
Pieces Of Eight

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1977: The first Pieces of Eight was a 4-Way team:
Chuck Anderson, Al krueger My Brother, Paul Henley and Larry Yohn. Their first 4-Way was filmed by Carl Boenish at Elsinore.


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1977: The first Pieces of Eight was a 4-Way team:
Chuck Anderson, Al krueger My Brother, Paul Henley and Larry Yohn. Their first 4-Way was filmed by Carl Boenish at Elsinore.


well I meant the 1st POE 8 way...

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Just a little Trivia regarding Chuck Anderson and Al Krueger...One day in early 70's @ Elsinore, Al came up to manifest and announced that they were gonna have a drawing. Anyone wanting to jump with the SkyGods come on up and put your name in the hat. So, I went up and put my name in the hat. Went pack to packing and all of a sudden I hear my name over the PA...Holy Shit, I won the drawing. Al and 9 others were going up for a 10 man. The only thing Al was very strong about was the fact that him and Chuck would be hooked and I wasn't to come in on them bcuz they had their hooks a certain way. Also not to come in until they had their 10 man...So, we go up and we exit. I followed them out 11th. They got their 10 man and I'm coming in and low and behold in front of me are 2 hooks. I'm remembering what Al said, but if I back out, I'll probably go low and never get in. WTF? I'm not missin' out on this so I go in. 1st I grab Als hook on my right then Chucks hook on my left. Damn, they are really stuck. So, with every ounce of strength I have I pull the hooks apart. I'm only 5' and 105 lbs. but I did it. When Chucks hook broke free it hit me right in the nose, sending blood everywhere. Blood in FF is really cool looking actually. Anyway they are all nodding and I'm smilin' and bleedin', but I'm in an 11 man star with SkyGods. So we break off and I dump. Trying to not bleed on my reserve so I position my head to drip on my altimeter. We land out at the peas and I'm getting congratulations all around. Back at the packing area Purple Patty says hey girl you got blood all over your face. Like I care. So I got bitched at a little only bcuz I could have broken their hooks. Otherwise everything was cool, except for my broken nose. Also got my SCS on that one. Jump # 70ish. I heard there was a Patch for breaking wrists between any 2 of the Pieces of eight. Never got one or a #...I was also on Larry Yohn RIP SCR and gave him his 1st KissPass @ Perris mid 70's. He damn near kissed me into the ground on breakoff...Fun memories...

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