
Mental Disabilities

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What kind of mental disorders do you think should keep a person from skydiving?

I mean...some are fairly obvious. If a person is actively suicidal, or severely disconnected from reality....but what about something like ADD/ADHD? Or medicated depression?


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***I had difficulty with sensory overload and so I didn't even remember to check my altimeter. Advice?***

The sensory overload will pass with time and you will start to feel more at home in the sky but may I suggest, buy an audible. Your analog should be your primary at this stage and you need to make a habit of using it but you won't last long if you don't pull so wake up and start looking at that thing!
Main Entry: 1hav•oc
Pronunciation: 'ha-v&k, -vik
Function: noun
1 : wide and general destruction; DEVASTATION; great confusion and disorder

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Perhaps you could consider an extended release version of your medication. While even the extended release will eventually wear off, 8-12 hour effective period is a bit easier to deal with than four hours.


No ER version of Strattera yet, otherwise I would so be there. I'll have to wait for the patent to run out before the Lilly decides to make an ER version. I do make sure that I am aware of the TIME when I jump. And will often take a dose earlier if necessary to be sure it doesn't wear off while I'm on a load.

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In my opinion, it's just as Pope said, it's case by case. People tend to be unique, and if the disability doesn't get a lot in the way in skydiving. Than it shouldn't be a problem, but people really have to know their limitations.


How do ADD/ADHDers deal with keeping their focus in the right place? I know with my skydives, I had difficulty with sensory overload and so I didn't even remember to check my altimeter. Advice?

I think you have to give it time, there is a lot to focus on. I've lost altitude awareness one time too, during AFF. Luckily I was aware at the most crucial time, but then again, I felt foolish. Some things have to grow in time, there is so much happening, in such a short time span. Just practice a lot, mentally and practically. I look almost neurotically on my altimeter.:P

By the way, I have ADD in combination with PDD-NOS (autism).

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I have adhd. If my medication wears off during a dive, I have lousy landings or land far from target.


I'm ADD and not currently on medication. I was diagnosed at age 30; at that point I had about 500 jumps. I was on Ritalin for the first year or so after being diagnosed and did not like jumping on it at all.

I think it says something that the FAA won't give a medical to anyone who is on Ritalin.

Adrenalin focuses me far better than meds do.

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