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Hello all, I had 2 seizures about 9 yrs ago. I have had an MRI just a few months ago before I did my 1st tandem. I want to go straight to AFF but I still have some reservations. Both were out of the clear blue, I was told I didn't have a seizure at the hospital the 1st time and was sent home. The phone rang when I got home as I was talking, apparently I had another one as my end went silent. Ambulance was called. They were within a few hours of each other. My neurologists said that he had no idea why I had them, put me on dilantin for 3 yrs. I felt no warning at all. Have been on 3 tandems, 2nd we did 3 rolls out of the plane, into arch then we did a 360 in both directions. I had no problem, just the greatest time of my life. The folks at my dz do know that I have had them, and my doctor said everything looked good on the last MRI. But it's still in the back of my mind. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

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I had three grand mals within 48 hours two years ago (almost to the day, actually!). That led to another diagnostic but that's another story. You can search on here for it...

AAAAAnyhow, I've been on Dilantin for two years and I had no relapses. If you say you haven't had a seizure in 9 years, I would say you're probably OK. The advice I was given is to make sure that you jump somewhat of a conservative canopy, which shouldn't be an issue as you are just starting out and MAKE SURE to have a cypres and that it is turned on. That should guarantee that you at least land with rag over your head should shit hit the fan.

Aside from that, have fun, Man!!!! My philosphy is that I can't change the past, but things are in good order now, so I'm not gonna worry too much....



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I sure do not have a problem with using a conservative canopy, even when I get though my AFF an off student status. I guess I will always have that fear. I just want to be as safe as possible. And the idea of jumping without a cypress is a little scary to me. Thanks for the advice, that was one of the things I wanted to find out. I know some DZ’s do not require it, but in my case I do! I certainly do not want anyone to get hurt trying to help me out, just in case. Like you said at least I will land with rag over my head!
After 3 tandems, I am ready to go on to AFF, just had some worries, thanks for the advice and encouragement.

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If you don't mind me asking if something should happen where you have a seizure at the DZ, what should we (being those at the DZ you are at) know in order to help you?
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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If you don't mind me asking if something should happen where you have a seizure at the DZ, what should we (being those at the DZ you are at) know in order to help you?

Not at all. My neurologist told me if someone is around, all they need to do is roll me on my side. You are not suppose to try and stick anything in the mouth to keep me from biting my tongue. He said that would happen in the onset of it. But that's about it. Since I am not epileptic I did not ask if it applied accross the board with all seizure.
But I sure don't want to ever have one again. I didn't know anything but it freaks some people out.

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Thank you,
It is so wonderful to be here. Now people really think I have lost any mind I may have had...lol....but oh well, I'm glad to have the chance to get to know so many wonderful people..

(It will give me something to talk about and drive people crazy at the old age home when I get there!)

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I have a seizure disorder and jump. Mine are not grand mals, and I've never lost consciousness, but I do get a little spacey during mine, like I'm thinking through mud. Taking lamictal which seems to be holding things off well.

Get an EEG done, that can detect seizure activity even when you are not having one, can't hurt to have this done to rule out. Plus having the MRI is good (just had one this morning, myself). Talk to your doc, and in the end follow your gut instincts.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I also have seizures.. and I have made a couple of threads about them on these forums. I have been thinking I was getting better and might be able to go forward with my AFF.. I used to have seizures about everyother day, but now have them maybe once every week or two... They have also been way less tramatic, lasting only short whiles instead of the lengthy ones I used to get. Most of my seizures now are just dazing off into space also.
My last one wasn't so slight, but better than I used to have.
After reading your thread about being worried after getting two seizures 9 years ago, makes me feel I might have been a little less concerned then I should be.
I thought I was well off with my recovery .... but maybe it's way too soon to get my hopes up on this one. :S[:/]
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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I'm glad to hear that you are having good luck with your medicine. Do you have any feelings before you have a seizure? Because I had absolutely no warning whatsoever, was out totally for about 15min. The 2nd time I was alone and have no idea how long I was out or how long it lasted.
I had an MRI almost a year ago and so I had my neurologist look back at it and see if there had been any problem. He told me he did not see any reason I shouldn't go ahead. So that was the only green light I needed. Although, I still want to take it slow. I've done 3 tandems and the TM's have done different things each time so I can see how I will react to them. So far so good.
Hope to see ya in the skies.

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It does sound like your recovery is coming along really well. The dazed feeling was so weird to me, the 1st one I had was at work. I can't remember hardly anything. But at 44, I'm just not near as gutsy as I use to be, and having a kid (even though he's 21) made me leary. So I personally wouldn't even have attempt to jump if my doctor had not given me the okay, and I think I will still do a couple more tandems before I do start with my AFF.
Hope all goes well with you and they can get your meds working even better than they do now. But it sounds like you have a good start with it. Good luck with all.

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I do have a brief aura before my seizures. Sometimes I have aura without a seizure. Haven't had either in about 6 weeks since upping my Lamictal dose a bit.

But that's just me. If you talk to 1000 people with some form of seizure disorder, you will find 1000 different discriptions, each is so different.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I had a series of Petit Mal Seizures several months after my head injury in Aug. '03. It's been almost a year now since I have had them. My neurologist ran tests and does not believe I have a seizure disorder. The EEG's I've had since then have shown no seizure activity. However, I do not plan to resume skydiving until I get the official green light from my neurologist...which he does expect will happen.

Good luck to you.


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However, I do not plan to resume skydiving until I get the official green light from my neurologist...which he does expect will happen.

Good luck to you.

Thanks Chris,
I have been given the green light, but because my seizures were out of the clear blue, I still had some reservations, and still do but not to the extent that I had before. With my 4th tandem under my belt, and with no negative reaction, I am biting at the bit to go AFF. Now all I need is the time and money...lol...
Good luck to you on getting back to the skies. I'm sure you will be back in no time!


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My father has epilepsy, and as long as he hasn't had a siezure in 6 months he is allowed to drive a motor vehicle. Driving a car is statistically far more dangerous than skydiving. My recommendation for you is to talk to your doctor and see what he/she has to say about you jumping. if you do have any more siezures wait 6 months before you start jumping again. That way you are playing it safe for yourself and everyone around you.

umop ap!sdn w,I

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Driving a car is statistically far more dangerous than skydiving.

In the case of epilepsy, I would beg to differ.

I have a very good friend who has epilepsy and suffered from it myself (medication induced from an incorrect diagnosis - don't have them anymore) for 6 months. I didn't drive during my time, but my friend did/does. She would have a petit mal which would cause her to blank out - she slumped in the car seat, took her hands off the wheel and her feet off the gas and coasted into someone front yard. No one was hurt and she called my husband to pick her up.

The problem with skydiving is if you blank out and don't pull there is no 'coast to safety'... you burn in, you die.

My advice to anyone with epilepsy (and I know from experience) is that you need to be at least 6 months seizure free and have complete understanding of what brings on your seizures. Not only that, but I believe you must have doctors permission in writing... which I understand is hard to get. I've been turned away from DZs even though I have a dr.s letter stating I have permission (and I don't have a seizure disorder, but something much more manageable).

I can fully understand how quick you want to be about jumping on the band wagon without a dr.s letter, but you'll need to understand that the consequences of an injury/death created by the mix of skydiving/epilepsy can have grave conscequences not just to you but to the sport in general. It may seem far fetched but its true. They say all publicity is good publicity, but in the case of skydiving, every death that makes the news will make skydiving look less and less safe and could cause a negative effect on the skydiving world. I don't know about you but thats not something I would want on my head.

Arianna Frances

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