so is one of the surest ways to curry favor with their "god" and secure a place for themselves in heaven. It is one of the most selfish motives that exists.

What would be wrong with a religion that simply said, "Live a good life"? This religion would not require that you arrogantly attempt to steer the lives of others in ways that seem necessary only to YOU because YOU believe some book. In fact, you would be forbidden to presume that you know so much that you could tell others that they're on the wrong path. THAT would send you to hell ("pride," don'tcha know?). The greatest good would be to live a peaceful life, loving and being good to others and to yourself, enjoying the wonder of being alive, eventually dying with dignity, and never having harmed others or forced yourself or your beliefs on them, for that is the dignity of being a sovereign individual -- the right to be left alone to live your life as YOU see fit.

Christianity has not brought peace anywhere it has ever gone. I see it (and all religion) as a human plague (like how the human race is said in The Matrix to be a "virus"). The sooner we move past the silly and pathetic dependency we have on what religion supposedly gives us, and stop turning a blind eye to what religion actually inflicts on us, we will begin to progress as humans.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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You say you don't hate religion, but I DO. I see it as a cause of harm, of hatred, of divisiveness.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head.

Hmm. Imagine you two dudes walking through a darkened alley in the middle of the night in a bad neighborhood. A few youths are walking behind you. Of course, your natural instinct would be to go into protection mode, be careful, be prepared, etc.

Now imagine you overhear them talking and figure out those male juveniles are coming from a bible study. My guess is that you would not be afraid of the harm, hatred and divisiveness that they will bring upon you. My guess is you'll feel a bit better about the situation.

This is sophistry. When we talk about the "harm, hatred, divisiveness," that is not meant that each individual member of a religion goes about his day spreading each of those things. Your example is ridiculous and specious.

The harm done by religion is not done in an overt way, necessarily, though during the Crusades, for example, I suppose it actually was.

These youths, though religous, are not going to come up to me and Wrongway and "divide" us from anyone or anything. Their religion, on the other hand, certainly does "divide" US and THEM, though, for sure. It also divides THEM and the JEWS walking on the other side of the street. It instills in each side a passionate and deep-seated distrust and/or loathing of the other, due to knowledge and awareness of the differences between what each believes about the ultimate truths of creation.


Meanwhile, I view your beliefs as religious. You choose, like I do, to accept it on faith that Jesus is not your personal savior. Whether you like it or not, secularism is a religion, though undefined by any rules.

I have seen this very same claim made before in other discussions of religion conducted elsewhere. It was no more valid there than it is here. You might as well be saying that while I'm walking on land, I'm still scuba diving: I'm just using the atmosphere instead of an air tank, and wearing flip-flops instead of flippers, and wearing sunglasses instead of a mask!

I do not follow any kind of proscribed array of dogmatic principles akin to a "religion" but laid out instead as, "How to be an Atheist." There IS no "HOW" to being an Atheist. But if you wanna be a Christian, you most certainly do have certain things you must believe, and adhere to doing, in order to truly qualify for that appelation.

I simply do not believe in a god. I do not CLING to a lack of belief in a god, and that's part of why it's not a religion: and if a god came around and made himself known to me, I could believe in him. I feel it is foolish to believe in much, if anything, on faith. Even if you say that it is "believing on faith" when I believe that, for example, when I call for a pizza, someone will soon show up with one, that does not make me religious simply because I believed something on faith.

Believing something as serious as how the UNIVERSE got created on FAITH, based on something other people told you was told to them was told to them was told to them... is, to me, ludicrous. How on earth is there any way to know whether someone along that exceptionally long line was not a total bullshit artist, or manipulator (religious history is replete with those).

It seems the epitome of suspicious, to me, that god has seen fit to refuse to prove his existence to the very people he really wants to love him. Talk about passive/aggressive manipulative behavior! What purpose is served for god, when he stipulates that we must believe in him without any proof, otherwise we "fail" the test and we go to hell?

As was said, I don't WANT to believe in that kind of a petty, vindictive god, particularly not if he hypocritically claims to be infinitely loving and forgiving.


Many do view secularism with a certain degree of religious fervor. For example, those blasting religions sound a lot like Christians blasting Jews, Muslims blasting Christians, etc. One belief system blasting another. Think about it - you have just argued on behalf of one belief system over another.

The same sort of specious logic is used to assail those who would use violence in order to stop someone else's violent rampage.

It all has to do with initiation. If some psycho comes down the street killing anyone he encounters, and he encounters me and I kill HIM, ending his rampage, you can't truly call me a violent person in the strictest sense of "violent." I did what had to be done to punctuate the violence, to end it. Likewise, those who "blast" religions are not "religious" just because they may collect a set of organized thoughts meant to express why religion is a problem.

Just because it, "sounds a lot like Christians blasting Jews, Muslims blasting Christians, etc. One belief system blasting another," doesn't mean it is the same thing.

Have you never heard a bird chirping quickly and steadily to another bird in a tree? It could "sound a lot like" what a caricature of a nagging woman sounds like when she's lacing into her husband. Does that mean there really is anything related between the two, apart from that they're both making sound?

The problem between religions really does not come from arguments they have about the niggling details of what they believe. The problem comes directly from the fact that when people of different believes become cognizant of the fact that there are differences between what they believe, they feel set apart from each other, distanced, and they come do DISLIKE each other. The dislike grows into the form of actual malice, actual actions taken to spite or harm the other. The problem has virtually nothing to do with the actual differences in details of religious tenets -- it has to do with the fact that there are differences at all. The differences don't amount to religious strife. The strife arises from the fact that because of the differences, the groups simply come to DISLIKE each other. "Ooooh, they're different. They're not like us. How can we trust them?"

Come on, didn't you ever know kids in school who had no real reason for not liking some other kid, but disliked him just because he was somehow different?
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Not trying to "shove anything down your throat." Just stating my opinion like you. Must have hit a button. Sorry to offend. My comments were really directed at those who might "talk" religion to others. You're obviously one of those who aren't open to that discussion and that's ok.

PEACE! ...Jeffrey


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I'm not a believer, but I feel I'm pretty open minded. Religion is really an important force in many people's lives. I've had a lot of people try to convert me over to their way of thinking. Most of them think they are really doing you a favor and that you would be better off thinking like they do, and this really doesn't bother me. It's kind of like a friend helping a friend.

My wife is Mormon, and sometimes Morman missionaries come over to the house. After a while they realize it's a waste of time trying to convert me or they get sick of hearing my side of the argument and stop coming over. All of them have been nice though and I don't really dislike any of them so far.

What really get's my dander up, though is when someone thinks of me as having the wrong kind of morals or that I am some kind of evil sinner just because I don't believe in "Creationism" like they do. One old guy even tried to tell me I was really dropping the ball because I was leading my kids astray. I don't do well when someone tries to put that kind of a guilt trip on me....Steve1

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Not trying to "shove anything down your throat." Just stating my opinion like you. Must have hit a button. Sorry to offend. My comments were really directed at those who might "talk" religion to others. You're obviously one of those who aren't open to that discussion and that's ok.

PEACE! ...Jeffrey


Fair enough
Peace. :)-
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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You may not want to be preached to about the bible, but I do not want to be "preached" to about how stupid and pathetic I must be to, "want" or "need" God in my life.

In continuance, I am in agreement. In fact, to take it further, most of what I'm reading are slams to those with faith, when in fact I don't read one person standing up for God who is shoving anything down anybody's throat.

Sure religion has caused wars. Sure people have used and abused it, taking it to extremes, fighting in the name of whoever and not realizing what a bad rap they're giving their religion and worse, those who truly love God.

One big offense that turns off many is that they have seen people claim to be christians (or substitute other faith) but yet live like a heathen. This is a turn off I do agree. Claimed believers who are out intentially harming others, or engulfed in a lifestyle that is obviously not based on faith, should focus on what their problems are before imposing their views on others. In fact, there should be no imposing in the first place.

On the flipside, there is no one righteous. So I'm thankful that i'm incapable of doing any good on my own. Because if I was, there would be no need for grace.

I expect to be ridiculed for my faith. I expect to be ridiculed for my hypocracy. I've said this before, but I am in no way an example. If you look to me, I will fail you.

These are my personal views. I'm totally down with discussing these or different views with people. I'm not imparting a thing on anybody. Hey, this is how I am, everybody's entitled to their own beliefs and thats awesome. Free will. I see no shame in standing up. Christ has fulfilled my life, and then some. If smoothies fulfill your life, then good for you.


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One big offense that turns off many is that they have seen people claim to be christians (or substitute other faith) but yet live like a heathen.

This is a very true statement. I would hope that one would be able to seperate these individuals from the actual belief itself.


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"If you want to be used by God, you must care about what God cares about; what he cares about most is the redemption of the people he made. He wants his lost children found! Nothing matters more to God; the Cross proves that. I pray that you will always be on the lookout to reach 'one more for Jesus' so that when you stand before God one day, you can say 'mission accomplished' "...THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE Ok, I used to hate these people trying to save me too. It took a war, a lot of sinning, and years of being self-centered, before I let him into my heart. I'm far from being pure, but I'm a better person. This is my story and I'm sticking to it.
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One big offense that turns off many is that they have seen people claim to be christians (or substitute other faith) but yet live like a heathen. .

What do heathens live like?

In my 58 years on Earth I have seen little correlation between professed religious belief (or lack thereof) and anti-social/immoral behavior.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This is not directed at any one person. It’s just how I feel about the topic. I believe God has been made known to everyone through his creation and, therefore, they have no excuse. The Bible is his word. It was written by men inspired by God and is the source for truth. I think, since everyone knows in their heart of hearts that there is a God and because of the sin of man, that some have rejected this belief. I believe some have rejected for so long that God has given them up to their own wickedness and hardened their hearts. Therefore, they truly think that they don’t believe in God anymore and are hostile towards the idea. Only God can initiate the “spark” in someone’s heart to follow him. Nothing can happen, in reference to evangelism and conversion, without God having his hand in it. That doesn’t mean, however, that Christians should not. It is a directive from Jesus himself through “The Great Commission” that we do so. Every person is different, however, and some have to be approached carefully so as not to turn them away. We shouldn’t do anything that might cause someone to stumble. In some cases, that might mean that we don’t take an active approach to evangelism because it might cause more harm than good.


It's the year of the Pig.

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For BIG fun, go to this (Kirk Cameron's!) site and choose the "No" option when asked if you are a Christian...


I'm going straight to hell, and have angered God. In fact, I've probably ruined it for everyone, so don't bother! :PB|:S:D:ph34r:
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The post was titled "How do you feel when people talk religion?"

You gave your point of view.

I answered the question. I found it really amusing. I have no doubt that you were serious, and that your views are valid to your frame of reference. I agree with several aspects of your post, but it suddenly occured to me that you were talking religion, and I knew how I felt - I was laughing out loud.

No disrespect intended.

It's the year of the Pig.

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That's an offensive term. Do you say "nigger," "chink" and "spic" too? >:(

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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What do heathens live like?

In my 58 years on Earth I have seen little correlation between professed religious belief (or lack thereof) and anti-social/immoral behavior.

I agree...In my 54 years, I've noticed the same thing.....Steve1

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